Morpheme ay (nsuf) IN.ABL

275 occurrences (displaying first 200)

In text The king and his three sons
oƛƛo-zo-ni esyu-a di b-is-asi anu ele-ay mesed-ƛin inkar b-odi-n hemedur-tow eɣe-ni-a-n xizyogon eže-ni esyu-a-n ot’ b-is-n
oƛƛo zo ni esyu a di b is asi anu ele ay mesed ƛin inkar b odi n hemedur tow eɣe ni a n xizyogon eže ni esyu a n ot’ b is n
middle ATTR.OBL DEF brother ERG me III take RES.PRT be.NEG here IN.ABL gold QUOT rejection III do PST.UNW so EMPH young DEF ERG TOP then old DEF brother ERG TOP rejection III take PST.UNW
adv suf suf n1 nsuf pron pref v vsuf v adv nsuf n3 suf n3 pref v vsuf adv suf adj suf nsuf suf adv adj suf n1 nsuf suf n3 pref v vsuf

The middle brother rejected this, saying that he were not the one who took the gold, and so did the younger brother; after that also the eldest brother rejected it.

Средний брат сказал, что я не взял оттуда золото, также младший, затем и старший.

In text The king and his three sons
ik’i-an-ƛin yeda-n razi oq-n sadaq ele-ay bitor huni-x b-oq-n
ik’i an ƛin yeda n razi oq n sadaq ele ay bitor huni x b oq n
go FUT.DEF QUOT DEM2.ISG TOP agree become PST.UNW all there IN.ABL thither way AD.ESS III become PST.UNW
v vsuf suf pron suf comp v vsuf adv adv nsuf adv n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

"We will go", he agreed and all got on their way from there.

Пойду мол, согласился он и вместе оттуда отправились.

In text The king and his three sons
sida qu-ł ža t’o ʕaƛ-ay ik’i-nosi di-r žek’u-de kec-a-n r-eti-n di mi-z babiw-z laɣ-de kec-s
sida qu ł ža t’o ʕaƛ ay ik’i nosi di r žek’u de kec a n r eti n di mi z babiw z laɣ de kec s
one.OBL day CONT.ESS DEM1.SG here village IN.ABL go ANT.CVB me LAT man APUD.ESS sleep INF and IV want PFV.CVB me you GEN2 father GEN2 slave APUD.ESS sleep PST.WIT
num n4 nsuf pron adv n3 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf suf pref v vsuf pron pron nsuf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf

One day, after he had left this village, I wanted to sleep with a man, and so I slept with your father's slave.

Однажды, когда он уехал из этого села, мне хотелось побыть с мужчиной, и я поспала с рабом твоего отца.

In text The king and his three sons
ele-ay ža y-oq-n etixosi-der y-ik’i-n
ele ay ža y oq n etixosi der y ik’i n
there IN.ABL DEM1.SG II become PST.UNW lover APUD.LAT II go PST.UNW
adv nsuf pron pref v vsuf n1 nsuf pref v vsuf

From there she went to her lover and they came together.

Оттуда она прямо пошла к любимому.

In text The king and his three sons
mežu-z pikru-xor žedu łˤora-łay-n teł-ay baħarčiłi yoł-asi šebi iči-a ay-x
mežu z pikru xor žedu łˤora łay n teł ay baħarčiłi yoł asi šebi iči a ay x
you(I)PL.OBL GEN2 idea AD.LAT DEM1.IPL.OBL three.OBL CONT.ABL TOP inside IN.ABL braveness be RES.PRT who be Q must PRS
pron nsuf n3 nsuf pron num nsuf suf adv nsuf n4 v vsuf pron v suf v vsuf

"In your opinion, who of the three must be the bravest:

кто же, по вашему мнению, мужчина (смелее) среди них:

In text To whom should I go?
neła-ƛ bazar-ay r-is-n di-r hič’č’a r-igu šebin r-ayr-ru-x di y-ik’i-a yoł-ƛin
neła ƛ bazar ay r is n di r hič’č’a r igu šebin r ayr ru x di y ik’i a yoł ƛin
DEM1.IISG.OBL SUB.ESS bazar IN.ABL IV take PFV.CVB me LAT the.most IV good thing IV bring PST.PRT AD.ESS me II go INF be QUOT
pron nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv pref adj n4 pref v vsuf nsuf pron pref v vsuf v suf

I will go to the one who brings me the best thing from the market."

Я выйду замуж за того, кто за это купит мне рынке самую хорошую вещь.

In text To whom should I go?
ɣˤaɣˤu-n izi-n nesi-a ža butni bazar-ay b-is-n b-iži-n
ɣˤaɣˤu n izi n nesi a ža butni bazar ay b is n b iži n
be.happy and get.up PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG DEM1.SG burka bazar IN.ABL III buy PFV.CVB III carry PST.UNW
comp suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron n3 n4 nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

He got happy and bought the burka from the market.

Обрадовался и купил он эту бурку на рынке.

In text To whom should I go?
neła kid-a teƛ-ru-ni łˤora-t’a ɣˤuruš-bi-ƛ bazar-ay r-is-xosi šebin-bi-n r-is-n esyu-bi urɣizi b-oq-n ʕaƛ-aɣor b-ik’i-a
neła kid a teƛ ru ni łˤora t’a ɣˤuruš bi ƛ bazar ay r is xosi šebin bi n r is n esyu bi urɣizi b oq n ʕaƛ aɣor b ik’i a
DEM1.IISG.OBL girl ERG give PST.PRT DEF three.OBL DISTR ruble PL SUB.ESS bazar IN.ABL IV.PL buy PRS.PRT thing PL TOP IV.PL buy PFV.CVB brother PL thinking III become PST.UNW village IN.VERS III go INF
pron n2 nsuf v vsuf suf num suf n2 nsuf nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf comp pref v vsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

Having bought the things for the 3 roubles each, that the girl gave to them, they thought about going (back?) to the village.


In text To whom should I go?
sida-de kik-xor b-ay-nosi elo ence q’ˤida-n b-iči-n b-iš-ƛ’oräy eɣe-ni esiw-s ħam-ay č’ikay y-ˤoƛ’u-n y-oƛix-n
sida de kik xor b ay nosi elo ence q’ˤida n b iči n b ƛ’oräy eɣe ni esiw s ħam ay č’ikay y ˤoƛ’u n y oƛix n
one.OBL APUD.ESS spring AD.LAT I.PL come ANT.CVB there a.little down and I.PL sit PFV.CVB I.PL eat SIM.CVB young DEF brother GEN1 chest IN.ABL mirror II fall PFV.CVB II appear PST.UNW
num nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf adv adv adv suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf n2 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

They came to a spring; and when they barely sat down and ate, the mirror fell from the younger brother's arms.

Пришли они к одному роднику. Чуть присевши, когда они там ели, случайно из пазухи младшего брата выпало зеркало.

In text To whom should I go?
q’ˤida-ay-n y-is-n č’ikay-a b-ezu-nosi žedu-a esir-xosi kid y-exu-x y-ukar-n
q’ˤida ay n y is n č’ikay a b ezu nosi žedu a esir xosi kid y exu x y ukar n
down IN.ABL TOP II take PFV.CVB mirror IN.ESS I.PL look ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL ERG ask PRS.PRT girl II die PRS II show PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

And when they looked at the mirror, after taking it up from below, it showed the girl that they had asked out dying.

Взяли и посмотрели в зеркало, увидели, что девушка, которую они хотели засватать, умирает.

In text Who is the biggest of them?
sis ixiw cey-n b-ay-n ža is ele-ay neła-a b-ok’-n b-iži-n
sis ixiw cey n b ay n ža is ele ay neła a b ok’ n b iži n
one big eagle and III come PFV.CVB DEM1.SG bull there IN.ABL DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG I.PL beat PFV.CVB I.PL carry PST.UNW
num adj n3 suf pref v vsuf pron n3 adv nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

And a big eagle came, struck this bull down and carried it away from there.

Прилетел один большой орел, схватил того быка, поднял его...

In text Who is the biggest of them?
ele-ay b-izi-n žamaʕat b-ik’i-n
ele ay b izi n žamaʕat b ik’i n
there IN.ABL III get.up PFV.CVB population III go PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf

The people got up from there and went to him.

Потом пошли люди, взяв с собой тридцать пар буйволов, чтобы вытащить из глаза пастуха что-то крохотное.

In text Who is the biggest of them?
žedu-a žedu-de sadaq aħo-z ozuri-ay landi r-oɣ-a qura oc’ira gamuš-bi-s reƛ’un r-iži-n
žedu a žedu de sadaq aħo z ozuri ay landi r a qura oc’ira gamuš bi s reƛ’un r iži n
DEM1.IPL ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL APUD.ESS together shepherd GEN2 eye IN.ABL splinter IV take.away INF twenty.OBL ten.OBL buffalo PL GEN1 together III.PL lead PST.UNW
pron nsuf pron nsuf adv n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf num num n3 nsuf nsuf adv pref v vsuf

They came together with 200 buffalos, to remove the splinter from the shepherd's eye.

Потом пошли люди, взяв с собой тридцать пар буйволов, чтобы вытащить из глаза пастуха что-то крохотное.

In text Who is the biggest of them?
nasin reƛ’u-bi-n t’aħi-n ħaƛ’ala aħo-z ozuri-ay is-s c’iɣu ƛisi-n y-oɣ-n
nasin reƛ’u bi n t’aħi n ħaƛ’ala aħo z ozuri ay is s c’iɣu ƛisi n y n
all pair PL TOP combined and hardly shepherd GEN2 eye IN.ABL bull GEN1 shoulder.blade pull PFV.CVB II take.away PST.UNW
adj n nsuf suf v suf adv n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n3 nsuf n2 v vsuf pref v vsuf

All the pairs [of buffalos] combined could hardly pull out the bull's shoulder-blade from the eye of the shepherd.

Буйволы вытащили то из глаза.

In text The poor man that the lamb made rich
b-eže-t’a-ni q’ˤuna-n esyu-bi-a siskin ħalt’i b-odi-č’ey sasaq-ay neširu-r elar–t’ar b-aħnad-x b-iči-n
b eže t’a ni q’ˤuna n esyu bi a siskin ħalt’i b odi č’ey sasaq ay neširu r elar–t’ar b aħnad x b iči n
I.PL old DISTR DEF two.OBL TOP brother PL ERG any work III do NEG.PST.CVB in.the.morning IN.ABL at.night LAT somewhere.IN.LAT I.PL walk.around IPFV.CVB I.PL be PST.UNW
pref adj suf suf num suf n1 nsuf nsuf pron n3 pref v vsuf adv nsuf adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

And the elder two brothers didn't do any work at all, they were just walking around here and there from morning to night.

Старшие двое братьев никакую работу не сделали, только с утра до вечера ходили то туда, то сюда.

In text The poor man that the lamb made rich
neła qu-ł sasaq-tow qaħłi b-egir-ace-kin b-iči-č’ey ixin-bi-n r-iži-n q’ˤano-n esyu-bi č’ʷad-ay micxir b-ow-a b-ik’i-n
neła qu ł sasaq tow qaħłi b egir ace kin b iči č’ey ixin bi n r iži n q’ˤano n esyu bi č’ʷad ay micxir b ow a b ik’i n
DEM1.IISG.OBL day CONT.ESS in.the.morning EMPH dawn III let TERM even III be NEG.PST.UNW bag PL TOP IV carry PFV.CVB two TOP brother PL ruin IN.ABL money III get INF I.PL go PST.UNW
pron n4 nsuf adv suf n3 pref v vsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf num suf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

The next morning even before dawn, carrying a bag, the two brothers went to get the money out of the ruin.

На следующий же день, не дожидаясь рассвета, они с мешками отправились на развалины, чтобы отсюда забрать драгоценности.

In text The wooden horse
neła-a ele-ay harizi-n r-odi-n nasin ħalt’uqan-bi-n b-oxir-n Musa-ł adäz bečni-bi-ƛ’or-n c’ox-n eƛi-n
neła a ele ay harizi n r odi n nasin ħalt’uqan bi n b oxir n Musa ł adäz bečni bi ƛ’or n c’ox n eƛi n
DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG there IN.ABL request TOP IV do PFV.CVB all worker PL TOP I.PL chase PFV.CVB Musa CONT.ESS ahead knee PL SUPER.LAT and pounce PFV.CVB say PST.UNW
pron nsuf adv nsuf comp suf pref v vsuf adj n1 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf adv n2 nsuf nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf

She asked all workers to get away from there, felt on her knees before Musa and said:

Она попросила уходить оттуда всех работников и перед Мусой упала на колени и сказала, что...

In text The wooden horse
yaqˤuł-ay soder yeda Musa xan-łun iči-a yoł-ƛin
yaqˤuł ay soder yeda Musa xan łun iči a yoł ƛin
today IN.ABL after DEM2.ISG Musa khan LHUN be INF be QUOT
adv nsuf post pron n1 n1 nsuf v vsuf v suf

From that day on he shall be king Musa."

С сегодняшнего дня Муса здесь будет царем мол.

In text The cat and the fox...
ele-ay-gon bitor b-ik’i-ƛ’oräy neła-r huni-x zey keze b-oq-n
ele ay gon bitor b ik’i ƛ’oräy neła r huni x zey keze b oq n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither III go SIM.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL LAT way AD.ESS bear meet III become PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n3 comp pref v vsuf

While he went on, he met a bear on the way.


In text The cat and the fox...
q’ˤuna-äƛiru ɣudi-ƛ’ miƛ’i b-ayr-n boc’i-n is-n gugu-q caƛi-n zey-n ziru-z ɣˤutku-xor-n r-ay-n maħla-ay-tow qˤaƛin
q’ˤuna äƛiru ɣudi ƛ’ miƛ’i b ayr n boc’i n is n gugu q caƛi n zey n ziru z ɣˤutku xor n r ay n maħla ay tow qˤaƛin
two.OBL ORD day SUPER.ESS ram III bring PFV.CVB wolf TOP bull TOP back POSS.ESS throw PFV.CVB bear TOP fox GEN2 house AD.LAT TOP III.PL come PFV.CVB court IN.ABL EMPH loudly
num num n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 suf n3 suf n2 nsuf v vsuf n3 suf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf adv

On the second day, the wolf came to the fox's house bringing a ram and the bear came with a bull thrown over his back, a loud voice shouted from the backyard:


In text The cat and the fox...
b-exur-a-tow b-exur-x yiła-a di hoboy-ƛin boc’i b-et’u-n k’oƛi-n b-izi-n b-oxi-n ele-ay
b exur a tow b exur x yiła a di hoboy ƛin boc’i b et’u n k’oƛi n b izi n b oxi n ele ay
III kill INF EMPH III kill IPFV.CVB DEM2.IISG.OBL ERG me now QUOT wolf III jump PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB III get PFV.CVB III run.away PFV.CVB there IN.ABL
pref v vsuf suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron adv suf n3 pref v vsuf v vsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf

"He's going to kill me now!", the wolf jumped up and ran away.


In text The cat and the fox...
hoboy yedu di-ƛ’or nex-x-ƛin zey-gon ɣun-qay-n b-ˤoƛ’u-n q’ˤida-ay-n b-izi-n zebu y-oɣ-n b-oxi-n
hoboy yedu di ƛ’or nex x ƛin zey gon ɣun qay n b ˤoƛ’u n q’ˤida ay n b izi n zebu y n b oxi n
now DEM2.IISG me SUPER.LAT come PRS QUOT bear CNTR tree POSS.ABL and III fall PFV.CVB down IN.ABL and III get PFV.CVB running II take.away PFV.CVB III run.away PST.UNW
adv pron pron nsuf v vsuf suf n3 suf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

"Now he's coming to me!", the bear fell off the tree, got down and ran away quickly.


In text The hen and the rooster...
žedu-a sadaq-ay ʕumru b-odi-x zow-n
žedu a sadaq ay ʕumru b odi x zow n
pron nsuf adv nsuf n3 pref v vsuf v vsuf

They where living together.

Они жили вместе.

In text The king's three sons and one daughter
ele-ay-n izi-n im-q ħobo b-ok’-nosi nazay eƛi-a b-iy-č’ey t’as b-ˤoƛ’u-n b-ay-n
ele ay n izi n im q ħobo b ok’ nosi nazay eƛi a b iy č’ey t’as b ˤoƛ’u n b ay n
here IN.ABL and get.up PFV.CVB pole POSS.ESS leg III beat ANT.CVB from.where say INF III know NEG.PST.CVB washbowl III fall PFV.CVB III come PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf adv v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

So he got up from there and kicked the pole, and out of who-knows-where a bowl fell down.

Оттуда встал и ударил ногой столб, вдруг откуда неизвестно упал тазик.

In text The king's three sons and one daughter
uži-r łina-s-n-tow čara-n b-exu-n ži ik’i-x di dunyal-q-ƛin eƛi-n oq-n ik’i-n ele-ay sida baydan-ƛ’or ay-n
uži r łina s n tow čara n b exu n ži ik’i x di dunyal q ƛin eƛi n oq n ik’i n ele ay sida baydan ƛ’or ay n
boy LAT what.OBL GEN1 TOP EMPH possibility TOP III die PFV.CVB now go PRS me world POSS.ESS QUOT say PFV.CVB begin PFV.CVB go PFV.CVB there IN.ABL one.OBL field SUPER.LAT come PST.UNW
n1 nsuf pron nsuf suf suf n3 suf pref v vsuf adv v vsuf pron n3 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf num n2 nsuf v vsuf

Now that all the possibilities are gone for the boy, he said "I shall wander through the world now", and began to go away until he came to a field.

Юноша впал в отчаяние, теперь-то пойду, мол, я по свету, пошел он оттуда дальше и дошел до одного поля.

In text The king's three sons and one daughter
baydan-ay dahaw bita-ay r-iłe nesi-r heneš-s ɣun r-ukad-n
baydan ay dahaw bita ay r iłe nesi r heneš s ɣun r ukad n
field IN.ABL a.little distance IN.ABL IV as DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT apple GEN1 tree IV see PST.UNW
n2 nsuf adv n nsuf pref conj pron nsuf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf

A little further away in the field, he saw and apple tree.

Чуть дальше поля он увидел яблоню.

In text The king's three sons and one daughter
ele-ay mekod-x yoł-ru yisi-a b-et’ur-n neła ɣun-qay c’uda-ni heneš b-ac’-nosi nesi-łay ɣun r-oq-n
ele ay mekod x yoł ru yisi a b et’ur n neła ɣun qay c’uda ni heneš b ac’ nosi nesi łay ɣun r oq n
adv nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf pron n4 nsuf adj suf n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf

Then, he - being hungry - plucked a red apple from that tree and ate it, he became a tree.

Потом, голодный он сорвал от этого дерева красное яблоко, и он превратился в дерево.

In text The king's three sons and one daughter
nesi uži-a neła-r b-oƛik’-n čanta-ay aluk’a-ni heneš teƛ-n
nesi uži a neła r b oƛik’ n čanta ay aluk’a ni heneš teƛ n
DEM1.ISG.OBL boy ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL LAT III push.out PFV.CVB pocket IN.ABL white DEF apple give PST.UNW
pron n1 nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf adj suf n3 v vsuf

The boy gave her the white apple that he took out of his pocket.

Этот юноша вынул из кармана белое яблоко и отдал ей.

In text Aliqilich
c’eruc’a č’aq’ˤi-nosi ža miƛ’i ele-ay łuq’zi-n b-oq-n b-oxi-n b-ok’eł-n
c’eruc’a č’aq’ˤi nosi ža miƛ’i ele ay łuq’zi n b oq n b oxi n b ok’eł n
bow hit ANT.CVB DEM1.SG ram there IN.ABL hurt TOP III become PFV.CVB III run.away PFV.CVB III escape PST.UNW
n4 v vsuf pron n3 adv nsuf comp suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

After the arrow hit it, the ram was wounded and tried to run away.

Когда стрела попала, баран поранился и успел убежать.

In text Aliqilich
nedur r-esu-näy di b-exu-nosi di-z iyo-s zok’i-n r-ic’-o di-z ax-ay č’aɣˤir-n r-oɣ-o žubi-n b-oɣ-o
nedur r esu näy di b exu nosi di z iyo s zok’i n r ic’ o di z ax ay č’aɣˤir n r o žubi n b o
so IV exist CND.CVB me III die ANT.CVB me GEN2 blood GEN1 mug and IV fill IMPR me GEN2 belly IN.ABL bowel and IV take.away IMPR liver and III take.away IMPR
adv pref v vsuf pron pref v vsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf

"In that case, after I died, fill the mug with my blood, take the bowel out of my belly and also take away my liver!

В таком случае, после моей смерти наполняй кружок моей крови, вытащи из моего живота вытяни кишку и убери печень.

In text Aliqilich
k’oƛi-n b-ik’i-n yizirabi sist’a c’ox-łin q’ˤanot’a c’ox-łin c’ik’iw-tow c’ox-łin aždaħ-s q’ˤim žedu-q q’ˤida-ay r-k’ek’–ik’-n anu
k’oƛi n b ik’i n yizirabi sist’a c’ox łin q’ˤanot’a c’ox łin c’ik’iw tow c’ox łin aždaħ s q’ˤim žedu q q’ˤida ay r k’ek’–ik’ n anu
run PFV.CVB I.PL go PFV.CVB DEM2.PL meet CNC.CVB meet CNC.CVB all EMPH meet CNC.CVB dragon GEN1 head DEM1.IPL.OBL POSS.ESS down IN.ABL IV move PST.UNW be.NEG
v vsuf pref v vsuf pron adv v vsuf adv v vsuf adj suf v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 pron nsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf v

Although running around, they came together one at a time, two at a time, and then all together, but couldn't lift the dragon's head up to them.

Бегом пошли они и хотя пытались сначала один, потом вдвоем, затем всеми силами привести голову дракона, не смогли даже зашевелить.

In text Aliqilich
b-ukad-x-a eloš bita-ay qala
b ukad x a eloš bita ay qala
III see PRS Q over.there distance IN.ABL fortress
pref v vsuf suf adv n nsuf n3

Do you see the fortress there in the distance?

Видишь вот там крепость.

In text Aliqilich
howži t’o r-odi-a šebin anu-ƛin ik’i-n yeda ele-ay ay-n sida šahar-ar
howži t’o r odi a šebin anu ƛin ik’i n yeda ele ay ay n sida šahar ar
now here IV do INF thing be.NEG QUOT go PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG there IN.ABL come PST.UNW one.OBL city IN.LAT
adv adv pref v vsuf n4 v suf v vsuf pron adv nsuf v vsuf num n3 nsuf

"Now there's nothing I can do", he said, and so he went on from there and came to a city.

Теперь тут делать нечего мол, пошел он дальше и добрался до одного города.

In text Aliqilich
yoł yoł-za-tow q’ay-bi-n xeci-n bazargan-bi-n b-oxi-asi b-esu-n ele-ay
yoł yoł za tow q’ay bi n xeci n bazargan bi n b oxi asi b esu n ele ay
be be LCV.CVB EMPH article PL TOP leave PFV.CVB merchant PL TOP I.PL run.away RES.PRT I.PL find PST.UNW there IN.ABL
v v vsuf suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n1 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf

He found that the merchants had left their goods where they were and had ran away.

товар стоит на месте, а торговцы убежали.

In text Aliqilich
kid ele-ay-gon waħo-zo-ni dunyal-ƛ’ y-exur-n
kid ele ay gon waħo zo ni dunyal ƛ’ y exur n
daughter there IN.ABL CNTR below ATTR.OBL DEF world SUPER.ESS II kill PST.UNW
n2 adv nsuf suf post suf suf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

Our daughter got killed in the world below that one..."

Дочь убили на свете, который находится ниже того света.

In text To bring or not to bring, to be or not to be, the fish are eating the wheat crop
sasaq nex-n maħla-ay xan-qor qˤaƛi-o mi c’ik’iw raład-łay besuro-bi-n r-oq-n žedu-a mi-s r-iƛi-ru šebin r-ac’-n-ƛin
sasaq nex n maħla ay xan qor qˤaƛi o mi c’ik’iw raład łay besuro bi n r oq n žedu a mi s r iƛi ru šebin r ac’ n ƛin
tomorrow come PFV.CVB court IN.ABL khan POSS.LAT shout IMPR you all sea CONT.ABL fish PL TOP III.PL become PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL ERG you GEN1 IV plant PST.PRT thing IV.PL eat PST.UNW QUOT
adv v vsuf n4 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron adj n3 nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf n4 pref v vsuf suf

"Come tomorrow and shout from the court tomorrow, that all the fish got out of the sea and ate what you planted."

приходи завтра и со двора крикни царю, что все рыбы вышли из моря и съели все то, что ты посадил мол.

In text The fox and the bear...
ixdax-si zaman b-ay-nosi žedu-a sadaq-ay moči b-iƛi-n
ixdax si zaman b ay nosi žedu a sadaq ay moči b iƛi n
in.spring ATTR time III come ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL ERG together IN.ABL field III plough PST.UNW
adv suf n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv nsuf n3 pref v vsuf

When the spring came, they ploughed the field together.

Весной они вместе поохали землю.

In text The fox and the bear...
ele-ay ziru xexłi-ƛ’ idu-r-n b-ik’i-n q’ut’u-a zow-ru rił-n r-agi-n meč’-ƛer ža-n b-ayr-n xizo–q’ˤimer b-uti-n moči-łxor zey-däɣor-n b-ik’i-n azu kosi-a b-iħu-n
ele ay ziru xexłi ƛ’ idu r n b ik’i n q’ut’u a zow ru rił n r agi n meč’ ƛer ža n b ayr n xizo–q’ˤimer b uti n moči łxor zey däɣor n b ik’i n azu kosi a b iħu n
there IN.ABL fox quickness SUPER.ESS home LAT TOP III go PFV.CVB earthen.jug IN.ESS be.NPRS PST.PRT butter TOP IV lick PFV.CVB neck SUB.LAT DEM1.SG TOP III bring PFV.CVB back III turn.back PFV.CVB field CONT.VERS bear APUD.VERS TOP III go PFV.CVB harvest gather INF III PST.UNW
adv nsuf n3 n4 nsuf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf pron suf pref v vsuf adv pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 v vsuf pref v vsuf

Then the fox went home quickly, licked the butter which was in an earthen jug up to its neck and turned back to the field, went back to the bear and got back to gathering the harvest.

Оттуда лиса быстро пошла в лес, съела масло, которое было в кувшине, довела его до горла, вернулась обратно, пошла к медведю на участок и начала собрать урожай.

In text Seven brothers and one sister
yizi-a yedu idu-ay maħor-tow y-egir-x zow-n anu
yizi a yedu idu ay maħor tow y egir x zow n anu
pron nsuf pron adv nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf v vsuf v

They didn't let her out of the house.

Они ее из дому на улицу не пускали.

In text Seven brothers and one sister
ele-ay idu-r-n b-ik’i-n esyu-bi-a nasin baru-bi gulu-z maħi-bi-qor-n r-ici-n raƛ’-n xeci-r-n r-oxir-n
ele ay idu r n b ik’i n esyu bi a nasin baru bi gulu z maħi bi qor n r ici n raƛ’ n xeci r n r oxir n
there IN.ABL home LAT TOP I.PL go PFV.CVB brother PL ERG all wife PL horse GEN2 tail PL POSS.LAT TOP II.PL tie PFV.CVB land TOP leave CAUS PFV.CVB II.PL chase PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf adj n2 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 suf v vsuf vsuf pref v vsuf

The brothers went home, tied all their wives onto their horses' tails and chased them out of the country.

Оттуда пошли домой, братья привязали всех жен к хвосту коней и прогнали напрочь.

In text A mother and her three daughters
neširu-aɣor qaci-s muɣ-bi-n r-ow-n nex-ƛ’oräy di-r muɣ b-oq’ˤił-x-ƛin eni-a eƛi-nosi sis r-ečiw-si r-iłe qaca teł-ay r-oɣ-n q’ˤida-r kur-o-ƛin kid-bi eƛi-n
neširu aɣor qaci s muɣ bi n r ow n nex ƛ’oräy di r muɣ b oq’ˤił x ƛin eni a eƛi nosi sis r ečiw si r iłe qaca teł ay r n q’ˤida r kur o ƛin kid bi eƛi n
at.night IN.VERS firewood GEN1 bundle PL TOP III.PL bring PFV.CVB come SIM.CVB me LAT bundle III be.heavy PRS QUOT mother ERG say ANT.CVB one IV thick ATTR IV as firewood inside IN.ABL IV take.away PFV.CVB down LAT throw IMPR QUOT daughter PL say PST.UNW
adv nsuf n4 nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf n2 nsuf v vsuf num pref adj suf pref conj n4 post nsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf suf n2 nsuf v vsuf

When they were coming back with a bundle of firewood in the evening and the mother said: "The bundle is too heavy for me", the daughters said: "Take a thick bunch of firewood and throw it out."

К вечеру с охапками дров они возвращались и когда мать сказала, что ей тяжело тащить охапку, дочери сказали, что вытащи мол из охапки один толстый дров и выкинь.

In text A mother and her three daughters
y-eže-ni-gon esyu-a šebin r-esu-n yisi-r-ƛin bak’i-a teł-ay-n b-egir-n aɣi q’ˤida-r kur-nosi neła-łay qˤirič’ r-oq-n
y eže ni gon esyu a šebin r esu n yisi r ƛin bak’i a teł ay n b egir n aɣi q’ˤida r kur nosi neła łay qˤirič’ r oq n
II old DEF CNTR sister ERG thing IV find PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT QUOT enclosure IN.ESS inside IN.ABL TOP III let PFV.CVB bird down LAT throw ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL CONT.ABL scissors IV become PST.UNW
pref adj suf suf n2 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf n3 nsuf post nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 adv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf

The older sister said "He found something!", let the bird out of the coop and threw it on the ground, so he turned into a pair of scissors.

Старшая сестра, нашел он тоже мол, выпустила ее из курятницы и бросила на землю, она превратилась в ножницы.

In text A mother and her three daughters
yedu di-r ħažat r-oq-xosi-ƛin q’ˤida-ay-n r-is-n y-eže-ni esyu-a qˤirič’ k’emot’-a šeƛ’u-ł teł eqer-n
yedu di r ħažat r oq xosi ƛin q’ˤida ay n r is n y eže ni esyu a qˤirič’ k’emot’ a šeƛ’u ł teł eqer n
DEM2.IISG me LAT necessity IV become PRS.PRT QUOT down IN.ABL TOP IV take PFV.CVB II old DEF sister ERG scissors IN.ESS clothing CONT.ESS inside put PST.UNW
pron pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf suf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf pref adj suf n2 nsuf n4 n2 nsuf n4 nsuf post v vsuf

"This is what I need!", the older sister said, took up the scissors and put them to the clothings in her wardrobe.

Это мне понадобится мол, старшая сестра подобрала их и положила в комоде для одежды.

In text A mother and her three daughters
ele-ay bitor ɣˤaɣˤu-n b-izi-n łˤono-n idu-ɣor b-ik’i-nosi y-eže-ni esiw y-esu-n idu y-iłe q’ˤida-n y-iči-n y-iči-asi
ele ay bitor ɣˤaɣˤu n b izi n łˤono n idu ɣor b ik’i nosi y eže ni esiw y esu n idu y iłe q’ˤida n y iči n y iči asi
there IN.ABL thither be.happy TOP I.PL get.up PFV.CVB three TOP home IN.ALL I.PL go ANT.CVB II old DEF sister II find PFV.CVB home II as down TOP II sit PST.UNW II wait RES.PRT
adv nsuf adv comp suf pref v vsuf num suf adv nsuf pref v vsuf pref adj suf n2 pref v vsuf adv pref conj adv suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

The three of them were very delighted, so when they went home, they found the older sister, sitting at home waiting.

Очень обрадовались и оттуда дальше втроем пошли домой и там как (у себя) дома сидит старшая сестра.

In text The mirror, the needle and the comb
babiw-a žedu idu-ay bit–nitor r-egir-x zow-n-anu
babiw a žedu idu ay bit–nitor r egir x zow n anu
father ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL home IN.ABL everywhere IV let IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PFV.CVB NEG
n1 nsuf pron adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf v vsuf vsuf

The father didn't let them go anywhere out of the house.

Отец не пускал их дальше дома.

In text The mirror, the needle and the comb
sasaq-qor kid-de-n r-iči-n neła-a äƛiru-xor qˤaši-zaƛ’or-tow r-izi-n ele-ay r-oxi-n nex-ƛ’oräy maqˤi-r-ay-tow xizaz nex-x aždaħ-s haraƛ’ teq-n
sasaq qor kid de n r iči n neła a äƛiru xor qˤaši zaƛ’or tow r izi n ele ay r oxi n nex ƛ’oräy maqˤi r ay tow xizaz nex x aždaħ s haraƛ’ teq n
in.the.morning POSS.LAT girl APUD.ESS TOP II.PL wait PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG ORD AD.LAT POST.CVB EMPH II.PL get.up PFV.CVB there IN.ABL II.PL run.away PFV.CVB come SIM.CVB far.away LAT IN.ABL EMPH from.behind come IPFV.CVB dragon GEN1 voice hear PST.UNW
adv nsuf n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf num nsuf v vsuf suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf nsuf suf adv v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 v vsuf

In the morning, they waited with the girl, as she said, and before the sun set it, they got up and while they were running away, they could here the dragon's voice behind them.

До утра остались у девочки, как она сказала, встали до рассвета и когда оттуда уходили, издалека же они слышали ревы дракона, идущего за ними.

In text The ring
ele-ay-n b-oq-n dahaw-tow bita-aɣor b-ik’i-nosi yisi uži-a žedu-qor eƛi-n di ža kid y-ow-ani-x ik’i-x di-z ža c’aq’ rok’u-a-a y-is-a-ƛin
ele ay n b oq n dahaw tow bita aɣor b ik’i nosi yisi uži a žedu qor eƛi n di ža kid y ow ani x ik’i x di z ža c’aq’ rok’u a a y is a ƛin
there IN.ABL TOP I.PL become PFV.CVB a.little EMPH distance IN.VERS I.PL go ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL boy ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL POSS.LAT say PFV.CVB me DEM1.SG girl II marry MSD AD.ESS go PRS me GEN2 DEM1.SG much heart IN.ESS Q II take PST.WIT.INT QUOT
adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf adv suf n nsuf pref v vsuf pron n1 nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf pron pron n2 pref v deriv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron adv n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf suf

When they had gone just a little further, that boy said to them: "I am going to marry this girl; did she really take me into her heart?"

Чуть дальше когда они пошли, этот юноша сказал им, я пойду заберу эту девушку, мне она очень понравилась мол.

In text The ring
eƛuk’-a teł-ay bišʷa-n r-oɣ-n eni-a b-odi-ru-ni magalu b-ac’-ani-x-ƛin yisi-a b-oƛƛo b-ecur-run mesed-s bašiqˤoy r-oƛix-n
eƛuk’ a teł ay bišʷa n r n eni a b odi ru ni magalu b ac’ ani x ƛin yisi a b oƛƛo b ecur run mesed s bašiqˤoy r oƛix n
leather.sack IN.ESS inside IN.ABL food TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB mother ERG III do PST.PRT DEF bread III eat MSD AD.ESS QUOT DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG III middle III break IMM.ANT.CVB gold GEN1 ring IV appear PST.UNW
n4 nsuf post nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf suf n3 pref v deriv nsuf suf pron nsuf pref adv pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf

He took the food out of the sack, and when he broke the bread that his mother made in the middle in order to eat it, a golden ring showed up.

Вытащил пищу из саквояжа, чтобы кушать сделанный мамой хлеб как только поломал в середине, появилось золотое кольцо.

In text The stick's feat
neła-ace-gon ħarzayaw dunyal-ƛ’ šebin šebi yoł-ƛin uži et’u-n q’ˤida-ay-n k’oƛi-n sik-bi-n bišʷa-n r-uqˤeł-ru moči-ƛ’or-n ik’i-n baru-a teƛ-n zow-ru-ni hibo b-ok’-n
neła ace gon ħarzayaw dunyal ƛ’ šebin šebi yoł ƛin uži et’u n q’ˤida ay n k’oƛi n sik bi n bišʷa n r uqˤeł ru moči ƛ’or n ik’i n baru a teƛ n zow ru ni hibo b ok’ n
DEM1.IISG.OBL TERM CNTR abundant earth SUPER.ESS thing what be QUOT boy PFV.CVB down IN.ABL TOP jump PFV.CVB waterskin PL TOP food TOP IV.PL hide PST.PRT place SUPER.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB wife ERG give PFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF stick III beat PST.UNW
pron nsuf suf adj n3 nsuf n4 pron v suf n1 v vsuf adv nsuf suf v vsuf n4 nsuf suf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf v vsuf suf n3 pref v vsuf

"What things on earth are as abundant as it [i.e. water]?", the boy [said and] jumped up and went to the place were the food and the waterskin is was, and beat down the stick that his wife had given him.

Есть ли в мире много вещей, чем тот (вода) мол, юноша выскочил, пошел на место, где он упрятал бурдюки и еду, ударил палкой, данную ему женой.

In text The stick's feat
yeda-n ʕabdal yoł-ƛin bazargan-bi ele-ay-gon bitor b-ik’i-n
yeda n ʕabdal yoł ƛin bazargan bi ele ay gon bitor b ik’i n
DEM2.ISG TOP fool be QUOT merchant PL there IN.ABL CNTR thither I.PL go PST.UNW
pron suf n1 v suf n1 nsuf adv nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf

"He is an idiot as well," [said] the merchants [and] went away from there.

Он тоже дурак мол, купцы пошли оттуда еще дальше.

In text The stick's feat
yisi-a-n eli b-aƛ’ir-s-ƛin ele-ay-gon bitor bazargan-bi huni-x b-oq-n warani-bi-n r-iži-n ik’i-ru uži-z ʕaƛ-aɣor-n b-ezu-n
yisi a n eli b aƛ’ir s ƛin ele ay gon bitor bazargan bi huni x b oq n warani bi n r iži n ik’i ru uži z ʕaƛ aɣor n b ezu n
DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG TOP we I.PL cheat PST.WIT QUOT here IN.ABL CNTR thither merchant PL way AD.ESS I.PL become PFV.CVB camel PL TOP III.PL lead PFV.CVB go PST.PRT boy GEN2 village IN.VERS TOP I.PL look PST.UNW
pron nsuf suf pron pref v vsuf suf adv nsuf suf adv n1 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf

"He cheated us as well," the merchants [said and] got on their way away from their and looked for the village of the boy who went leading the camels.

Он тоже мол нас обманул, оттуда дальше продолжили путь, глядя в сторону села юноши, который шел с верблюдами.

In text The stick's feat
xizyo ža elu-a cim-q-ay-si b-ecur-n b-oɣ-s-ƛin
xizyo ža elu a cim q ay si b ecur n b s ƛin
afterwards DEM1.SG we(I)OBL ERG malice POSS.ESS IN.ABL ATTR III break PFV.CVB III take.away PST.WIT QUOT
adv pron pron nsuf n3 nsuf nsuf suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf suf

Afterwards we broke it out of rage and threw it away."

Потом от злости мы ее поломали.

In text The fisherman
ža-n ele-ay y-oɣ-n sosi łi-łxor kur-an-ƛin oq-n yeda
ža n ele ay y n sosi łi łxor kur an ƛin oq n yeda
DEM1.SG TOP there IN.ABL II take.away PFV.CVB at.first water CONT.VERS throw FUT.DEF QUOT begin PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG
pron suf adv nsuf pref v vsuf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf suf v vsuf pron

He took it out of there and at first wanted to throw it into the water.

Вытащил его оттуда и хотел он бросать его в воду.

In text The fisherman
naysinan k’edi-n xalq’i-q esir-n esu-ani-q-ay-si buži łiy-nosi babiw xizo–q’ˤimer uti-n idu-ɣor nex-n
naysinan k’edi n xalq’i q esir n esu ani q ay si buži łiy nosi babiw xizo–q’ˤimer uti n idu ɣor nex n
everywhere search PFV.CVB people POSS.ESS ask PFV.CVB find MSD POSS.ESS IN.ABL ATTR hope end ANT.CVB father back turn.back PFV.CVB home IN.ALL come PST.UNW
adv v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf v deriv nsuf nsuf suf n v vsuf n1 adv v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf

Having searched everywhere and having asked the people, the father didn't have any hope of finding him anymore, turned back and went home.

Везде, всюду спрашивал у людей, потерял надежду найти и отец вернулся обратно домой.

In text The fisherman
sida qu-ł uži-a neširu-aɣor indowri-bi-n r-ayr-n čanta-ay t’akan-n y-is-n eƛi-n howt’o moči-ƛ’ ɣˤutku-n elo teł r-igu istowli-n neła-q-gon šet’ur q’ˤuri-bi-n r-oq-ƛ-ƛin
sida qu ł uži a neširu aɣor indowri bi n r ayr n čanta ay t’akan n y is n eƛi n howt’o moči ƛ’ ɣˤutku n elo teł r igu istowli n neła q gon šet’ur q’ˤuri bi n r oq ƛ ƛin
one.OBL day CONT.ESS boy ERG evening IN.VERS turkey PL TOP III.PL bring PFV.CVB pocket IN.ABL glass TOP II take PFV.CVB say PFV.CVB here field SUPER.ESS house TOP there inside IV good table and DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS CNTR around chair PL and IV.PL become OPT QUOT
num n4 nsuf n1 nsuf adv nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf adv n3 nsuf n4 suf adv adv pref adj n4 suf pron nsuf suf adv n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf suf

One day the young man brought the turkeys [home] in the evening, took the glass out of his pocke and said: "May here on the field be a house and inside a good table and chairs around it!"

Однажды вечером юноша привел индюков, взял из кармана стакан и сказал, пусть на этом месте будут дом, там внутри хороший стол со столами.

In text The fisherman
cim-q-ay-si xan-a ža kid qaci-z k’emot’-a tełer-n kur-n y-oɣ-n łi-łxor y-iži-r-n
cim q ay si xan a ža kid qaci z k’emot’ a tełer n kur n y n łi łxor y iži r n
malice POSS.ESS IN.ABL ATTR khan ERG DEM1.SG daughter firewood GEN2 IN.ESS into TOP throw PFV.CVB II take.away PFV.CVB water CONT.VERS II take.out CAUS PST.UNW
n3 nsuf nsuf suf n1 nsuf pron n2 n4 nsuf n2 nsuf post suf v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf vsuf

The malicious king locked his daughter in a wooden chest and let her throw into the river.

От злости царь закрыл эту дочь в деревянном сундуке и бросил в реку.

In text The fisherman
k’emot’-ay maħor-n y-oq-n kid-a eƛi-n mi łina-q-n-kin y-ˤuƛ’-n
k’emot’ ay maħor n y oq n kid a eƛi n mi łina q n kin y ˤuƛ’ n IN.ABL outside TOP II become PFV.CVB girl ERG say PFV.CVB you what.ERG POSS.ESS TOP even II be.afraid PROHIB
n2 nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf pron pron nsuf suf suf pref v vsuf

The girl got out of the chest and said: "Don't be afraid of anything!

Из сундука вышла девушка и сказала, ты не бойся ничего.

In text The fisherman
di mi-s kid mi di-s eniw y-iči-a yoł howži-ay soder-ƛin
di mi s kid mi di s eniw y iči a yoł howži ay soder ƛin
me you GEN1 daughter you me GEN1 mother II be INF be now IN.ABL after QUOT
pron pron nsuf n2 pron pron nsuf n2 pref v vsuf v adv nsuf adv suf

From now on, I am your daughter and you are my mother.

Я твоей дочерью, а ты моей мамой будешь отныне мол.

In text The fisherman
kid-a eƛi-n ƛ’iri ɣˤalu–muži-n er-n ƛ’iri-gon di-n zowr-n mi ʕaƛ-z č’imu-ay č’imu-ar ik’i-näy mesed-s-ni t’akan mi-s y-iči-a yoł-ƛin
kid a eƛi n ƛ’iri ɣˤalu–muži n er n ƛ’iri gon di n zowr n mi ʕaƛ z č’imu ay č’imu ar ik’i näy mesed s ni t’akan mi s y iči a yoł ƛin
girl ERG say PFV.CVB above saddle TOP put PFV.CVB above CNTR me TOP seat PFV.CVB you village GEN2 corner IN.ABL corner IN.LAT go CND.CVB gold GEN1 DEF glass you GEN1 II be INF be QUOT
n2 nsuf v vsuf adv n4 suf v vsuf adv suf pron suf v vsuf pron n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n2 pron nsuf pref v vsuf v suf

The girl said: "When you put this saddle on, seat me on it and you go from one corner of the village to another, the glass of gold will be yours."

Девушка сказала, если ты пойдешь из одного угла села в другой с седлом на верху, посадив меня там, то стакан золота твой будет мол.

In text The dream
ele-ay nesi-a ik’i-n baru-q r-oq-ru łina-łay-n esi-nosi neła-a eƛi-n neširu t’eka-n b-exʷad uži-n goƛ’i-o xizyo di nesi-q esir-an-ƛin
ele ay nesi a ik’i n baru q r oq ru łina łay n esi nosi neła a eƛi n neširu t’eka n b exʷad uži n goƛ’i o xizyo di nesi q esir an ƛin
there IN.ABL DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG go PFV.CVB wife POSS.ESS IV happen PST.PRT what.OBL CONT.ABL TOP tell ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG say PFV.CVB evening he.goat TOP III slaughter boy TOP call IMPR afterwards me DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.ESS ask FUT.DEF QUOT
adv nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf adv n3 suf pref v n1 suf v vsuf adv pron pron nsuf v vsuf suf

He went away and told his wife what had happened, and she said: "Slaughter a goat tonight, call the boy and afterwards I will ask him."

Оттуда пошел он, рассказал жене и она сказал, вечером зарежь козла, пригласи сына и потом я спрошу у него.

In text The dream
kid-a y-ik’i-n mat’i-bi-xay oɣ-o ža-ƛin babiw-qor eƛi-nosi nesi-a inkar b-odi-n ele-ay oɣ-łin neła-ƛ’ay b-ig-za moči-ƛ’or di ža egir-č’i-ƛin
kid a y ik’i n mat’i bi xay o ža ƛin babiw qor eƛi nosi nesi a inkar b odi n ele ay łin neła ƛ’ay b ig za moči ƛ’or di ža egir č’i ƛin
girl ERG II go PFV.CVB duck PL AD.ABL take.away IMPR DEM1.SG QUOT father POSS.LAT say ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG rejection III do PFV.CVB there IN.ABL take.away CNC.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL SUPER.ABL III well ZA place SUPER.LAT me DEM1.SG let NEG.FUT QUOT
n2 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf nsuf v vsuf pron suf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pref adv suf n3 nsuf pron pron v vsuf suf

When the daughter went and told her father: "Let him away from the ducks!", he rejected and said: "I won't let him to a place better than this one."

Дочь пошла и сказала отцу, освободи его от ухода за утками, но он отказался, все равно я его не пущу на более, чем это, хорошее место.

In text The dream
ele-ay-n k’oƛi-n y-ik’i-n neła-a hemedur di-r moƛu-ł r-ukad-s-ƛin uži-a mołi-ru šebin babiw-q esi-n
ele ay n k’oƛi n y ik’i n neła a hemedur di r moƛu ł r ukad s ƛin uži a mołi ru šebin babiw q esi n
here IN.ABL TOP run PFV.CVB II go PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG so me LAT dream CONT.ESS IV see PST.WIT QUOT boy ERG teach PST.PRT thing father POSS.ESS tell PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf v vsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv pron nsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf v vsuf n4 n1 nsuf v vsuf

So she ran away and told her father: "I have seem it in a dream!" and what the boy had explained to her.


In text The dream
ele-ay babiw-der-n y-ik’i-n uži-a mołi-ru-xor hemedur-tow di-r moƛu-ł r-ukad-s-ƛin neła-a esi-n
ele ay babiw der n y ik’i n uži a mołi ru xor hemedur tow di r moƛu ł r ukad s ƛin neła a esi n
adv nsuf n1 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf nsuf adv suf pron nsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf suf pron nsuf v vsuf

She went out and to her father, and told him, after what the boy had explained: "I saw it like this in a dream!"


In text The dream
ele-ay y-ik’i-n kid-a di-r hemedur moƛu y-ukad-s-ƛin babiw-qor nesi uži-a esi-ru łina-łay-n eƛi-n
ele ay y ik’i n kid a di r hemedur moƛu y ukad s ƛin babiw qor nesi uži a esi ru łina łay n eƛi n
here IN.ABL II go PFV.CVB girl ERG me LAT so dream II see PST.WIT QUOT father POSS.LAT DEM1.ISG.OBL boy ERG tell PST.PRT what.OBL CONT.ABL TOP say PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf pron nsuf adv n2 pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf pron n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf suf v vsuf

The girl went away and [saying] "I had a dream like this!", told to her father about what that boy had told.


In text The dream
žedu elo-zo-ay b-ok’eł-run-gon xan-z kid-a k’oƛi-n y-ik’i-n tusnaq’-ay maħor uži egir-n
žedu elo zo ay b ok’eł run gon xan z kid a k’oƛi n y ik’i n tusnaq’ ay maħor uži egir n
DEM1.IPL there ATTR.OBL IN.ABL III escape IMM.ANT.CVB CNTR khan GEN2 daughter ERG run PFV.CVB II go PFV.CVB prison IN.ABL outside boy let PST.UNW
pron adv suf nsuf pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf adv n1 v vsuf

They escaped from there and the king's daughter ran and let the boy out of the prison.


In text The dream
teł-ay oq-run nesi-a šeƛ’u-n xiszi r-odi-n sis gani-n b-iqir-n oz-ł xizay oq-n
teł ay oq run nesi a šeƛ’u n xiszi r odi n sis gani n b iqir n oz ł xizay oq n
inside IN.ABL become IMM.ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG clothing TOP change IV do PFV.CVB one bull.calf TOP III take.away PFV.CVB army CONT.ESS behind become PST.UNW
adv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n4 suf comp pref v vsuf num n3 suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf post v vsuf

Having gotten out, he changed clothes, took a bull-calf and got behind the army.


In text The dream
b-iqir-an-ƛin neła-a reƛ’a r-egir-nosi-gon b-oxi-n ele-ay ƛexu-ƛ-zo giri-ƛ’-n heq-n žek’–bok’eł-n mesed-s ħuli q’ˤida-r b-ˤoƛ’ur-n
b iqir an ƛin neła a reƛ’a r egir nosi gon b oxi n ele ay ƛexu ƛ zo giri ƛ’ n heq n žek’–bok’eł n mesed s ħuli q’ˤida r b ˤoƛ’ur n
III take.away FUT.DEF QUOT DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG hand IV let ANT.CVB CNTR III run.away PFV.CVB there IN.ABL log SUB.ESS ATTR.OBL pole SUPER.ESS TOP sit.down PFV.CVB shake.oneself PFV.CVB gold GEN1 feather down LAT III let.fall PST.UNW
pref v vsuf suf pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf n2 nsuf suf n4 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 adv nsuf pref v vsuf

She tried to remove it with her hand and it flew away, sat down on a pole under a log, shook itself and made a golden feather fall down.


In text The dream
kid-a-gon ele-ay-n b-is-n neła-a neła-z pardagi-x b-ici-n
kid a gon ele ay n b is n neła a neła z pardagi x b ici n
n2 nsuf suf adv nsuf vsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

The girl then went and took it and tied it to her own scarf.


In text The dream
neła t’umi-a ža t’akan y-iži-n xan-ł pu-łaza-n eqer-n ele-ay-gon bitor hawa-ƛ’ žedu b-iħad-a b-ik’i-xozo xan-z aki-xor b-ik’i-n
neła t’umi a ža t’akan y iži n xan ł pu łaza n eqer n ele ay gon bitor hawa ƛ’ žedu b iħad a b ik’i xozo xan z aki xor b ik’i n
DEM1.IISG.OBL pigeon ERG DEM1.SG glass II carry PFV.CVB khan CONT.ESS side CONT.VERS.DIST TOP put PFV.CVB there IN.ABL CNTR thither air SUPER.ESS DEM1.IPL III fight INF III go PRS.PRT.OBL khan GEN2 window AD.LAT III go PST.UNW
pron n3 nsuf pron n2 pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf adv n4 nsuf pron pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

The pigeon carried this glass, put it next to the king and from there flew to the king's window, from which they went out to fight.

Этот голубь отвез тот стакан, поставил около царя, оттуда дальше пошел к окну царя, к которому они идут воевать.

In text The dream
ele-ay-n izi-n t’akan-n y-is-n et’u-n gulu-ƛ’or-n k’oƛi-n ele-ar b-iži-n t’ar b-iži-n b-ig-za ħalał ža-n akik’-n xizyo y-iži-n xan-de t’akan-n eqer-n
ele ay n izi n t’akan n y is n et’u n gulu ƛ’or n k’oƛi n ele ar b iži n t’ar b iži n b ig za ħalał ža n akik’ n xizyo y iži n xan de t’akan n eqer n
here IN.ABL TOP get.up PFV.CVB glass TOP II take PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB horse SUPER.LAT TOP jump PFV.CVB there IN.LAT III lead PFV.CVB thither III lead PFV.CVB III very ZA with.difficulties DEM1.SG TOP tire PFV.CVB afterwards II carry PFV.CVB khan APUD.ESS glass TOP put PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf adv pref v vsuf pref adv suf adv pron suf v vsuf adv pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n2 suf v vsuf

He got up from there, took the glass and jumped onto a horse, lead it here and there, which tired him quite much, and then he carried the glass back and put it next to the king.

Оттуда встал, взял стакан, выпрыгнул на коня, туда повел, сюда повел, изрядно замотал его, потом отнес и поставил стакан возле царя.

In text Two friends
ele-ay ža maħor łi r-oƛik’-ru-r žamaʕat-a ʕaƛ-s b-oƛƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ-x-ƛax
ele ay ža maħor łi r oƛik’ ru r žamaʕat a ʕaƛ s b oƛƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ x ƛax
there IN.ABL DEM1.SG outside water IV pull.out PST.PRT LAT assembly ERG village GEN1 III half wealth give PRS QUOT
adv nsuf pron adv n4 pref v vsuf nsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf pref adj n3 v vsuf suf

They say that the assembly of the village would give half their wealth in order to get the water out there.


In text Two friends
qˤaši-nosi ža žek’u izi-n mogolo-ay q’ˤida-r-n oq-n harihun łiłiro-x-si łiłiro-x-n ik’i-n ziru-a eƛi-ru-ni ɣun r-esur-n
qˤaši nosi ža žek’u izi n mogolo ay q’ˤida r n oq n harihun łiłiro x si łiłiro x n ik’i n ziru a eƛi ru ni ɣun r esur n
dawn ANT.CVB DEM1.SG man get.up PFV.CVB granary IN.ABL down LAT and become PFV.CVB slowly ditch AD.ESS ATTR ditch AD.ESS TOP go PFV.CVB fox ERG say PST.PRT DEF tree IV find PST.UNW
v vsuf pron n1 v vsuf n3 nsuf post nsuf suf v vsuf adv n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf suf n4 pref v vsuf

When it dawned, the man got up and down from the granary, and slowly went to the ditch's ditch(?) and found the tree the fox has talked about


In text Two friends
ele-ay-gon bitor ža boc’i-a eƛi-ru-ni untaraw-ni xan-der ik’i-n
ele ay gon bitor ža boc’i a eƛi ru ni untaraw ni xan der ik’i n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither DEM1.SG wolf ERG say PST.PRT DEF sick DEF khan APUD.LAT go PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pron n3 nsuf v vsuf suf adj suf n1 nsuf v vsuf

From there, he went away to the sick king that the wolf had told about.


In text Two friends
howlo-tow iči-n nesi žek’u-a čanta-ay y-is-n q’ˤano-n ƛˤeb xan-z kid-z ozuri-bi-q y-iħi-nosi q’ˤuna-n-tow ozuri-bi-łer kanłi b-ay-n
howlo tow iči n nesi žek’u a čanta ay y is n q’ˤano n ƛˤeb xan z kid z ozuri bi q y iħi nosi q’ˤuna n tow ozuri bi łer kanłi b ay n
there EMPH sit PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL man ERG pocket IN.ABL II take PFV.CVB two TOP leaf khan GEN2 daughter GEN2 eye PL POSS.ESS II smear ANT.CVB two.OBL TOP EMPH eye PL CONT.LAT light III come PST.UNW
adv suf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf num suf n2 n1 nsuf n2 nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf num suf suf n4 nsuf nsuf n3 pref v vsuf

The man sat there, took two leaves out of his pocket and when he smeared it onto her eyes, the light came back to her two eyes.


In text How the donkey drove away the wolf
ele-ay-gon bitor žeda-a žedu-de sadaq huni-x k’et’u-n b-oɣ-n
ele ay gon bitor žeda a žedu de sadaq huni x k’et’u n b n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither DEM1.IIPL.OBL ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL APUD.ESS together way AD.ESS cat TOP III take.away PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pron nsuf pron nsuf adv n4 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf

From there they took the cat with them further on their way.

Оттуда дальше по дороге с собой они взяли кошку.

In text How the donkey drove away the wolf
ža-n hemedur-tow ešur-n yizi-a yizi-ł r-oq-n ele-ay bitor uyno-n sadaq r-ik’i-n
ža n hemedur tow ešur n yizi a yizi ł r oq n ele ay bitor uyno n sadaq r ik’i n
DEM1.SG TOP so EMPH take.along PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL.OBL ERG DEM2.IPL.OBL CONT.ESS III.PL become PFV.CVB there IN.ABL thither four TOP together III.PL go PST.UNW
pron suf adv suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf adv num suf adv pref v vsuf

So they took him along with them as well and from there the four went further together.

Его тоже они взяли к себе и вместе вчетвером пошли оттуда дальше.

In text How the donkey drove away the wolf
ʕomoy-a łinax r-iy-x yedu eli-r ħažat b-oq-ani-ƛin halmaɣłi-qor-n eƛi-n neła-a neła-az gugu-ƛ’or-n b-izir-r-n ele-ay bitor b-iži-n
ʕomoy a łinax r iy x yedu eli r ħažat b oq ani ƛin halmaɣłi qor n eƛi n neła a neła az gugu ƛ’or n b izir r n ele ay bitor b iži n
donkey ERG how IV know PRS DEM2.IISG we LAT necessity III become MSD QUOT friendship POSS.LAT TOP say PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL IN.ESS.DIST back SUPER.LAT TOP III lift CAUS PFV.CVB there IN.ABL thither III carry PST.UNW
n3 nsuf pron pref v vsuf pron pron nsuf n4 pref v deriv suf n4 nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf vsuf adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf

The donkey said to his friends: "How does one know [how] it can become useful for us.", had [the wolf] lifted on his back and carried it further.

Осел сказал друзьям, откуда знать, может быть, он нам пригодится мол, подняли на его спину и забрал оттуда дальше.

In text How the donkey drove away the wolf
elo ʕomoy-a b-ayr-ru-ni b-exu-asi boc’i b-ukad-nosi nasin boc’a eli-n r-exur yiza-a-ƛin aɣˤu-a teł-ay r-oxi-n
elo ʕomoy a b ayr ru ni b exu asi boc’i b ukad nosi nasin boc’a eli n r exur yiza a ƛin aɣˤu a teł ay r oxi n
there donkey ERG III bring PST.PRT DEF III die RES.PRT wolf III see ANT.CVB all wolf.PL we TOP III.PL kill DEM2.IIPL.OBL ERG QUOT mill IN.ESS inside IN.ABL III.PL run.away PST.UNW
adv n3 nsuf pref v vsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf adj n3pl pron suf pref v pron nsuf suf n2 nsuf post nsuf pref v vsuf

When they saw the dead wolf that the donkey had brought, all the wolves said: "They will kill us!", ran out of the mill and away.

Когда они увидели там привезенного ослом убитого волка, все волки убежали из мельницы, нас тоже они убьют мол.

In text The aunt
ła-z ƛ’ˤu-ƛ’ c’eruc’a c’ox-x hemeła ɣˤutku-ay kid y-ow-a yoł-ƛin
ła z ƛ’ˤu ƛ’ c’eruc’a c’ox x hemeła ɣˤutku ay kid y ow a yoł ƛin
who.OBL GEN2 roof SUPER.ESS bow hit IPFV.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL house IN.ABL daughter II marry INF be QUOT
pron nsuf n3 nsuf n4 v vsuf pron n4 nsuf n2 pref v vsuf v suf

Whose roof you hit with the bow, the daughter from that house you will marry.

На чью крышу стрела упадет, из того дома и девушку возьмем мол.

In text The aunt
mi rasgi q’ʷarid oq-no-ƛin eƛi-n baru-a raład-z raʕalłi-xor-n ik’i-n sis qˤaƛu r-odi-o mi ele-ay bitor r-odi-a r-ay-xosi šebin mi-r-tow r-ay
mi rasgi q’ʷarid oq no ƛin eƛi n baru a raład z raʕalłi xor n ik’i n sis qˤaƛu r odi o mi ele ay bitor r odi a r ay xosi šebin mi r tow r ay
you at.all sadness become PROHIB QUOT say PST.UNW wife ERG sea GEN2 edge AD.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB one shout IV do IMPR you there IN.ABL thither IV do INF IV must PRS.PRT thing you LAT EMPH IV come
pron adv n3 v vsuf suf v vsuf n2 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf suf v vsuf num n4 pref v vsuf pron adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 pron nsuf suf pref v

"Don't be sad at all!", said his wife, "Go to the edge of the sea and give a shout, then will the thing come to you what you will have to do."

Ты нисколько не расстраивайся, сказала жена, ты иди к берегу моря и один раз кричи, а дальше сам узнаешь, что должен делать.

In text The aunt
raład-łxor-n y-iħu-n muhu-bi-s qot-n r-ic’-n y-oƛix-n eƛi-n šibaw žek’u-z aki-a sist’a muhu eqer-o ele-ay bitor-si mi-s ħalt’i anu-ƛin
raład łxor n y iħu n muhu bi s qot n r ic’ n y oƛix n eƛi n šibaw žek’u z aki a sist’a muhu eqer o ele ay bitor si mi s ħalt’i anu ƛin
sea CONT.VERS TOP II PFV.CVB granule PL GEN1 handfull TOP IV fill PFV.CVB II appear PFV.CVB say PST.UNW every man GEN2 window IN.ESS granule put IMPR here IN.ABL thither ATTR you GEN1 work be.absent QUOT
n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf n4 nsuf adv n3 v vsuf adv nsuf adv suf pron nsuf n3 v suf

She went into the sea, filled her hand with grains, reappeared and said: "Put one grain into the window of each man, besides that there's no more work for you."

Окунулась в море, взяла оттуда горсть зерна, появилась и сказала, на окне (дома) каждого человека положи по одному зерна, а дальше не твоя работа мол.

In text The aunt
ele-ay-n ik’i-n nesi-a šibaw žek’u-z aki-a raład-zay y-oƛix-n ɣˤanabi-a neƛ-ru muhu-bi eqer-x aħnad-n
ele ay n ik’i n nesi a šibaw žek’u z aki a raład zay y oƛix n ɣˤanabi a neƛ ru muhu bi eqer x aħnad n
there IN.ABL TOP go PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG every man GEN2 window IN.ESS sea SIM.CVB II appear PFV.CVB woman ERG give PST.PRT granule PL put IPFV.CVB walk.around PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n3 vsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf v vsuf

After going away, he walked around putting the grains that the woman that had appeared from the sea gave to him into the windows of each man.

Оттуда пошел и положил на окне (дома) каждого человека зерно, которое дала ему женщина, появившаяся из моря.

In text The aunt
ele-ay bitor-gon ik’i-ƛ’oräy mi-r sis žek’u esu kʷay-a zamzame-s łi r-oq-łin ža ħaƛu-a r-oq-č’ey ƛexu-asi
ele ay bitor gon ik’i ƛ’oräy mi r sis žek’u esu kʷay a zamzame s łi r oq łin ža ħaƛu a r oq č’ey ƛexu asi
there IN.ABL thither CNTR go SIM.CVB you LAT one man find hand IN.ESS sacred GEN1 water IV become CNC.CVB DEM1.SG drink INF IV begin NEG.PST.CVB remain RES.PRT
adv nsuf adv suf v vsuf pron nsuf num n1 v n nsuf adj nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pron v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

And when you go further from there, you will find a man with holy water in his hands, but he won't drink it.

Когда оттуда дальше пойдешь, найдешь одного человека, который не может пить священную воду, хотя она в его руках.

In text The aunt
ele-ay-gon bitor ik’i-ƛ’oräy y-esu mi-r aluk’a ɣˤul
ele ay gon bitor ik’i ƛ’oräy y esu mi r aluk’a ɣˤul
there IN.ABL CNTR thither go SIM.CVB II find you LAT white stone
adv nsuf suf adv v vsuf pref v pron nsuf adj n2

And when you go further, you will find a white stone.

Оттуда дальше еще пойдешь, и ты найдешь белый камень.

In text The aunt
xizo–q’ˤimer uti-n ele-ay uži ik’i-ƛ’oräy esu-x nesi-r howža-tow aħo-n dice-gon r-ac’-a bix r-oq-łin r-iš-č’ey elar–t’ar r-aħnad-x bˤeƛ’-n
xizo–q’ˤimer uti n ele ay uži ik’i ƛ’oräy esu x nesi r howža tow aħo n dice gon r ac’ a bix r oq łin r č’ey elar–t’ar r aħnad x bˤeƛ’ n
back turn.back PFV.CVB there IN.ABL boy go SIM.CVB find IPFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT DEM4.SG EMPH shepherd and how.much CNTR IV eat INF hay IV become CNC.CVB III.PL eat NEG.PST.CVB somewhere.IN.LAT III.PL walk.around IPFV.CVB sheep and
adv v vsuf adv nsuf n1 v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron suf n1 suf pron suf pref v vsuf n4 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf adv pref v vsuf n3pl suf

While the boy went back from there, he found that shepherd and the sheep that were walking around somewhere without eating, although there was much hay around.

Когда юноша обратно возвращался и шел, он нашел того же пастуха и овец, которые ходят туда-сюда и не едят, хотя там очень много травы.

In text The egg
eni-a eƛi-ru roži-bi-n rok’u-r ʕeze r-oq-č’ey eže-ni uži-a eniw-q q’ˤano magalu-n huni-xor er-r-n idu-ay maħor oq-n
eni a eƛi ru roži bi n rok’u r ʕeze r oq č’ey eže ni uži a eniw q q’ˤano magalu n huni xor er r n idu ay maħor oq n
mother ERG say PST.PRT word PL TOP heart LAT be.enough IV.PL become NEG.PST.CVB old DEF son ERG mother POSS.ESS two bread TOP way AD.LAT put CAUS PFV.CVB home IN.ABL outside become PST.UNW
n2 nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf suf n4 nsuf comp pref v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf num n3 suf n4 nsuf v vsuf vsuf adv nsuf adv v vsuf

The words that the mother had spoken didn't please his heart enough, so the oldest son let the mother give two breads to him for the way and left the home.

Не понравились слова, которые сказала мама, старший сын попросил матери положить на дорогу две лепешки и ушел из дому.

In text The egg
ozuri-taw-ni eni-a eƛi-n ʕaƛ-aɣor ik’i-łin mi-r meži-z idu-ay gurow kanłi b-ukad-č’i
ozuri taw ni eni a eƛi n ʕaƛ aɣor ik’i łin mi r meži z idu ay gurow kanłi b ukad č’i
eye without DEF mother ERG say PST.UNW village IN.VERS go CNC.CVB you LAT you.PL GEN2 home IN.ABL except light III see NEG.FUT
n4 nsuf suf n2 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf adv nsuf post n3 pref v vsuf

The blind mother said: "Although you go into the village, you will only see the light of your home.

Слепая «мама» сказала, хотя ты пойдешь в село, ты увидишь свет только в вашем доме мол.

In text The egg
hemeł-ƛ’ b-oƛix-n aw-a k’eneč’-n meš-n gagaru ɣˤul-n y-ayr-n uži-qor eƛi-n xexłi-ƛ’ yiła ɣˤutku-ay maħor ik’i-č’i-näy esiw y-ay-run neła-a mi exur-a yoł
hemeł ƛ’ b oƛix n aw a k’eneč’ n meš n gagaru ɣˤul n y ayr n uži qor eƛi n xexłi ƛ’ yiła ɣˤutku ay maħor ik’i č’i näy esiw y ay run neła a mi exur a yoł
DEM4.IISG.OBL SUPER.ESS III appear PFV.CVB mouse ERG egg and broom and smooth stone and II bring PFV.CVB boy POSS.LAT say PFV.CVB quickness SUPER.ESS DEM2.IISG.OBL house IN.ABL outside go NEG.FUT CND.CVB sister II come IMM.ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG you kill INF be
pron nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n2 suf n4 suf adj n2 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf pron n4 nsuf adv v vsuf vsuf n2 pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron v vsuf v

At this time, a mouse appeared bringing an egg, a broom and a smooth stone, and said to the boy: "If you don't get out of the house quickly, your sister will kill you when she comes back.

В это время появилась мышь с яйцом, веником, гладким камнем и сказала юноше, если ты скоро из этого дома не уйдешь, то придет сестра, и она тебя убьет мол.

In text The egg
kʷaxa-tow sida igo-zo ʕaƛ-ay nesi uži-x łet’i-n sis bercinaw kid-n y-ow-n
kʷaxa tow sida igo zo ʕaƛ ay nesi uži x łet’i n sis bercinaw kid n y ow n
soon EMPH one.OBL near ATTR.OBL village IN.ABL DEM1.ISG.OBL boy AD.ESS pick PFV.CVB one beautiful girl TOP II marry PST.UNW
adv suf num adv suf n3 nsuf pron n1 nsuf v vsuf num adj n2 suf pref v vsuf

Soon, that boy picked a beautiful girl from the neighboring village and married her.

Очень скоро из ближайшего села выбрали для юноши красивую девушку и женили.

In text Tsirdukh
ʕiyad-x yedu-n xeci-n C’irdux-n nesi-s esyu-bi-n ele-ay-gon bitor b-ik’i-n
ʕiyad x yedu n xeci n C’irdux n nesi s esyu bi n ele ay gon bitor b ik’i n
cry IPFV.CVB DEM2.IISG TOP leave PFV.CVB Tsirdukh and DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 brother PL and there IN.ABL CNTR thither I.PL go PST.UNW
v vsuf pron suf v vsuf n1 suf pron nsuf n1 nsuf suf adv nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf

Tsirdukh and his brothers left her crying and went away from there.

Оставив ее плачущую, Цирдух и его братья убежали оттуда дальше.

In text Tsirdukh
qaci-s q’ili Qudi Musa-z Maħama-a b-ok’-s ħoši-s zurma Xantu-z ʕAli-a pˤaƛu-s keč’ Maʕat’i-z Ruq’i-a-n Amirħanza-a-n qˤaƛi-s istowli-bi-q šet’ur łoč-ƛ’ Xaluma-n Ošk’ori-s Ramazan-n k’oƛi-s ɣod-s ʕarada Metirozi-a pˤoƛi-r-s dabaɣ-s tupi K’it’i Ramazan-a kur-s mey-s tamanča Qebozi-a ašu-ƛ r-ici-s Ešiƛ’obi-a łel-ay butni-s mač’i-bi r-oɣ-s Newobi-a b-exʷad-a qaci-s t’eka b-ayr-s Kidiro-ay-gon ʕomoy-ƛ’-n zow-n Šapk’ilaw ay-s
qaci s q’ili Qudi Musa z Maħama a b ok’ s ħoši s zurma Xantu z ʕAli a pˤaƛu s keč’ Maʕat’i z Ruq’i a n Amirħanza a n qˤaƛi s istowli bi q šet’ur łoč ƛ’ Xaluma n Ošk’ori s Ramazan n k’oƛi s ɣod s ʕarada Metirozi a pˤoƛi r s dabaɣ s tupi K’it’i Ramazan a kur s mey s tamanča Qebozi a ašu ƛ r ici s Ešiƛ’obi a łel ay butni s mač’i bi r s Newobi a b exʷad a qaci s t’eka b ayr s Kidiro ay gon ʕomoy ƛ’ n zow n Šapk’ilaw ay s
firewood GEN1 drum Qudi Musa GEN2 Magomed ERG III beat PST.WIT hide GEN1 zurna Khantu GEN2 Ali ERG thrash PST.WIT song Ma'ati GEN2 Ruqiyat ERG and Amirhanza ERG and sing PST.WIT table PL POSS.ESS around dance SUPER.ESS Khaluma and Oshkori GEN1 Ramazan and jump PST.WIT lime.tree GEN1 cannon Metrada.people ERG explode CAUS PST.WIT leather GEN1 rifle Kiti Ramazan ERG shoot.from PST.WIT birch GEN1 pistol Khebatli.people ERG belt SUB.ESS IV tie PST.WIT Shaytl.people ERG sheath IN.ABL burka GEN1 dagger PL IV.PL take.away PST.WIT Mokok.people ERG III slaughter INF firewood GEN1 he.goat III bring PST.WIT Kidero IN.ABL CNTR donkey SUPER.ESS TOP be.NPRS PFV.CVB Shapkilaw come PST.WIT
n4 nsuf n n1 n1 nsuf n1 nsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf n3 n1 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf n3 n1 nsuf n2 nsuf suf n1 nsuf suf v vsuf n4 nsuf nsuf post n4 nsuf n2 suf n1 nsuf n1 suf v vsuf n2 nsuf n4 n1pl nsuf v vsuf vsuf n3 nsuf n4 n1 n1 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 n1pl nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf n1pl nsuf n4 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n1pl nsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n1 v vsuf

Qudi Musa's Magomed beated the wooden drum, Xantu's Ali played the zurna, Ma'ati's Ruqi and Amirhanza sang a song, Khaluma and Oshkori's Ramazan danced around the tables, people from Metrada fired a lime gun, Kiti Ramazan shot with a leather rifle, the Khebatli people put tied a birch pistol to their belt, people from Shaytl pulled burka daggers out of the sheath, the Mokok people slaughtered brought a wooden goat for slaughtering, and Shapkilaw came from Kidero riding on a donkey.

Деревянный барабан бил Куди Мусы Магомед, кожаную зурну играл Ханту Али, песню пела Маати Рукият и Амирханза, вокруг столов танцевали Ошкори Халума и Рамазан, из липовой пушки стреляли метрадинцы, из кожаного ружья выстрелил Кити Рамазан, березовый пистолет на поясе привязали хебатлинцы, шаитлинцы из ножны вытащили ворсовые кинжалы, невотлинцы привели резать деревянного козла, а из Кидиро на осле приехал Шапкилав.

In text The span-sized man and the seven hunters
bełiqan-a yisi-r ƛoħo-ay b-oɣ-n sis ħak’o-n neła-der-gon met’ri-n teƛ-n
bełiqan a yisi r ƛoħo ay b n sis ħak’o n neła der gon met’ri n teƛ n
hunter ERG DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT pan IN.ABL III take.away PFV.CVB one khinkali TOP DEM1.IISG.OBL APUD.LAT CNTR piece.of.meat TOP give PST.UNW
n1 nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf num n3 suf pron nsuf suf n2 suf v vsuf

The hunter took one khinkali out of the pan for him and gave a piece of meat next to it.

Охотник ему дал один хинкал и кусок мяса.

In text The span-sized man and the seven hunters
yisi bełiqan-a-n ƛoħo-ay b-oɣ-n sis ħak’o-n neła-der-gon met’ri-n teƛ-n
yisi bełiqan a n ƛoħo ay b n sis ħak’o n neła der gon met’ri n teƛ n
DEM2.ISG.OBL hunter ERG TOP pan IN.ABL III take.away PFV.CVB one khinkali TOP DEM1.IISG.OBL APUD.LAT CNTR piece.of.meat TOP give PST.UNW
pron n1 nsuf suf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf num n3 suf pron nsuf suf n2 suf v vsuf

And the hunter also took one khinkali out of the pan and put a piece of meat next to it.

Этот охотник тоже достал из кастрюли, отдал один хинкал и кусок мяса.

In text The span-sized man and the seven hunters
ele-ay ža oxir-ƛ’oräy t’om-ce-ni žek’u-a mešok’la-łay b-oɣ-n mus-n bełiqan im-qor-n ici-n kinaw bišʷa-n r-ac’-n et’u-n k’oƛi-n mamalay-ƛ’-n zow-n oq-n ik’i-n
ele ay ža oxir ƛ’oräy t’om ce ni žek’u a mešok’la łay b n mus n bełiqan im qor n ici n kinaw bišʷa n r ac’ n et’u n k’oƛi n mamalay ƛ’ n zow n oq n ik’i n
there IN.ABL DEM1.SG chase SIM.CVB span EQU1 DEF man ERG moustache CONT.ABL III take.away PFV.CVB hair TOP hunter pole POSS.LAT TOP tie PFV.CVB entire food TOP IV eat PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB rooster SUPER.ESS TOP be.NPRS PFV.CVB become PFV.CVB go PST.UNW
adv nsuf pron v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 suf n1 n3 nsuf suf v vsuf adj n4 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf

When he chased him away from there, the span-sized man took a hair out of his moustache, tied the hunter to a pole, ate up the entire food, jumped on his rooster and rode away.

Охотник хотел его оттуда прогнать и человек с пядь, выдернув один волос из усов, привязал охотника к столбу, съел всю еду, вспрыгнул на петуха, пошел дальше.

In text The span-sized man and the seven hunters
b-ay-n bełiqan-bi-a bišʷa esir-nosi nesi-a-n žedu-q r-oq-ru šebin esi-n hemedur-tow mamalay-ƛ’-n zow-n t’om-ce-ni žek’u-n ay-n nasin-tow bišʷa r-ac’-a ža oq-nosi ele-ay ža oɣ-ƛ’oräy mešok’la-łay mus-n b-oɣ-n nesi-a di ɣun-qor ici-s-ƛin mus b-ukar-n
b ay n bełiqan bi a bišʷa esir nosi nesi a n žedu q r oq ru šebin esi n hemedur tow mamalay ƛ’ n zow n t’om ce ni žek’u n ay n nasin tow bišʷa r ac’ a ža oq nosi ele ay ža ƛ’oräy mešok’la łay mus n b n nesi a di ɣun qor ici s ƛin mus b ukar n
I.PL come PFV.CVB hunter PL ERG food ask ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG TOP DEM1.IPL.OBL POSS.ESS IV happen PST.PRT thing tell PST.UNW so EMPH rooster SUPER.ESS TOP be.NPRS PFV.CVB span EQU1 DEF man TOP come PFV.CVB all EMPH food IV eat INF DEM1.SG begin ANT.CVB there IN.ABL DEM1.SG take.away SIM.CVB moustache CONT.ABL hair TOP III take.away PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG me tree POSS.LAT tie PST.WIT QUOT hair III show PST.UNW
pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf n4 v vsuf pron nsuf suf pron nsuf pref v vsuf n4 v vsuf adv suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n1 suf v vsuf adj suf n4 pref v vsuf pron v vsuf adv nsuf pron v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron n4 nsuf v vsuf suf n3 pref v vsuf

When the hunters came and asked for food, he also told them what had happened: "So a span-sized man came riding on a rooster, and when he began to eat up all the food and I wanted to take him away from there, he took a hair out of his moustache and tied me to a tree." and he showed them the hair.

Когда охотники пришли и попросили еду, он рассказал о том, что случилось, вот так, сидя на петухе, человек с пядь и имеющий усы длиной с локоть пришел. Когда он начал съесть всю еду, я хотел его прогнать и он, выдернув один волос из усов, привязал меня к дереву мол и показал волос.

In text Tsighruk
C’iɣruk’-a eƛi-n di-z eni-a moƛu-ł iħu-ay ɣir-d łi r-ow-x r-ukad-s-ƛin
C’iɣruk’ a eƛi n di z eni a moƛu ł iħu ay ɣir d łi r ow x r ukad s ƛin
Tsighruk ERG say PST.UNW me GEN2 mother ERG dream CONT.ESS river IN.ABL sieve INSTR water IV bring IPFV.CVB IV see PST.WIT QUOT
n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n2 nsuf n2 nsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf suf

Tsighruk said: "I dreamed how my mother was bringing water from the river with a sieve."

Цигрук сказал, мне приснилось, что моя мама тащила ситом из речки воду.

In text Tsighruk
C’iɣruk’-a y-eɣe-ni kid-s iyo-s q’ut’u-n b-ic’-n neła-s-tow ħamorok’u-n r-oɣ-n adäz eqer-n maqˤi-ay-tow aždaħ-qor qˤaƛi-n bišʷa ħaƛi-s howži idu-r b-ik’i-ƛin
C’iɣruk’ a y eɣe ni kid s iyo s q’ut’u n b ic’ n neła s tow ħamorok’u n r n adäz eqer n maqˤi ay tow aždaħ qor qˤaƛi n bišʷa ħaƛi s howži idu r b ik’i ƛin
Tsighruk ERG II young DEF daughter GEN1 blood GEN1 earthen.jug TOP III fill PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN1 EMPH breast TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB ahead put PFV.CVB far.away IN.ABL EMPH dragon POSS.LAT shout PST.UNW food organize PST.WIT now home LAT III go QUOT
n1 nsuf pref adj suf n2 nsuf n3 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf n4 suf pref v vsuf adv v vsuf adv nsuf suf n3 nsuf v vsuf n4 v vsuf adv adv nsuf pref v suf

Tsighruk filled the youngest daughter's blood into an earthen jug, took her breast and put it before himself and shouted from far away to the dragon: "I organized the food, now I'm going home!"

Цигрук наполнил кувшинчик крови младшей дочери, поставил ее же грудь и издалека же крикнул дракону, еду поставила, теперь иди домой мол.

In text Tsighruk
C’iɣruk’-a-gon ža sabani-n r-is-n oxi-n ik’i-n ele-ay
C’iɣruk’ a gon ža sabani n r is n oxi n ik’i n ele ay
Tsighruk ERG CNTR DEM1.SG blanket TOP IV take PFV.CVB run.away PFV.CVB go PST.UNW there IN.ABL
n1 nsuf suf pron n4 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf

And Tsighruk took the blanket and ran away from there.

А Цигрук забрал это одеяло и убежал оттуда.

In text Tsighruk
tełer-n b-oq-n aždaħ-a k’ek’–ik’-n ɣamas ok’-bi-ay y-oɣek’-n
tełer n b oq n aždaħ a k’ek’–ik’ n ɣamas ok’ bi ay y oɣek’ n
to.the.inside TOP III become PFV.CVB dragon ERG move PFV.CVB box nail PL IN.ABL II pull.out PST.UNW
adv suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf n2 n3 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf

The dragon went inside and moved, and the box was pulled out from the nails.

Дракон залез вовнутрь, немного зашевелился, и на сундуке немного вырвались гвозди.

In text Tsighruk
t’ok’ow elo teł-ay b-oq-ł-xanuzo-xor ɣamas-a ža-n b-iši-n C’iɣruk’-a eƛi-n hoboy mi-s ɣudi-bi łiy-s-ƛin
t’ok’ow elo teł ay b oq ł xanuzo xor ɣamas a ža n b iši n C’iɣruk’ a eƛi n hoboy mi s ɣudi bi łiy s ƛin
anymore there inside IN.ABL III become POT NEG.PRS.PRT.OBL AD.LAT box IN.ESS DEM1.SG TOP III lock.up PFV.CVB Tsighruk ERG say PST.UNW now you GEN1 day PL end PST.WIT QUOT
adv adv adv nsuf pref v vsuf vsuf nsuf n2 nsuf pron suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf adv pron nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf suf

Tsighruk locked him in the box so that he couldn't get out there anymore, and said: "Now your days are numbered!"

Цигрук закрыл его в сундуке так, чтобы не смог выйти и сказал, теперь твои дни кончились мол.

In text The sheep
ža gugi-run suƛƛi gulu-a neła iħu-ay ɣˤay ħaƛu-run gulu-n uži-n-tow-n ɣˤul-r b-uti-x
ža gugi run suƛƛi gulu a neła iħu ay ɣˤay ħaƛu run gulu n uži n tow n ɣˤul r b uti x
DEM1.SG escape IMM.ANT.CVB suddenly horse ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL river IN.ABL milk drink IMM.ANT.CVB horse and boy and EMPH TOP stone LAT I.PL turn PRS
pron v vsuf adv n3 nsuf pron n3 nsuf n2 v vsuf n3 suf n1 suf suf suf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf

Right after it had escaped, the horse suddenly drank the milk from that river and the horse and the boy turned to stone.

После исчезновения барана, конь вдруг выпил молоко из этой реки, и тотчас конь и юноша превратились в камня.

In text The sheep
ele-ay bitor ik’i-ƛ’oräy yeda eɣe-ni esiw sidaɣ ʕaƛ-ar ay-n
ele ay bitor ik’i ƛ’oräy yeda eɣe ni esiw sidaɣ ʕaƛ ar ay n
there IN.ABL thither go SIM.CVB DEM2.ISG young DEF brother village IN.LAT come PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv v vsuf pron adj suf n1 adv n3 nsuf v vsuf

While going away from there, the young brother came into a village someplace.

Оттуда дальше шел этот младший брат и пришел в одно село.

In text Alms
neła-ł xizay k’oƛi-n r-ay-ru ɣˤʷay-bi maqˤi-ƛ’or r-ok’eł-nosi bełiqan-a bikori-qor eƛi-n maħor b-oq howži mi-s tušman-bi-n r-ukad-za-ay r-ok’eł-s-ƛin
neła ł xizay k’oƛi n r ay ru ɣˤʷay bi maqˤi ƛ’or r ok’eł nosi bełiqan a bikori qor eƛi n maħor b oq howži mi s tušman bi n r ukad za ay r ok’eł s ƛin
DEM1.IISG.OBL CONT.ESS from.behind run PFV.CVB III.PL come PST.PRT dog PL far.away SUPER.LAT III.PL go.away ANT.CVB hunter ERG snake POSS.LAT say PST.UNW outside III become now you GEN1 enemy PL TOP III.PL see LCV IN.ABL III.PL escape PST.WIT QUOT
pron nsuf post v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf adv pref v adv pron nsuf n1 nsuf suf pref v vsuf nsuf pref v vsuf suf

After the dogs that were running behind it, went far away, the hunter said to the snake: "Come out, now your enemies went out of sight."

Ушли подальше собаки, которые бегали за ней, и охотник сказал змее, выходи на улицу, теперь твои враги исчезли с видимого места (с глаз).

In text Alms
nesi-s hut’–mˤali-ay ƛ’er b-is-asi b-ukad-zaƛ’ huni-x-zo-a esir-n šebi mi-r r-oq-n-ƛin
nesi s hut’–mˤali ay ƛ’er b is asi b ukad zaƛ’ huni x zo a esir n šebi mi r r oq n ƛin
DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 front.part.of.the.face IN.ABL color III take RES.PRT III see CSL.CVB way AD.ESS ATTR.OBL ERG ask PST.UNW who you LAT IV happen PST.UNW QUOT
pron nsuf n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf nsuf v vsuf pron pron nsuf pref v vsuf suf

When they saw the color vanishing from his face, the travellers asked: "What happened to you?"

Видя его побледневшее лицо, попутчики спросили, что с тобой случилось мол.

In text Alms
q’ˤano äƛiru huni-x-zo-a bełiqan-r y-et’ur-n ƛˤeb teƛ-ƛ’oräy ax-ay bikori qˤaƛanad-a b-oq-n ƛˤeb y-ac’-no di maħor b-oq-x-ƛin
q’ˤano äƛiru huni x zo a bełiqan r y et’ur n ƛˤeb teƛ ƛ’oräy ax ay bikori qˤaƛanad a b oq n ƛˤeb y ac’ no di maħor b oq x ƛin
two ORD way AD.ESS ATTR.OBL ERG hunter LAT II pull.out PFV.CVB leaf give SIM.CVB belly IN.ABL snake yell INF III begin PST.UNW leaf II eat PROHIB me outside III become PRS QUOT
num num n4 nsuf suf nsuf n1 nsuf pref v vsuf n2 v vsuf n4 nsuf n3 v vsuf pref v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf pron adv pref v vsuf suf

When the second traveller pulled out a leaf and gave it to the hunter, the snake started to yell from within his belly: "Don't eat the leaf, I'm coming out!"

Когда попутчик оторвал и давал ему второй лист, змея из чрева закричала, не ешь лист, я выхожу на улицу мол.

In text Alms
bełiqan-a esi-n nesi-q bikori-a nesi-r b-odi-ru kʷal–kʷal-łay-n ɣun-ƛ-gon b-esu-ru huni-xozo xalq’i-a-gon ža ax-ay b-ok’ek’-a b-odi-ru kumak-łay-n
bełiqan a esi n nesi q bikori a nesi r b odi ru kʷal–kʷal łay n ɣun ƛ gon b esu ru huni xozo xalq’i a gon ža ax ay b ok’ek’ a b odi ru kumak łay n
n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf n nsuf suf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 vsuf n3 nsuf suf pron n4 nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf suf

The hunter told him about the trouble that the snake had done to him, and of the help to remove it from his belly that the travelling people he found under the tree offered.

Охотник рассказал о том, как ему помещала змея и о помощи, которую оказали попутчики, чтобы вывести ее из чрева.

In text The sheikh
aq’ˤu mix-ƛ’or iči-č’ey-tow imxu-ay-n oq-n šayx-n ay-n idu-r
aq’ˤu mix ƛ’or iči č’ey tow imxu ay n oq n šayx n ay n idu r
much time SUPER.LAT wait NEG.PST.CVB EMPH cave IN.ABL TOP become PFV.CVB sheikh TOP come PST.UNW home LAT
adj n3 nsuf v vsuf suf n2 nsuf suf v vsuf n1 suf v vsuf adv nsuf

Not waiting too long, the sheikh got out of the cave and came home.

Чуть позже, шейх вылез из пещеры и тоже пришел домой.

In text The sheikh
xediw iči-asi zow-n žiƛbo-n xeci-n k’ox-ay-gon meši b-odi-č’i-näy b-exʷad-an-ƛin
xediw iči asi zow n žiƛbo n xeci n k’ox ay gon meši b odi č’i näy b exʷad an ƛin
husband remain RES.PRT be.NPRS PST.UNW this.year TOP leave PFV.CVB again IN.ABL CNTR bull.calf III do NEG.FUT CND.CVB III slaughter FUT.DEF QUOT
n1 v vsuf v vsuf adv suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf n3 pref v vsuf vsuf pref v vsuf suf

The husband remained [in his opinion]: "We'll leave it this year and if it doesn't calve again, we shall slaughter it."

Муж пытался противостоять, если не отелится, зарежем в следующем году, а в этом году оставим мол.

In text The sheikh
xediw-a muži-ay bitor zigara b-izir-a baybik b-odi-n
xediw a muži ay bitor zigara b izir a baybik b odi n
husband ERG mattress IN.ABL thither complaint III lift INF begin III do PST.UNW
n1 nsuf n3 nsuf adv n3 pref v vsuf comp pref v vsuf

The husband began to moan from his mattress.

Муж начал в постели стонать.

In text The sheikh
łi-xor tungi b-ic’-a baru y-ik’i-run xediw-a hečk’er-n izi-n xizaɣor-si reƛ-s kur-ru met’ri-n ax-ay y-oɣ-n boboru qiqo-s ħuk’-n r-ic’-n etixosi-z haqu-a et’-n
łi xor tungi b ic’ a baru y ik’i run xediw a hečk’er n izi n xizaɣor si reƛ s kur ru met’ri n ax ay y n boboru qiqo s ħuk’ n r ic’ n etixosi z haqu a et’ n
water AD.LAT copper.jug III fill INF wife II go IMM.ANT.CVB husband ERG upright TOP get.up PFV.CVB finally ATTR meat GEN1 throw PST.PRT piece.of.meat and belly IN.ABL II take.away PFV.CVB hot bouillon GEN1 scoop and IV fill PFV.CVB lover GEN2 mouth IN.ESS pour PST.UNW
n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf n1 nsuf adv suf v vsuf adv suf n4 nsuf v vsuf n2 suf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf adj n4 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf

Just when the wife went to the water to fill a jug, the husband got up, took the last piece of meat and filled a scoop with hot soup and poured it into the lover's mouth.

Когда жена пошла с кувшином за водой, муж встал, взял последний кусок мяса из кастрюли, набрал в черпак горячий бульон и налил в рот любовнику.

In text Ten friends
neła q’ʷariłi-ƛ’ cek’i b-ukad-nosi ʕomoy-a eƛi-n iħu-ay łi-s y-ic’-n muš y-ow-näy b-egir-an-ƛin
neła q’ʷariłi ƛ’ cek’i b ukad nosi ʕomoy a eƛi n iħu ay łi s y ic’ n muš y ow näy b egir an ƛin
DEM1.IISG.OBL sadness SUPER.ESS goat.kid III see ANT.CVB donkey ERG say PST.UNW river IN.ABL water GEN1 II fill PFV.CVB pot II bring CND.CVB III let FUT.DEF QUOT
pron n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf suf

When the donkey saw the sad goat kid, he said: "If you bring a pot filled with water from the river, I'll let you in."

Видя тяжелое положение козленка, осел сказал, если с речки принесешь котелок, наполненный водой, то пропустим мол.

In text Ten friends
ele-ay b-ik’i-n cek’i-a iħu-ay łi-s y-ic’-n muš-n y-ow-n nex-ƛ’oräy neła-ł xizay k’oƛi-n zey nex-x zow-n
ele ay b ik’i n cek’i a iħu ay łi s y ic’ n muš n y ow n nex ƛ’oräy neła ł xizay k’oƛi n zey nex x zow n
there IN.ABL III go PFV.CVB goat.kid ERG river IN.ABL water GEN1 II fill PFV.CVB pot TOP II bring PFV.CVB come SIM.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL CONT.ESS behind run PFV.CVB bear come IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf post v vsuf n3 v vsuf v vsuf

The goat kid went away from there, brought a pot filled with water from the river and when it came back, a bear was running behind it.

Оттуда козленок спустился к реке и когда шел с котелком, наполненным водой, за ним бежал медведь.

In text Ten friends
ʕomoy-qor cek’i-a maqˤi-ay-tow qˤaƛi-n were were di-ł xizay k’oƛi-n zey nex-x ac y-ˤaɣˤi-o
ʕomoy qor cek’i a maqˤi ay tow qˤaƛi n were were di ł xizay k’oƛi n zey nex x ac y ˤaɣˤi o
donkey POSS.LAT goat.kid ERG far.away IN.ABL EMPH shout PST.UNW well well me CONT.ESS behind run PFV.CVB bear come IPFV.CVB door II open IMPR
n3 nsuf n3 nsuf adv nsuf suf v vsuf interj interj pron nsuf post v vsuf n3 v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf

The goat kid shouted to the donkey from far away: "Well, well, a bear is running behind me, open the door!"

Козленок издали же крикнул ослу, смотри, смотри, открой дверь, за мной бежит медведь мол.

In text Ten friends
ele-ay cołizi-n r-oq-n nasin halmaɣ-bi r-izi-n zey-ƛ’ c’ox-n
ele ay cołizi n r oq n nasin halmaɣ bi r izi n zey ƛ’ c’ox n
there IN.ABL unite TOP III.PL become PFV.CVB all friend PL III.PL get.up PFV.CVB bear SUPER.ESS pounce PST.UNW
adv nsuf comp suf pref v vsuf adj n1 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf

Then all the friends united, got up and pounced on the bear.

Вдруг сплотились все друзья и бросились на медведя.

In text The fox and the crow
adäz ƛeli-s boƛik’u-ni q’ulaʕi-n er-n ziru-a-n ɣʷˤadi-a-n q’ˤuna-a-n sadaq-ay r-ac’-n
adäz ƛeli s boƛik’u ni q’ulaʕi n er n ziru a n ɣʷˤadi a n q’ˤuna a n sadaq ay r ac’ n
ahead lamb GEN1 half DEF carcass TOP put PFV.CVB fox ERG and crow ERG and two.OBL ERG TOP together IN.ABL IV eat PST.UNW
adv n3 nsuf n suf n3 suf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf num nsuf suf adv nsuf pref v vsuf

Having put the lamb's half carcass down, the fox and the crow, they both ate together.

Поставили впереди пол туши ягненка, лиса и ворона оба ели вместе.

In text The fox and the crow
idu-ay maħor-kin b-egir-č’ey nesi uži-a ža cey łˤora buci-a kiki-n
idu ay maħor kin b egir č’ey nesi uži a ža cey łˤora buci a kiki n
home IN.ABL outside even III let NEG.PST.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL boy ERG DEM1.SG eagle three.OBL month IN.ESS feed PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf pron n1 nsuf pron n3 num n3 nsuf v vsuf

Not even letting it outside, that boy fed the eagle for three days.

Тот юноша в течение трех месяцев, не выпуская из дома на улицу, кормил того орла.

In text The fox and the crow
idu-r ay-za qu-ł-tow neširu kʷat’izi b-oq-ru mixƛ’o idu-ay maħor-n oq-n ɣˤutku-ł adäz-ar-n ik’i-n yisi-a k’emot’ y-ˤaɣˤi-run elo ixiw ɣˤutku r-oq-n
idu r ay za qu ł tow neširu kʷat’izi b oq ru mixƛ’o idu ay maħor n oq n ɣˤutku ł adäz ar n ik’i n yisi a k’emot’ y ˤaɣˤi run elo ixiw ɣˤutku r oq n
home LAT come ZA day CONT.ESS EMPH at.night be.late III become PST.PRT home IN.ABL outside TOP become PFV.CVB house CONT.ESS before IN.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG II open IMM.ANT.CVB there big house IV become PST.UNW
adv nsuf v suf n4 nsuf suf adv comp pref v vsuf adv adv nsuf adv suf v vsuf n4 nsuf post nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf n2 pref v vsuf adv adj n4 pref v vsuf

On the day when he came home, when it has become late at night, he got outside his home, went in front of his house and right when he opened the box, a big house came into being there.

В тот же день, когда пришел домой, поздно ночью вышел во двор и, становясь перед домом, открыл сундук, где и образовался большой дом.

In text Batsali and the Wolf
ele-ay-gon bitor čan-bi k’edi-x ik’i-ƛ’oräy nesi-de dandir čarma-n r-ici-n nex-x ziru č’aq’ˤi-n
ele ay gon bitor čan bi k’edi x ik’i ƛ’oräy nesi de dandir čarma n r ici n nex x ziru č’aq’ˤi n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither she.goat PL search IPFV.CVB go SIM.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL APUD.ESS towards turban TOP IV tie PFV.CVB come IPFV.CVB fox hit PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv n3 nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf post n4 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n3 v vsuf

While going away from there searching the goats, a fox with a turban ran into him.

Когда оттуда дальше шел в поисках коз, он встретил лису с привязанной чалмой.

In text The old man and the young boy
ele-ay-n b-izi-n q’ˤano-n b-oq-n huni-x ʕaƛ-aɣor
ele ay n b izi n q’ˤano n b oq n huni x ʕaƛ aɣor
there IN.ABL TOP I.PL get.up PFV.CVB two TOP I.PL become PFV.CVB way AD.ESS village IN.VERS
adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf num suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf n3 nsuf

The two got up from there and on their way to the village.

Встали оттуда и оба вместе отправились в путь в село.

In text The gift of the eagle
ele-ay xizor b-uti-n nex-ƛ’oräy cey-a esir-n mi-r siskin šebin r-ukad-x-a-ƛin
ele ay xizor b uti n nex ƛ’oräy cey a esir n mi r siskin šebin r ukad x a ƛin
there IN.ABL back I.PL return PFV.CVB come SIM.CVB eagle ERG ask PST.UNW you LAT any thing IV see PRS Q QUOT
adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron n4 pref v vsuf suf suf

When they were coming back from there, the eagle asked: "Do you see anything?"

На обратном пути орел спросил, видишь ли ты что-нибудь мол.

In text The gift of the eagle
ele-ay bitor ik’i-ƛ’oräy akił-n mekod-n bełiqu-s tatu łiy-n
ele ay bitor ik’i ƛ’oräy akił n mekod n bełiqu s tatu łiy n
there IN.ABL thither go SIM.CVB get.tired PFV.CVB be.hungry PFV.CVB hunter GEN1 power end PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf n1 nsuf n3 v vsuf

While he went away from there, he got tired and hungry and the hunter's power ended.

Когда оттуда дальше шел, голодный и утомившийся охотник ослаб.

In text The gift of the eagle
ħo-ay magalu b-oɣ-o-ƛin Ħusen-qor eƛi-nosi mi b-ukar-ƛin iči-n Ħusen
ħo ay magalu b o ƛin Ħusen qor eƛi nosi mi b ukar ƛin iči n Ħusen
oven IN.ABL bread III take.away IMPR QUOT Hussein POSS.LAT say ANT.CVB you III show QUOT wait PST.UNW Hussein
n2 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron pref v suf v vsuf n1

When he said to Hussein: "Take the bread out of the oven!", Hussein waited [saying]: "You show me!"

Хусейну сказал, убери хлеб из печи мол, и опять Хусейн стоял на своем, ты покажи мол.

In text Hassan and Hussein
ukru di-qay kʷaxa-tow łiy ʕaq’lu yołi neti-ay netintow di-de sadaq ƛexu-ƛin Ħusen-a žawab teƛ-n
ukru di qay kʷaxa tow łiy ʕaq’lu yołi neti ay netintow di de sadaq ƛexu ƛin Ħusen a žawab teƛ n
silver me POSS.ABL soon EMPH end advice however when IN.ABL always me APUD.ESS together remain QUOT Hussein ERG answer give PST.UNW
n3 pron nsuf adv suf v n3 adv pron nsuf adv pron nsuf adv v suf n1 nsuf n3 v vsuf

"Silver will soon end from me; an advice, however, will always remain with me.", answered Hussein.

Золото я быстро закончу, а совет навсегда останется со мной мол, ответил Хусейн.

In text Hassan and Hussein
xizyogon nesi-a mi-qor ħo-a teł-ay magalu b-oɣ-o-ƛin eƛi-nosi hemedur-tow sosi mi b-oɣ-o xizyo di b-oɣ-an-ƛin eƛi-o
xizyogon nesi a mi qor ħo a teł ay magalu b o ƛin eƛi nosi hemedur tow sosi mi b o xizyo di b an ƛin eƛi o
then DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG you POSS.LAT oven IN.ESS inside IN.ABL bread III take.away IMPR QUOT say ANT.CVB so EMPH at.first you III take.away IMPR afterwards me III take.away FUT.DEF QUOT say IMPR
adv pron nsuf pron nsuf n2 nsuf post nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf v vsuf adv suf adv pron pref v vsuf adv pron pref v vsuf suf v vsuf

Then, when he asks you: 'Take the bread out of the oven!', say likewise: 'First you take it out, then I will take it out!'

Потом еще он тебе скажет, вынь хлеб из печи, также скажи, сначала ты вынь, потом я выну мол.

In text Hassan and Hussein
xizyo nesi-a biša–ħaƛa-n r-odi-n ħo-a teł-ay magalu b-oɣ-a kumak b-odi-o-ƛin Ħusen-q harizi r-odi-n
xizyo nesi a biša–ħaƛa n r odi n ħo a teł ay magalu b a kumak b odi o ƛin Ħusen q harizi r odi n
afterwards DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG eating.and.drinking TOP IV do PFV.CVB oven IN.ESS inside IN.ABL bread III take.away INF help III do IMPR QUOT Hussein POSS.ESS request IV do PST.UNW
adv pron nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf post nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf comp pref v vsuf

Afterwards, he prepared food and drinks and asked Hussein to help taking the bread out of the oven.

Затем он приготовил еду и попросил Хусейна помочь достать хлеб из печи.

In text Hassan and Hussein
sosi mi di-q r-ukar didur elo teł-ay ža b-oɣ-xosi xizyo di-n mi-r kumak b-odi-an-ƛin Ħusen-a-n eƛi-n
sosi mi di q r ukar didur elo teł ay ža b xosi xizyo di n mi r kumak b odi an ƛin Ħusen a n eƛi n
at.first you me POSS.ESS IV show how there inside IN.ABL DEM1.SG III take.away PRS.PRT afterwards me TOP you LAT help III do FUT.DEF QUOT Hussein ERG TOP say PST.UNW
adv pron pron nsuf pref v pron adv post nsuf pron pref v vsuf adv pron suf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf suf v vsuf

"First you show me how to take it out of there, afterwards I will help you too.", Hussein said.

Хусейн сказал, сперва ты мне покажи, как вытащить его оттуда, потом я тебе помогу мол.

In text Hassan and Hussein
ele-ay-gon bitor b-ˤał-n gulu-n ik’i-n neširu-r sidaɣ ɣˤutku-xor ay-n
ele ay gon bitor b ˤał n gulu n ik’i n neširu r sidaɣ ɣˤutku xor ay n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither III strike PFV.CVB horse TOP go PFV.CVB evening LAT house AD.LAT come PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf n3 suf v vsuf adv nsuf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf

From there he stroke his horse and went on and in the evening arrived at a house in some place.

Оттуда дальше поскакал на коне и к вечеру дошел до одного дома.

In text Hassan and Hussein
b-odi-ru q’ut’i-xor Ħasan-a rełi-ay bˤałay-n r-oɣ-n aždaħ-z r-ok’-nosi b-oƛƛi b-egi-r-n
b odi ru q’ut’i xor Ħasan a rełi ay bˤałay n r n aždaħ z r ok’ nosi b oƛƛi b egi r n
III do PST.PRT agreement AD.LAT Hassan ERG sheath IN.ABL dagger TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB dragon GEN2 IV hit ANT.CVB III middle III break.apart CAUS PST.UNW
pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf pref adv pref v vsuf vsuf

According to the agreement they did, Hassan took his dagger out of the sheath and stabbed it into the dragon and broke him apart in the middle.

Согласно заключенному договору, Хасан вытащил из ножны кинжал, ударил дракона и раздвоил.

In text The fox and the miller
nedur-a mi di-s wasi t’ubazi b-odi-x zow-n-ƛin ele-ay-n b-izi-n ziru xan-s kid-der-n b-ik’i-n esi-n neła-q ža ɣˤutku-n maʕišat-n ɣˤʷay-s yoł-ru-łi-n ža-tow-n habihan yoł-ƛin-n
nedur a mi di s wasi t’ubazi b odi x zow n ƛin ele ay n b izi n ziru xan s kid der n b ik’i n esi n neła q ža ɣˤutku n maʕišat n ɣˤʷay s yoł ru łi n ža tow n habihan yoł ƛin n
so Q you me GEN1 testament fulfill III do IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW QUOT there IN.ABL TOP III get.up PFV.CVB fox khan GEN1 daughter APUD.LAT TOP III go PFV.CVB tell PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS DEM1.SG house and fortune and dog GEN1 be PST.PRT NMLZ and DEM1.SG EMPH and miller be QUOT TOP
adv suf pron pron nsuf n3 comp pref v vsuf v vsuf suf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 n1 nsuf n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron n4 suf n3 suf n3 nsuf v vsuf deriv suf pron suf suf n1 v suf suf

"So you have fulfilled my wish?", [said] the fox[,] got up from there, went to the king's daughter and told her that the house and the fortune all belong to the dog and that he is just a miller.

Лиса встала оттуда, таким образом что-ли ты выполняешь мое завещание мол, пошла к дочери царя и рассказала о том, что этот дом, богатство принадлежит собаке и сам является мельником мол.

In text The testament
q’ˤano äƛiru-gon nesi-a uži-qay ɣˤuruš-n y-is-n mi qˤišod-ay soder ħon xeci-n-ƛin ʕaq’lu-n b-odi-n
q’ˤano äƛiru gon nesi a uži qay ɣˤuruš n y is n mi qˤišod ay soder ħon xeci n ƛin ʕaq’lu n b odi n
two ORD CNTR DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG boy POSS.ABL ruble TOP II take PFV.CVB you at.noon IN.ABL after mountain leave PROHIB QUOT advice TOP III do PST.UNW
num num suf pron nsuf n1 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf pron adv nsuf post n2 v vsuf suf n3 suf pref v vsuf

For the second time he took a ruble from the boy and gave him the advice: "Don't go up the mountain after it got dark!"

Взял у юноши второй рубль и дал совет, ты после обеда гору не переходи мол.

In text The testament
ele-ay oq-n ik’i-ƛ’oräy yisi-r huni-x xalq’i keze b-oq-n
ele ay oq n ik’i ƛ’oräy yisi r huni x xalq’i keze b oq n
there IN.ABL become PFV.CVB go SIM.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT way AD.ESS people meet III become PST.UNW
adv nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n3 comp pref v vsuf

While he was getting away from there, he met some people on the way.

Когда оттуда дальше шел, по дороге он встретил людей.

In text The testament
yisi uži-s šayx-a b-odi-ru ʕaq’lu-n rok’u-ƛ’or b-ay-n qˤišod-ay soder ħon xeci-n-ƛin howt’o rešt’izi b-oq-an-ƛin hudul-bi-qor xabar b-odi-nosi žedu-r b-iči-a r-eti-n-anu ħon xeci-an ži yedu elu-a-ƛin pesaxamu-ƛ’ ža-n ayr-n huni-x b-oq-n
yisi uži s šayx a b odi ru ʕaq’lu n rok’u ƛ’or b ay n qˤišod ay soder ħon xeci n ƛin howt’o rešt’izi b oq an ƛin hudul bi qor xabar b odi nosi žedu r b iči a r eti n anu ħon xeci an ži yedu elu a ƛin pesaxamu ƛ’ ža n ayr n huni x b oq n
DEM2.ISG.OBL boy GEN1 sheikh ERG III do PST.PRT advice TOP heart SUPER.LAT III come PFV.CVB at.noon IN.ABL after mountain go.up PROHIB QUOT here I.PL become FUT.DEF QUOT friend PL POSS.LAT story III do ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL.OBL LAT I.PL wait INF IV want PFV.CVB NEG mountain go.up FUT.DEF now DEM2.IISG we(I)OBL ERG QUOT coward SUPER.ESS DEM1.SG TOP call PFV.CVB way AD.ESS I.PL become PST.UNW
pron n1 nsuf n1 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 suf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf post n2 v vsuf suf adv comp pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf vsuf n2 v vsuf adv pron pron nsuf suf n1 nsuf pron suf v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

The boy remembered the advice the sheikh gave: "Don't go up a mountain in the afternoon!", and told his friends: "We'll take a rest here.", but they didn't want to wait, "We will go up the mountain now.", called him a coward and got on their way.

Этот юноша вспомнил совет старика, после обеда гору не переходи мол, и вел разговор среди друзей о необходимости остановиться на привал. Они не захотели остановиться, обзывали его трусом и пошли дальше по дороге, мы перейдем эту гору мол.

In text The testament
Allah-s ħukmu nediw zow-n-ƛin šukru-n b-odi-n neła-z ža q’aʕida-ƛ’ yisi-a yizi b-uy-n šuši-n ele-ay-gon bitor ik’i-n
Allah s ħukmu nediw zow n ƛin šukru n b odi n neła z ža q’aʕida ƛ’ yisi a yizi b uy n šuši n ele ay gon bitor ik’i n
God GEN1 decision such be.NPRS PST.UNW QUOT patience TOP III do PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN2 DEM1.SG manner SUPER.ESS DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG DEM2.IPL III indeed TOP bury PFV.CVB there IN.ABL CNTR thither go PST.UNW
n1 nsuf n3 pron v vsuf suf n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron n nsuf pron nsuf pron pref adv suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf adv v vsuf

"So was Allah's decision.", he [said,] showed patience, burried them in its manner and went away from there.

Аллах так предопределил мол, выразил согласие с тем, что произошло, он их похоронил по настоящему и отправился дальше.

In text The testament
xizyogon bazargan-z čanta-ay t’aqˤ-n r-is-n neła-a neła-s rikini-a-si uži-n exur-n iyo-s r-ic’-asi r-aɣˤi-tow t’aqˤ r-esu-za čanta-a-n eqer-n ele-ay-gon micxir-s b-ic’-asi kisa-n b-is-n ƛex-ƛ ža-n b-uqˤi-n ƛirba-bi-a di-s rikini-ar xexbi b-exur-s-ƛin ʕaƛ-q aħi–ħur r-odi-a y-oq-n
xizyogon bazargan z čanta ay t’aqˤ n r is n neła a neła s rikini a si uži n exur n iyo s r ic’ asi r aɣˤi tow t’aqˤ r esu za čanta a n eqer n ele ay gon micxir s b ic’ asi kisa n b is n ƛex ƛ ža n b uqˤi n ƛirba bi a di s rikini ar xexbi b exur s ƛin ʕaƛ q aħi–ħur r odi a y oq n
then merchant GEN2 pocket IN.ABL knife TOP IV take PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN1 cradle IN.ESS ATTR son TOP kill PFV.CVB blood GEN1 IV fill RES.PRT IV open EMPH knife IV find LCV pocket IN.ESS TOP put PFV.CVB there IN.ABL CNTR money GEN1 III fill RES.PRT wallet TOP III take PFV.CVB ceiling SUB.ESS DEM1.SG TOP III hide PFV.CVB guest PL ERG me GEN1 cradle IN.LAT children I.PL kill PST.WIT QUOT village POSS.ESS hubbub IV do INF II begin PST.UNW
adv n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf suf n1 suf v vsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf pref adj suf n4 pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf n nsuf pron suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n1pl pref v vsuf suf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

Then she took a knife out of the merchant's pocket, killed her own son in the cradle, put the open knife stained with blood into his pocket where she found it, took the wallet filled with money from there and hid it under the ceiling, [then] she started to make a hubbub in the village [saying]: "My guests have killed my child in the cradle!"

Затем взял нож из кармана купца, убила в люльке своего ребенка, положила нож, запачканный кровью, обратно в карман, взяла оттуда бумажник с деньгами, спрятала его на потолке и подняла по селу шум-гам, мол, гости убили моего ребенка.

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
ele-ay b-ik’i-n idu-r b-ay-run esyu-bi-r ža Ražbadin yoł-ru iy-nosi sida-a sis ałno-xay b-egir-č’ey zow-n ʕuraw mix-ƛ’or
ele ay b ik’i n idu r b ay run esyu bi r ža Ražbadin yoł ru iy nosi sida a sis ałno xay b egir č’ey zow n ʕuraw mix ƛ’or
there IN.ABL I.PL go PFV.CVB home LAT I.PL come IMM.ANT.CVB brother PL LAT DEM1.SG Razhbadin be PST.PRT know ANT.CVB one.OBL ERG one embrace AD.ABL I.PL let NEG.PST.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW much time SUPER.LAT
adv nsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf pron n1 v vsuf v vsuf num nsuf num n3 nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf adv n3 nsuf

Immediately when they came home, they knew it was Razhbadin, they didn't let each other out of the arms again for a long time.

Пошли они домой и когда братья узнали Ражбадина, долго они друг друга не пускали из объятия.

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
hemedur rok’u–ɣʷey-ł-n ħaƛu–iš-x-n sidaɣ raɣi-a q’ˤida-n b-iči-n yoł-zay Tawadi-q kʷay-ay hemece xiszi oq-zaq t’akan y-ˤoƛ’u-x
hemedur rok’u–ɣʷey ł n ħaƛu–iš x n sidaɣ raɣi a q’ˤida n b iči n yoł zay Tawadi q kʷay ay hemece xiszi oq zaq t’akan y ˤoƛ’u x
so fun CONT.ESS TOP eat.and.drink IPFV.CVB TOP veranda IN.ESS down TOP I.PL sit PFV.CVB be SIM.CVB Tavadi POSS.ESS hand IN.ABL such change become CSL.CVB glass II fall PRS
adv n4 nsuf suf v vsuf suf adv n3 nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n1 nsuf n nsuf adv comp v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf

They had fun and were eating and drinking and when they sat down on the veranda somewhere, and a glass fell out of Tavadi's hand, because he lost his temper so much.

Когда они, таким образом, на одном балконе, сидя, веселились, ели и пили, Тавади настолько вышел из себя и уронил с рук стакан.

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
ele-ay Ražbadin Tawadi-ƛ’ ƛ’iri-r ik’i-n nesi-qor c’ok’inad-n yedu šebi šebin mi di-r r-odi-a berten-łer-n goƛ’i-n-ƛin
ele ay Ražbadin Tawadi ƛ’ ƛ’iri r ik’i n nesi qor c’ok’inad n yedu šebi šebin mi di r r odi a berten łer n goƛ’i n ƛin
there IN.ABL Razhbadin Tavadi SUPER.ESS on LAT go PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.LAT scold PST.UNW DEM2.IISG what thing you me LAT IV do INF marriage CONT.LAT TOP invite PST.UNW QUOT
adv nsuf n1 n1 nsuf post nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf pron pron n4 pron pron nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf suf

From there, Razhbadin went up to Tavadi and scolded him: "What is that thing you did to me, inviting me to a marriage?!"

Потом Ражбадин пошел к Тавади и стал поносить его: «Что ты со мной сделал, пригласив на свадьбу?»

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
neła kaɣat-ƛ’ Ražbadin-a Tawadi-q harizi r-odi-x r-oq-ru łina-ƛ’-n ƛ’iri-ay-n oq elu-ł teł zow-ru huinłi-n halmaɣłi-n r-exur-n sida mi-z uži-z meča di łˤono-n uži egir-x mi-dar žedu-s mi-r iyo-n ħalal b-odi-n-ƛin
neła kaɣat ƛ’ Ražbadin a Tawadi q harizi r odi x r oq ru łina ƛ’ n ƛ’iri ay n oq elu ł teł zow ru huinłi n halmaɣłi n r exur n sida mi z uži z meča di łˤono n uži egir x mi dar žedu s mi r iyo n ħalal b odi n ƛin
DEM1.IISG.OBL letter SUPER.ESS Razhbadin ERG Tavadi POSS.ESS request IV do PRS IV happen PST.PRT what.OBL SUPER.ESS TOP on IN.ABL TOP become we(I)OBL CONT.ESS inside be.NPRS PST.PRT cordiality and friendship and IV kill PROHIB one.OBL you GEN2 son GEN2 instead.of me three TOP son send IPFV.CVB you APUD.VERS DEM1.IPL.OBL GEN1 you LAT blood TOP be.permitted III do PST.UNW QUOT
pron n2 nsuf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf comp pref v vsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf post nsuf suf v pron nsuf post v vsuf n4 suf n4 suf pref v vsuf num pron nsuf n1 nsuf post pron num suf n1 v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n3 suf comp pref v vsuf suf

In that letter Razhbadin was asking Tavadi: "Forgive me what has happened, don't destroy the cordiality and friendship that are between us; I am sending you my three sons instead of your son, I permit you their blood."

В том письме Ражбадин просил Тавади: «Прости меня за все то, что произошло, не теряй дружбу и теплоту, которые были между нами. А я вместо одного твоего сына отправляю к тебе троих сыновей с правом лишить их жизни».

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
ele-ay b-oq-n idu-bi-ɣor b-ik’i-nosi yizi-r elo łˤono-n ʕoloqan-t’a oq-asi žedu-zo-q b-iłi-asi b-iłe-t’a uži-bi b-esu-x
ele ay b oq n idu bi ɣor b ik’i nosi yizi r elo łˤono n ʕoloqan t’a oq asi žedu zo q b iłi asi b iłe t’a uži bi b esu x
there IN.ABL I.PL become PFV.CVB home PL IN.ALL I.PL go ANT.CVB DEM2.IPL.OBL LAT there three TOP young DISTR become RES.PRT DEM1.IPL.OBL ATTR.OBL POSS.ESS I.PL resemble RES.PRT I.PL as DISTR boy PL I.PL find PRS
adv nsuf pref v vsuf adv nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv num suf adj suf v vsuf pron suf nsuf pref v vsuf pref conj suf n1 nsuf pref v vsuf

When they went home from there, they found three boys who resembled their own sons when they where young.

Когда они пошли оттуда домой, встретили там троих взрослых юношей, похожих на их сыновей.

In text Ohoyo
sasaq-ay neširu-r b-ik’i-n yizi sida orezni-xor b-ay-n
sasaq ay neširu r b ik’i n yizi sida orezni xor b ay n
in.the.morning IN.ABL evening LAT I.PL go PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL one.OBL pond AD.LAT I.PL come PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf pron num n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

They went from the morning to the evening and came to a pond.

Шли они с утра до вечера и дошли до одного озера.

In text Atid and Qarum
ʕeziyaw b-iš-nosi r-oč’iw łi-n ħaƛu-n halmaɣ-bi ele-ay-gon bitor huni-x b-oq-n
ʕeziyaw b nosi r oč’iw łi n ħaƛu n halmaɣ bi ele ay gon bitor huni x b oq n
much I.PL eat ANT.CVB IV cold water TOP drink PFV.CVB friend PL there IN.ABL CNTR thither way AD.ESS I.PL become PST.UNW
adv pref v vsuf pref adj n4 suf v vsuf n1 nsuf adv nsuf suf adv n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

After they had eaten much, the friends drank cold water and set out from there.

Наелись, выпили холодной воды и пошли дальше.

In text Atid and Qarum
ele-ay-gon bitor ʕAt’id kik waħo b-ik’i-x zow-ru-ni y-eže-ni ɣˤul-xor ik’i-n
ele ay gon bitor ʕAt’id kik waħo b ik’i x zow ru ni y eže ni ɣˤul xor ik’i n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither Atid spring below III go IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF II big DEF stone AD.LAT go PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv n1 n3 adv pref v vsuf v vsuf suf pref adj suf n2 nsuf v vsuf

From there Atid went to a big stone, where a spring was flowing below.

Оттуда Хлебосол пошел к большому камню, под которым протекал родник.

In text Atid and Qarum
elo teł-ay-n ƛisi-n łay-ƛ’ay ik’i-ace žeda-a ža uy-n žek’-n oɣ-n maħor kur-n
elo teł ay n ƛisi n łay ƛ’ay ik’i ace žeda a ža uy n žek’ n n maħor kur n
there inside IN.ABL TOP pull PFV.CVB mind SUPER.ABL go TERM DEM1.IIPL.OBL ERG DEM1.SG indeed TOP beat PFV.CVB take.away PFV.CVB outside throw PST.UNW
adv adv nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron adv suf v vsuf v vsuf adv v vsuf

They pulled him outside there, beated him unconscious, took him up and threw him outside.

Они вытащили его оттуда, избили до потери сознания и выбросили на улицу.

In text Three brothers
ele-ay-gon bitor huni-x ik’i-ƛ’oräy zaman-łaz yisi-ƛ’ meko c’ox-n
ele ay gon bitor huni x ik’i ƛ’oräy zaman łaz yisi ƛ’ meko c’ox n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither way AD.ESS go SIM.CVB time CONT.ESS.DIST DEM2.ISG.OBL SUPER.ESS hunger hit PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf pron nsuf n3 v vsuf

While he was going away from there on his way, after a while the hunger hit him.

Когда он пошел дальше по дороге, через некоторое время его охватил голод.

In text Three brothers
dice-gon mekod-x oq-łin sis ya geni ya heneš ele-ay b-et’ur-ani-x ˤuƛ’-n ža
dice gon mekod x oq łin sis ya geni ya heneš ele ay b et’ur ani x ˤuƛ’ n ža
how.much CNTR be.hungry IPFV.CVB become CNC.CVB one either pear either apple there IN.ABL III pull.out MSD AD.ESS be.afraid PST.UNW DEM1.SG
pron suf v vsuf v vsuf num conj n3 conj n3 adv nsuf pref v deriv nsuf v vsuf pron

But no matter how hungry he was, he was afraid to pluck either a pear or an apple.

Хотя он был очень голоден, он боялся сорвать хотя бы одно яблоко или грушу.

In text Three brothers
ele-ay bitor iš–uti-n ik’i-nosi hemeł-tow azbar-xor ay-n
ele ay bitor iš–uti n ik’i nosi hemeł tow azbar xor ay n
there IN.ABL thither eat PFV.CVB go ANT.CVB DEM4.IISG.OBL EMPH palace AD.LAT come PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv v vsuf v vsuf pron suf n3 nsuf v vsuf

He ate and from there he went further and came to the same palace.

Он там поел, пошел дальше и пришел к тому же дворцу.

In text Three brothers
elo ža iš–uti-n łi-n ħaƛu-n ele-ay-gon bitor huni-x oq-n ik’i-n neła ɣˤanabi-z baɣ-xor ay-n
elo ža iš–uti n łi n ħaƛu n ele ay gon bitor huni x oq n ik’i n neła ɣˤanabi z baɣ xor ay n
there DEM1.SG eat PFV.CVB water TOP drink PFV.CVB there IN.ABL CNTR thither way AD.ESS become PFV.CVB go PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL woman GEN2 garden AD.LAT come PST.UNW
adv pron v vsuf n4 suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron n2 nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf

There he ate and drank the water, and went on on his way and came to that woman's garden.

Он там поел, выпил воды, пошел дальше по дороге и добрался до сада той женщины.

In text Three brothers
ele-ay-gon bˤeƛ’q’ˤu-n b-iži-n aħo-łun ik’i-s
ele ay gon bˤeƛ’q’ˤu n b iži n aħo łun ik’i s
there IN.ABL CNTR sheep TOP III carry PFV.CVB shepherd LHUN go PST.WIT
adv nsuf suf n3 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf

From there I went as a shepherd to carry sheep.

Потом пошел пасти овец.

In text Three brothers
ele-ay bitor b-oxi-n b-ik’i-x boc’i-n ax-ł šiši-ru-ni xarceli-d bix kosi-x xizaz-gon et’u-č’ey neła-a kosi-ru-ni bix r-utir-x di-n ik’i-x zow-s nedur-ay ža-gon bˤeƛ’-a-n r-ac’-x zow-s
ele ay bitor b oxi n b ik’i x boc’i n ax ł šiši ru ni xarceli d bix kosi x xizaz gon et’u č’ey neła a kosi ru ni bix r utir x di n ik’i x zow s nedur ay ža gon bˤeƛ’ a n r ac’ x zow s
there IN.ABL thither III run.away PFV.CVB III go IPFV.CVB wolf TOP belly CONT.ESS get.stuck PST.PRT DEF scythe INSTR grass mow IPFV.CVB behind CNTR stay.behind NEG.PST.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG mow PST.PRT DEF grass IV gather IPFV.CVB me TOP go IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.WIT so IN.ABL DEM1.SG CNTR sheep ERG TOP IV eat IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.WIT
adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 suf n4 nsuf v vsuf suf n nsuf n4 v vsuf adv suf v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf suf n4 pref v vsuf pron suf v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf pron suf n3pl nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf

From there the wolf ran away with the scythe being stuck in the belly mowing grass, but I didn't stay behind but went gathering the mowed grass; so the sheep were eating it.

Волк побежал оттуда и косил траву вонзившей в ребро косой, а я шел за ним не отрываясь, собирая скошенную им траву, овцы по ходу тоже ели.

In text Three brothers
žin yoł-ƛax žedu howlo ži-ay soder-n šomo-a-ƛa bišo–bišom-a ƛˤeb-bi-ł-n b-iči žedu
žin yoł ƛax žedu howlo ži ay soder n šomo a ƛa bišo–bišom a ƛˤeb bi ł n b iči žedu
now be QUOT DEM1.IPL there now IN.ABL after TOP how.many ERG INDEF hundreds ERG year PL CONT.ESS TOP I.PL live DEM1.IPL
adv v suf pron adv adv nsuf post suf pron nsuf nsuf num nsuf n2 nsuf nsuf suf pref v pron

It's said that they still live there now, and they will live for several hundreds of years from now on.

Говорят, до сих пор они там живут и дальше несколько столетий будут жить.

In text The girl's feat
siħir-n y-oq-n neła ɣˤanabi-a harizi r-odi-n gama-a teł-ay maħor y-oq-a y-egir di-ƛin
siħir n y oq n neła ɣˤanabi a harizi r odi n gama a teł ay maħor y oq a y egir di ƛin
sly.person TOP II become PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL woman ERG request IV do PST.UNW boat IN.ESS inside IN.ABL outside II become INF II let me QUOT
n1 suf pref v vsuf pron n2 nsuf comp pref v vsuf n3 nsuf post nsuf adv pref v vsuf pref v pron suf

The woman was a sly person and pleaded: "Let me get out of the inside of the boat!"

Та женщина решила схитрить и попросила: «Дай мне выйти на палубу».

In text The girl's feat
uži-n kʷay-a is-n yisi-a neła-qay nar-ace yedu y-ik’i-ƛin gama-a teł-ay y-oq-a y-egir-n xeci-n
uži n kʷay a is n yisi a neła qay nar ace yedu y ik’i ƛin gama a teł ay y oq a y egir n xeci n
n1 suf n nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pron pref v suf n3 nsuf post nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

He took the son from her into his hand, [thinking] "Where could she go?" and let her get out of the boat's inside.

Он взял на руки у нее сына, куда, мол, она пойдет и дал ей выйти.

In text The girl's feat
ele-ay-gon bitor y-ik’i-ƛ’oräy yedu sida b-eže ʕaƛ-ar y-ay-n
ele ay gon bitor y ik’i ƛ’oräy yedu sida b eže ʕaƛ ar y ay n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither II go SIM.CVB DEM2.IISG one.OBL III big village IN.LAT II come PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf pron num pref adj n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

When she went further from there, she came to a big village.

Пошла она оттуда и дошла до одного большого села.

In text The girl's feat
ele-ay y-izi-n yedu howlo igo-za-tow yoł-ru-ni ħon-ƛ’aɣor y-ik’i-n aħo-z q’ay-xor y-ay-n
ele ay y izi n yedu howlo igo za tow yoł ru ni ħon ƛ’aɣor y ik’i n aħo z q’ay xor y ay n
there IN.ABL II get PFV.CVB DEM2.IISG there near ZA EMPH be PST.PRT DEF mountain SUPER.VERS II go PFV.CVB shepherd GEN2 shelter AD.LAT II come PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf pron adv adv suf suf v vsuf suf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

From there, she went further toward a mountain nearby and came to a shepherd's shelter.

После этого она поднялась на близлежащую гору и подошла к шалашу чабана.

In text The girl's feat
zaman-łay neła ɣˤanabi-s xediw-n nesi-s-gon uži-n oz-n b-iži-n ƛˤori-ł b-ik’i-nosi neła-r r-eti-asi zow-n best’alaw-ni kid elo idu-ay y-ok’ek’-ani-x
zaman łay neła ɣˤanabi s xediw n nesi s gon uži n oz n b iži n ƛˤori ł b ik’i nosi neła r r eti asi zow n best’alaw ni kid elo idu ay y ok’ek’ ani x
time CONT.ABL DEM1.IISG.OBL woman GEN1 husband and DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 CNTR son and army and I.PL lead PFV.CVB war CONT.ESS I.PL go ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL LAT IV want RES.PRT be.NPRS PFV.CVB step DEF daughter there home IN.ABL II remove MSD AD.ESS
n3 nsuf pron n2 nsuf n1 suf pron nsuf suf n1 suf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf adj suf n2 adv adv nsuf pref v deriv nsuf

After some time, after the woman's husband, his son and the army went to war, she wanted to remove the step-daughter from their home.

Через некоторое время, когда муж этой женщины и его сын вместе с войском ушли на войну, она хотела выгнать падчерицу из дома».

In text The girl's feat
ža kaɣat y-ay-nosi babi-a uži egir-n ciq-qor-n y-iži-n esiw-n y-exur-n neła-s rok’u di-q r-ukar-ani-x ħam-ay-n r-oɣ-n r-ow-ƛin
ža kaɣat y ay nosi babi a uži egir n ciq qor n y iži n esiw n y exur n neła s rok’u di q r ukar ani x ħam ay n r n r ow ƛin
DEM1.SG letter II come ANT.CVB dad ERG son send PST.UNW forest POSS.LAT TOP II lead PFV.CVB sister TOP II kill PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN1 heart me POSS.ESS IV show MSD AD.ESS chest IN.ABL TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB IV bring QUOT
pron n2 pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n1 v vsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 pron nsuf pref v deriv nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pref v suf

After reading the letter, the father sent his son: "Lead your sister into the forest and kill her, take away her heart out of her chest and bring it here to show it to me."

Получив письмо, отец отправил сына убить свою сестру и принести ее сердце, мол, показать.

In text The girl's feat
nesi-qor uži-n teƛ-n gama-a teł-ay-n y-oq-n ža raład-łer k’oƛi-n
nesi qor uži n teƛ n gama a teł ay n y oq n ža raład łer k’oƛi n
pron nsuf n1 suf v vsuf n3 nsuf post nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron n3 nsuf v vsuf

She gave him the son, got out of the boat's inside and jumped into the sea.

Отдала ему сына, вышла и бросилась в море.

In text The girl's feat
ele-ay bitor-gon b-ik’i-xozo q’ˤuya gama-ƛ’aɣor-n y-izi-n ža xʷasar-n y-oq-n neła-ƛ’-tow-n raład-z lilyo-xaɣor y-ok’eł-n
ele ay bitor gon b ik’i xozo q’ˤuya gama ƛ’aɣor n y izi n ža xʷasar n y oq n neła ƛ’ tow n raład z lilyo xaɣor y ok’eł n
adv nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf n n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron comp suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf suf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

She got to another boat that was going from there to somewhere else, got rescued and escaped on it to the seashore.

Там она поднялась на другую лодку, еле спаслась и вышла на берег.

In text The girl's feat
q’ˤida-ay b-et’u-n k’oƛi-n xediw-n uži-n neła-q łeɣi-n babiw-n esiw-n ʕuraw ɣˤaɣˤu b-izi-n
q’ˤida ay b et’u n k’oƛi n xediw n uži n neła q łeɣi n babiw n esiw n ʕuraw ɣˤaɣˤu b izi n
down IN.ABL I.PL jump PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB husband and son and DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS grasp PFV.CVB father and brother and very be.happy I.PL get PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf n1 suf n1 suf pron nsuf v vsuf n1 suf n1 suf adv comp pref v vsuf

The husband and the son jumped up and grasped her, the father and the brother got very happy.

Вскочили и бросились к ней муж и сын, а отец и брат очень обрадовались.

In text The girl's feat
best’al eniw-n buži-n er-n neła-de sadaq egir-ru-ni žek’u-n gulu-bi-z maħi-bi-qor-n b-ici-n ʕaƛ-ay maħor b-oxir-n
best’al eniw n buži n er n neła de sadaq egir ru ni žek’u n gulu bi z maħi bi qor n b ici n ʕaƛ ay maħor b oxir n
step mother and hope TOP put PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL APUD.ESS together send PST.PRT DEF man and horse PL GEN2 tail PL POSS.LAT TOP I.PL tie PFV.CVB village IN.ABL outside I.PL chase PST.UNW
adj n2 suf n suf v vsuf pron nsuf adv v vsuf suf n1 suf n3 nsuf nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf adv pref v vsuf

The step-mother and the man she sent together with her, who was put hope into, were tied to horses' tails and were chased out of the village.

Мачеху и того якобы надежного человека, с которым муж ее отправил на свадьбу, привязали к хвостам лошадей и выгнали из села.

In text The blessed handkerchief
mi eƛi-ru-xor r-odi-an-ƛin eniw-r roži-n teƛ-n uži ʕaƛ-ay maħor huni-x oq-n
mi eƛi ru xor r odi an ƛin eniw r roži n teƛ n uži ʕaƛ ay maħor huni x oq n
you say PST.PRT AD.LAT IV do FUT.DEF QUOT mother LAT word TOP give PFV.CVB son village IN.ABL outside way AD.ESS become PST.UNW
pron v vsuf nsuf pref v vsuf suf n2 nsuf n4 suf v vsuf n1 n3 nsuf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf

The son gave his mother his word: "I'll do what you said!", and went on his way out of the village.

Сын дал матери слово: «Сделаю так, как ты сказала». Потом вышел из села и отправился в путь.

In text The blessed handkerchief
q’ˤano-n b-iš-n q’ˤida-ay b-izi-nosi kid-a mołi-n didur ža r-utir-n teł-xor eqer-a r-ay-xosi yoł-rułi
q’ˤano n b n q’ˤida ay b izi nosi kid a mołi n didur ža r utir n teł xor eqer a r ay xosi yoł rułi
two TOP I.PL eat PFV.CVB down IN.ABL I.PL get.up ANT.CVB girl ERG teach PST.UNW how DEM1.SG IV turn PFV.CVB inside AD.LAT put INF IV must PRS.PRT be MSD
num suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf pron pron pref v vsuf post nsuf v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

After the two ate and got up, the girl taught [him] how one has to turn and put it inside.

После еды оба встали, и девушка научила, как его складывать и класть внутрь.

In text The widow's son
uži-a žawab teƛ-n mežu-a neła qu-ł di-z raɣi-a r-eži-gon r-aq’ˤu rešoni r-odi-s yołi ƛuza-bi-n čˤaƛi-n r-eži-gon r-aq’ˤu his r-iqi di-r bazar-ay-ƛin
uži a žawab teƛ n mežu a neła qu ł di z raɣi a r eži gon r aq’ˤu rešoni r odi s yołi ƛuza bi n čˤaƛi n r eži gon r aq’ˤu his r iqi di r bazar ay ƛin
boy ERG answer give PST.UNW you(I)PL.OBL ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL day CONT.ESS me GEN2 veranda IN.ESS IV more CNTR IV much garbage IV do PST.WIT if bone PL TOP throw PFV.CVB IV more CNTR IV much spring.wool IV get me LAT bazar IN.ABL QUOT
n1 nsuf n3 v vsuf pron nsuf pron n4 nsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf pref adv suf pref adj n4 pref v vsuf conj n4 nsuf suf v vsuf pref adv suf pref adv n4 pref v pron nsuf n4 nsuf suf

The boy answered: "If you had produced more garbage and threw the bones onto my veranda that day, I would've got much more wool from the market."

Сын ответил: «Если бы вы в тот день оставили еще больше мусора из костей, то я бы на рынке получил еще больше шерсти».

In text The widow's son
hobolo-ay-tow idu-r-n b-ik’i-n žedu esyu-bi žedu-a žedu-s posu-n r-exʷad-n neła-s reƛ-n r-ac’-n xizor ƛexu-ru ƛuza-bi-s ixin-bi-n r-ic’-n bazar-aɣor b-ik’i-n
hobolo ay tow idu r n b ik’i n žedu esyu bi žedu a žedu s posu n r exʷad n neła s reƛ n r ac’ n xizor ƛexu ru ƛuza bi s ixin bi n r ic’ n bazar aɣor b ik’i n
there IN.ABL EMPH home LAT TOP I.PL go PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL brother PL DEM1.IPL.OBL ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL GEN1 cattle TOP IV slaughter PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN1 meat TOP IV eat PFV.CVB back remain PST.PRT bone PL GEN1 bag PL TOP IV.PL fill PFV.CVB bazar IN.VERS I.PL go PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron n1 nsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf adv v vsuf n4 nsuf nsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

From there the brothers went home, slaughtered their cattle, ate its mean and filled bags with the remaining bones and went to the market.

Тут же пошли эти братья домой, зарезали свой скот, съели мясо, а оставшиеся кости собрали и с полными мешками пошли на базар.

In text The widow's son
ele-ay-gon bitor ħoši-n b-iži-n yeda ik’i-ƛ’oräy yisi-de dandir quqäsi reƛ teƛ-x bazargan c’ox-x
ele ay gon bitor ħoši n b iži n yeda ik’i ƛ’oräy yisi de dandir quqäsi reƛ teƛ x bazargan c’ox x
there IN.ABL CNTR thither hide TOP III carry PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG go SIM.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL APUD.ESS towards dry meat sell IPFV.CVB merchant meet PRS
adv nsuf suf adv n4 suf pref v vsuf pron v vsuf pron nsuf post adj n4 v vsuf n1 v vsuf

While he was going on with the hide, he met a merchant who was selling dried meat.

Когда он шел дальше со шкурой, встретил торговца, который продает сушеное мясо.

In text The widow's son
ele-ay-gon bitor ik’i-ƛ’oräy nesi uži-ł sis ɣˤanabi c’ox-n
ele ay gon bitor ik’i ƛ’oräy nesi uži ł sis ɣˤanabi c’ox n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither go SIM.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL boy CONT.ESS one woman meet PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv v vsuf pron n1 nsuf num n2 v vsuf

While he went further from there, that boy met a woman.

Пошел юноша дальше и встретил одну женщину.

In text The widow's son
suƛƛi-si oƛix-n k’oƛi-n ɣamas-ay-n uži oxi-n maħor ok’eł-n ža iqir-ani-x-ƛin nesi-ł xizay-gon č’ari-ƛ’ zow-ru-ni xediw-n k’oƛi-n
suƛƛi si oƛix n k’oƛi n ɣamas ay n uži oxi n maħor ok’eł n ža iqir ani x ƛin nesi ł xizay gon č’ari ƛ’ zow ru ni xediw n k’oƛi n
suddenly ATTR appear PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB box IN.ABL TOP boy run.away PFV.CVB outside escape PFV.CVB DEM1.SG catch MSD AD.ESS QUOT DEM1.ISG.OBL CONT.ESS behind CNTR wakeness SUPER.ESS be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF husband TOP run PST.UNW
adv suf v vsuf v vsuf n2 nsuf suf n1 v vsuf adv v vsuf pron v deriv nsuf suf pron nsuf post suf n nsuf v vsuf suf n1 suf v vsuf

Suddenly the boy jumped out of the box, ran outside and escaped; and in order to catch him ran the husband behind him, who was awake.

Юноша внезапно выскочил из сундука и убежал на улицу, а за ним, чтобы его поймать, побежал муж, который еще не спал.

In text The widow's son
xediw maħor ok’eł-run-gon ɣamas-a teł-ay maħor-n b-oq-n ele-ay b-oxi-n bazargan-bi-n b-ok’eł-n
xediw maħor ok’eł run gon ɣamas a teł ay maħor n b oq n ele ay b oxi n bazargan bi n b ok’eł n
husband outside go.away IMM.ANT.CVB CNTR box IN.ESS inside IN.ABL outside TOP I.PL become PFV.CVB there IN.ABL I.PL run.away PFV.CVB merchant PL TOP I.PL escape PST.UNW
n1 adv v vsuf suf n2 nsuf post nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf suf pref v vsuf

Right after the husband went outside, the merchants got out of the box and ran away.

Когда муж выскочил на улицу, купцы вышли из сундука и тоже успели убежать.

In text The widow's son
ele-ay bitor ok’eł-nosi b-oɣ-n ziya-s ħoši-n kur-n oq-n idu-ɣor ik’i-n
ele ay bitor ok’eł nosi b n ziya s ħoši n kur n oq n idu ɣor ik’i n
there IN.ABL thither escape ANT.CVB III take.away PFV.CVB cow GEN1 hide TOP throw PFV.CVB become PFV.CVB home IN.ALL go PST.UNW
adv nsuf adv v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 suf v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf

When he had escaped from there, he threw the cow's hide away and went home.

После того, как ушел оттуда, он выбросил коровью шкуру и пошел домой.

In text The widow's son
yizi didiw-tow xalq’i ziya-s ħoši-s r-eɣe-t’a t’it’u-bi bazar-a teƛ-ani-x nex-xosi yizi-a elu-łay ʕabdal-bi-tow-a b-odi-x-ƛin nasin xalq’i-n ƛ’iri b-uti-n ʕoƛno-n esyu-bi nocu-bi caƛi-x bazar-ay b-oxir-n
yizi didiw tow xalq’i ziya s ħoši s r eɣe t’a t’it’u bi bazar a teƛ ani x nex xosi yizi a elu łay ʕabdal bi tow a b odi x ƛin nasin xalq’i n ƛ’iri b uti n ʕoƛno n esyu bi nocu bi caƛi x bazar ay b oxir n
DEM2.IPL which EMPH people cow GEN1 hide GEN1 IV small DISTR piece PL bazar IN.ESS sell MSD AD.ESS come PRS.PRT DEM2.IPL.OBL ERG we(I)OBL CONT.ABL fool PL EMPH Q III do PRS QUOT all people TOP above III turn PFV.CVB seven TOP brother PL saliva PL throw IPFV.CVB bazar IN.ABL I.PL chase PST.UNW
pron pron suf n3 n3 nsuf n4 nsuf pref adj suf n4 nsuf n4 nsuf v deriv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n1 nsuf suf suf pref v vsuf suf adj n3 suf adv pref v vsuf num suf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

"What kind of people are they, coming to sell small pieces of cow hide on the market; are they making fools of us?!", all the people insisted and spitting on the seven brothers chased them off the market.

«Что за люди пришли на базар продавать маленькие куски коровьих шкур? Они считают нас глупцами!» - с такими словами все люди налетели на них и, плюнув им в лицо, выгнали семерых братьев с базара.

In text A father, his son, and Oku
babiw-de puħo-ay ok’eł-run-tow uži-łay sis ixiw miƛ’i-n b-oq-n babiw-ł ad–adäza b-et’u–k’oƛi-a b-oq-n
babiw de puħo ay ok’eł run tow uži łay sis ixiw miƛ’i n b oq n babiw ł ad–adäza b et’u–k’oƛi a b oq n
father APUD.ESS IN.ABL escape IMM.ANT.CVB EMPH boy CONT.ABL one big ram TOP III become PFV.CVB father CONT.ESS in.front.of III gallop INF III begin PST.UNW
n1 nsuf post nsuf v vsuf suf n1 nsuf num adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf post pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

Right when he escaped from his father's side, a big ram became out of the boy and began gallopping in front of the father.

Как только отец отдалился, он превратился в барана и начал перед ним резвиться.

In text The father and his three sons
sida qu-ł yisi-r šuda-ƛ’or gulu-n b-ay-asi b-esu-n ža ele-ay xizor b-oxir-a oq-n
sida qu ł yisi r šuda ƛ’or gulu n b ay asi b esu n ža ele ay xizor b oxir a oq n
one.OBL day CONT.ESS DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT graveyard SUPER.LAT horse TOP III come RES.PRT III find PFV.CVB DEM1.SG there IN.ABL back III chase INF begin PST.UNW
num n4 nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf pron adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf v vsuf

One day he found a horse that had come onto the grave, and he began to chase it away.

Однажды он увидел на могиле коня и пытался его оттуда прогнать.

In text The father and his three sons
hemeła zaman-ł ʕaƛ-a xabar b-oƛix-n qala-z ƛ’ˤu-ƛ’or gulu-n b-izir-n ele-ay kid y-ok’ek’-a k’ʷeze y-oq-ru žek’u-x xan-a ža y-egir-x-ƛin
hemeła zaman ł ʕaƛ a xabar b oƛix n qala z ƛ’ˤu ƛ’or gulu n b izir n ele ay kid y ok’ek’ a k’ʷeze y oq ru žek’u x xan a ža y egir x ƛin
DEM4.IISG.OBL time CONT.ESS village IN.ESS story III appear PST.UNW fortress GEN2 roof SUPER.LAT horse TOP III lift PFV.CVB there IN.ABL daughter II remove INF can II become PST.PRT man AD.ESS khan ERG DEM1.SG II send PRS QUOT
pron n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf n2 pref v vsuf comp pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf pron pref v vsuf suf

At some time, a rumor appeared in the village: The king would marry off his daughter to the man who is able to lift a horse onto the roof of his fortress and to steal his daughter from there.

В это время по селу пошла молва, что хан выдает свою дочь за того, кто сможет поднять коня на крышу крепости и похитить ее.

In text The father and his three sons
b-eže-t’a-ni q’ˤano-n esyu-bi idu-ay maħor b-oq-nosi yisi-a łˤono-n mus b-ik’u-r-n
b eže t’a ni q’ˤano n esyu bi idu ay maħor b oq nosi yisi a łˤono n mus b ik’u r n
I.PL old DISTR DEF two TOP brother PL home IN.ABL outside I.PL become ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG three TOP hair III burn CAUS PST.UNW
pref adj suf suf num suf n1 nsuf adv nsuf adv pref v vsuf pron nsuf num suf n3 pref v vsuf vsuf

When the two older brothers went outside the house, he burnt the three hairs.

Когда оба старших брата вышли из дому на улицу, он сжег три волоса.

In text The father and his three sons
b-ay-run-tow yisi-s gulu qala-z ƛ’ˤu-ƛ’or-n b-et’u-n k’oƛi-n ele-ay hič’č’a y-eɣe-ni xan-s kid-n y-ok’ek’-n idu-ɣor nex-n
b ay run tow yisi s gulu qala z ƛ’ˤu ƛ’or n b et’u n k’oƛi n ele ay hič’č’a y eɣe ni xan s kid n y ok’ek’ n idu ɣor nex n
III come IMM.ANT.CVB EMPH DEM2.ISG.OBL GEN1 horse fortress GEN2 roof SUPER.LAT TOP III jump PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB there IN.ABL the.most II young DEF khan GEN1 daughter TOP II steal PFV.CVB home IN.ALL come PST.UNW
pref v vsuf suf pron nsuf n3 n3 nsuf n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf adv nsuf adv pref adj suf n1 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf

Right after it arrived, his horse jumped onto the fortress' roof and from there he stole the youngest daughter of the king and came home.

Когда приехал, его конь прыгнул на крышу крепости, младший брат похитил самую младшую дочь хана и вернулся домой.

In text The father and his three sons
hemedur-tow xan-s y-oƛƛo-si-ni kid-n qala-ay y-oɣ-n xizor uti-n idu-ɣor nex-n
hemedur tow xan s y oƛƛo si ni kid n qala ay y n xizor uti n idu ɣor nex n
so EMPH khan GEN1 II middle ATTR DEF daughter TOP fortress IN.ABL II take.away PFV.CVB back return PFV.CVB home IN.ALL come PST.UNW
adv suf n1 nsuf pref adv suf suf n2 suf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf adv v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf

In the same way he took the king's middle daughter from the fortress and came back home.

Таким же образом среднюю дочь хана похитил из крепости и вернулся обратно домой.

In text The father and his three sons
c’aq’ maʕdinay ozuri-ay ozuri b-oɣ-xanusi y-iłe šebin zow-n ža
c’aq’ maʕdinay ozuri ay ozuri b xanusi y iłe šebin zow n ža
very lovely eye IN.ABL eye III take.away NEG.PRS.PRT II as thing be.NPRS PST.UNW DEM1.SG
adv adj n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pref conj n4 v vsuf pron

She was very lovely and one couldn't take one's eye off of hers.

Она была настолько красивой, что невозможно было свести с нее газ.

In text The father and his three sons
kid-a eƛi-n t’o sis aq’iw ʕoloqanaw uži yoł elu-z ʕaƛ-ay-si-n anu ža-ƛin
kid a eƛi n t’o sis aq’iw ʕoloqanaw uži yoł elu z ʕaƛ ay si n anu ža ƛin
girl ERG say PST.UNW there one strange young boy be we(I)OBL GEN2 village IN.ABL ATTR TOP be.NEG DEM1.SG QUOT
n2 nsuf v vsuf adv num adj adj n1 v pron nsuf n3 nsuf suf suf v pron suf

The girl said: "There is a strange young boy and he is not someone from our village."

Девушка сказала: «Тут какой-то незнакомый человек, он и не из нашего села».

In text The father and his three sons
ačqˤad-nosi cey-a q’ˤʷa–q’ˤʷa-ƛin eƛi-nosi uži-a ozuri-ay mow-t’a y-ˤoƛ’u-r-x zow-n cey-z haqu-ar
ačqˤad nosi cey a q’ˤʷa–q’ˤʷa ƛin eƛi nosi uži a ozuri ay mow t’a y ˤoƛ’u r x zow n cey z haqu ar
be.thirsty ANT.CVB eagle ERG krwa.krwa QUOT say ANT.CVB boy ERG eye IN.ABL tear DISTR II fall CAUS IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW eagle GEN2 mouth IN.LAT
v vsuf n3 nsuf interj suf v vsuf n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf n2 nsuf

When the thirsty eagle said "krwa-krwa", the boy let tears fall down from his eyes into the eagle's mouth.

Когда хотел пить, орел произносил «ква-ква», и юноша пускал из глаз слезу в его клюв.

In text The wise daughter
xizyo yiła-a idu-ay r-eti-ru łina-s-n hoko-n b-ic’-n wazir-bi-qor-gon eƛi-n hoko-ƛ’aɣor xan izir-ƛin
xizyo yiła a idu ay r eti ru łina s n hoko n b ic’ n wazir bi qor gon eƛi n hoko ƛ’aɣor xan izir ƛin
afterwards DEM2.IISG.OBL ERG home IN.ABL IV want PST.PRT what.OBL GEN1 TOP carriage TOP III fill PFV.CVB vizier PL POSS.LAT CNTR say PST.UNW carriage SUPER.VERS khan lift QUOT
adv pron nsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf n4 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf suf v vsuf n4 nsuf n1 v suf

Afterwards, she filled a carriage with what she wanted and said to the vizier: "Lift the king onto the carriage!"

Тогда она наполнила телегу всем необходимым домашним имуществом и сказала визирям: «Положите хана на телегу».

In text The smith's son
ža didur-ƛin yisi-a esir-nosi nesi uži-a eƛi-n sis ħumukuli-n b-is-n neła-a teł-ay axorekasi-n r-oɣ-n elo teł mi eqer-a ay-ƛin
ža didur ƛin yisi a esir nosi nesi uži a eƛi n sis ħumukuli n b is n neła a teł ay axorekasi n r n elo teł mi eqer a ay ƛin
DEM1.SG how QUOT DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG ask ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL boy ERG say PST.UNW one camel TOP III buy PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG inside IN.ABL giblets TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB there inside you put INF must QUOT
pron pron suf pron nsuf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf v vsuf num n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf post nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf adv adv pron v vsuf v suf

When he asked: "How that?", the boy said: "You must buy a camel, remove its giblets and put yourself inside!

«Как это возможно?» - спросил он. Тот юноша ответил: «Нужно купить одного верблюда, убрать из него все внутренности и запустить туда тебя.

In text The smith's son
ħumukuli-n b-is-n yizi-a teł-ay axorekasi-n r-oɣ-n neła-z ax-a teł-xor q’ebed-s uži egir-n
ħumukuli n b is n yizi a teł ay axorekasi n r n neła z ax a teł xor q’ebed s uži egir n
camel TOP III buy PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL.OBL ERG inside IN.ABL giblets TOP IV take.away PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN2 belly IN.ESS inside AD.LAT smith GEN1 son let PST.UNW
n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf post nsuf n1 nsuf n1 v vsuf

They bought a camel, removed its giblets and let the smith's son inside its belly.

Купили они верблюда, убрали изнутри кишки, и запустили в него сына кузнеца.

In text The smith's son
ele-ay izi-n ik’i-n yeda ʕazar ƛˤeb-a ik’i-n ʕazar ɣudi ik’i-n sida iħu-z lilyo-xor ay-n
ele ay izi n ik’i n yeda ʕazar ƛˤeb a ik’i n ʕazar ɣudi ik’i n sida iħu z lilyo xor ay n
there IN.ABL get PFV.CVB go PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG thousand year IN.ESS go PFV.CVB thousand day go PFV.CVB one.OBL river GEN2 AD.LAT come PST.UNW
adv nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron num n2 nsuf v vsuf num n4 v vsuf num n3 nsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf

From there he got away and went on a thousand years and a thousand days and came to a riverbank.

Он встал и пошел оттуда, шел тысячи лет, шел тысячи дней и дошел до берега одной реки.

In text The smith's son
ele-ay-gon izi-n ik’i-n yeda hemeła-tow iħu-z lilyo-x qoq-bi yoł-za moči-ƛ’or ay-n
ele ay gon izi n ik’i n yeda hemeła tow iħu z lilyo x qoq bi yoł za moči ƛ’or ay n
adv nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf pron pron suf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf

He got up from there, went along that river bank and came to a place where a cliff was.

Он поднялся, пошел по берегу реки и добрался до скалистой местности.

In text The smith's son
yeda-gon et’u-n k’oƛi-n gulu-ƛ’or-n izi-n xizaz-a-gon ħuržen-bi-n r-ici-n q’ˤim-ƛ’-gon k’uk-n er-n ele-ay bitor oxi-n
yeda gon et’u n k’oƛi n gulu ƛ’or n izi n xizaz a gon ħuržen bi n r ici n q’ˤim ƛ’ gon k’uk n er n ele ay bitor oxi n
DEM2.ISG CNTR jump PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB horse SUPER.LAT TOP get.up PFV.CVB behind IN.ESS CNTR bag PL and III.PL tie PFV.CVB head SUPER.ESS CNTR cap TOP put PFV.CVB there IN.ABL thither run.away PST.UNW
pron suf v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf adv nsuf suf n nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf suf n3 suf v vsuf adv nsuf adv v vsuf

He, however, jumped onto the horse, tied the bags onto it, put the cap onto his head and rode away from there.

А он вскочил на коня, привязал позади чересседельные сумки, надел на голову шапку и поскакал оттуда.

In text The smith's son
łˤora ɣudi yaħ b-odi-n nesi-a ele-ay soder yaħ b-oq-n-anu nesi-q
łˤora ɣudi yaħ b odi n nesi a ele ay soder yaħ b oq n anu nesi q
three.OBL day conscience III do PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG there IN.ABL upward conscience III become PFV.CVB NEG DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.ESS
num n4 n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv nsuf post n3 pref v vsuf vsuf pron nsuf

Three days he had his conscience, then his conscience wasn't enough anymore.

Он терпел в течение трех дней, а потом не вытерпел.

In text The prince and the princess
q’ˤida-ay-n izi-n xan-s uži-n iš-n
q’ˤida ay n izi n xan s uži n n
down IN.ABL TOP get.up PFV.CVB khan GEN1 son TOP eat PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 suf v vsuf

Up also got the prince and ate.

Встал и ханский сын и тоже начал есть.

In text The prince and the princess
howži ele-ay izi-n oq-ƛ’oräy xan-z uži-q esiw-z xediw-a esir-n šebi mi-r di t’ay neƛ-an-ƛin micxir-a mesed-a q’ˤuya maʕišat-a-ƛin
howži ele ay izi n oq ƛ’oräy xan z uži q esiw z xediw a esir n šebi mi r di t’ay neƛ an ƛin micxir a mesed a q’ˤuya maʕišat a ƛin
now there IN.ABL get.up PFV.CVB begin SIM.CVB khan GEN2 son POSS.ESS sister GEN2 husband ERG ask PST.UNW what you LAT me give FUT.DEF QUOT money Q gold Q other fortune Q QUOT
adv adv nsuf v vsuf v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron pron nsuf pron adv v vsuf suf n3 suf n3 suf adj n3 suf suf

Now, while he began to get up from there again, the prince was asked by his sister's husband: "What shall I give you from there? Money, gold or another fortune?"

Когда он встал и выходил оттуда, муж сестры спросил ханского сына: «Что тебе дать: деньги, золото или другое богатство?»

In text The prince and the princess
hudun žedu-a didur-ay-ƛa gulu-n k’irik’-n ƛoħo r-utir-n caƛi-n
hudun žedu a didur ay ƛa gulu n k’irik’ n ƛoħo r utir n caƛi n
nevertheless DEM1.IPL.OBL ERG how IN.ABL INDEF horse TOP frighten PFV.CVB pan IV turn PFV.CVB throw PST.UNW
adv pron nsuf pron nsuf nsuf n3 suf v vsuf n4 pref v vsuf v vsuf

Nevertheless they frightened the horse somehow and it turned the pan and threw it to them.

Тем не менее, они как-то напугали коня и опрокинули кастрюлю.

In text The prince and the princess
xizyo xan qˤaƛanad-a oq-n eleley yedu didiw karamałi mi-z buɣa-a di-z buɣa-z ax-ay mo y-ac’-x-ƛin
xizyo xan qˤaƛanad a oq n eleley yedu didiw karamałi mi z buɣa a di z buɣa z ax ay mo y ac’ x ƛin
afterwards khan yell INF begin PFV.CVB behold DEM2.IISG which miracle you GEN2 stock.bull ERG me GEN2 stock.bull GEN2 belly IN.ABL fat II eat PRS QUOT
adv n1 v vsuf v vsuf excl pron pron n4 pron nsuf n3 nsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf n2 pref v vsuf suf

Then the king began to yell: "Behold, what miracle is that, your bull is eating the fat out of my bull's belly!"

Тогда хан закричал: «Эх-эх, что за чудо, твой бык поедает жир из живота моего быка».

In text Two brothers and one sister
sida qu-ł q’ˤano-n esyu-bi urɣizi b-oq-n xan-z idu-ay micxir b-ok’ek’-an-ƛin
sida qu ł q’ˤano n esyu bi urɣizi b oq n xan z idu ay micxir b ok’ek’ an ƛin
one.OBL day CONT.ESS two TOP brother PL thinking I.PL become PST.UNW khan GEN2 home IN.ABL money III steal FUT.DEF QUOT
num n4 nsuf num suf n1 nsuf comp pref v vsuf n1 nsuf adv nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf

One day the two brothers thought: "We'll steal money from the king's home!"

Однажды оба брата решили украсть деньги из ханского дома.

In text Two brothers and one sister
xizyo xan-a sis siħiray q’orolay-n goƛ’i-n nesi-a nesi-däɣor neła-q esi-n di-z idu-ay micxir nar eƛi-a b-iy-č’ey gugi-x łu b-ok’ek’-xosi yoł-ru-łi-n didur-n-kin r-iy-x-anu-ƛin
xizyo xan a sis siħiray q’orolay n goƛ’i n nesi a nesi däɣor neła q esi n di z idu ay micxir nar eƛi a b iy č’ey gugi x łu b ok’ek’ xosi yoł ru łi n didur n kin r iy x anu ƛin
afterwards khan ERG one cunning.II widow TOP invite PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL APUD.VERS DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS tell PST.UNW me GEN2 home IN.ABL money where say INF III know NEG.PST.CVB escape IPFV.CVB who.ERG III steal PRS.PRT be PST.PRT NMLZ and how and even IV know PRS NEG QUOT
adv n1 nsuf num adj n2 suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf adv nsuf n3 pron v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron pref v vsuf v vsuf deriv suf pron suf suf pref v vsuf vsuf suf

Then the king invited a cunning widow to himself and he told her: "Money has vanished from my home to who-knows-where, I don't know whatsoever who might have stolen."

Потом хан пригласил к себе одну хитрую вдову и рассказал ей: «Из моего дома неизвестно куда исчезают деньги, а мы никак не можем узнать, кто это ворует».

In text Two brothers and one sister
hemeł-ƛ’ xizyo nuci-s b-ic’-ali-ni q’ili-ay yeda maħor-n oq-n eže-ni esiw-s q’ˤim-n r-is-n idu-ɣor oxi-n
hemeł ƛ’ xizyo nuci s b ic’ ali ni q’ili ay yeda maħor n oq n eže ni esiw s q’ˤim n r is n idu ɣor oxi n
DEM4.IISG.OBL SUPER.ESS after honey GEN1 III fill ATTR DEF qili IN.ABL DEM2.ISG outside TOP become PFV.CVB old DEF brother GEN1 head TOP IV take PFV.CVB home IN.ALL run.away PST.UNW
pron nsuf post n4 nsuf pref v vsuf suf n3 nsuf pron adv suf v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf adv nsuf v vsuf

After that, he got out of the honey-filled pot, took the older brother's head and ran home.

После этого он выбрался из медовой емкости, забрал голову старшего брата и побежал домой.

In text Two brothers and one sister
xan-r bič’zi r-oq-n elo q’ˤano c’ohor zow-ru-łi-n sisi-ni-gon ele-ay oxi-n ik’i-ru-łi-n
xan r bič’zi r oq n elo q’ˤano c’ohor zow ru łi n sisi ni gon ele ay oxi n ik’i ru łi n
khan LAT understand IV become PST.UNW there two thief be.NPRS PST.PRT NMLZ and other DEF CNTR here IN.ABL run.away PFV.CVB go PST.PRT NMLZ and
n1 nsuf comp pref v vsuf adv num n1 v vsuf deriv suf adj suf suf adv nsuf v vsuf v vsuf deriv suf

The king understood that there were two thiefs and the other one had run away from there.

Хан понял, что там было два вора, и то, что другой оттуда сбежал.

In text Two brothers and one sister
xizyogon urɣizi oq-n xan c’ohor-s q’ˤim anu-č’u-ru-ni cudi sidaɣ qun-xor-n b-ayr-an nesi-z ʕagarłi-a ža šuda-ł šuši-ani-x ele-ay b-iži-č’ey xeci-č’i hemeł-ƛ’ di-r šebi ža c’ohor yoł-ru-n iy-ƛin
xizyogon urɣizi oq n xan c’ohor s q’ˤim anu č’u ru ni cudi sidaɣ qun xor n b ayr an nesi z ʕagarłi a ža šuda ł šuši ani x ele ay b iži č’ey xeci č’i hemeł ƛ’ di r šebi ža c’ohor yoł ru n iy ƛin
then thinking become PST.UNW khan thief GEN1 head be.NEG NEG.PST.WIT PST.PRT DEF corpse farmstead AD.LAT TOP III bring FUT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN2 relatives ERG DEM1.SG graveyard CONT.ESS bury MSD AD.ESS there IN.ABL III carry NEG.PST.CVB leave NEG.FUT DEM4.IISG.OBL SUPER.ESS me LAT who DEM1.SG thief be PST.PRT TOP know QUOT
adv comp v vsuf n1 n1 nsuf n4 v vsuf vsuf suf n3 adv n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf pron n4 nsuf v deriv nsuf adv nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf pron pron n1 v vsuf suf v suf

Then the king pondered: "I will bring the thief's headless corpse to the farmstead, his relatives won't leave without taking him from there to bury him on a graveyard."

Тогда хан подумал: «Отвезу безголовый труп вора на хутор, его родственники не оставят его там без погребения, вот тогда я узнаю, кто был этот вор».

In text Two brothers and one sister
elo-n eɣe-ni esyu-a žedu-r sis ħilla urɣizi b-odi-n araq’i-s b-ic’-asi q’urec’ni-n b-iži-n ik’i-n xan-s nukar-bi-n ħalik’-n ele-ay eže-ni esiw-s cudi b-ok’ek’-an-ƛin
elo n eɣe ni esyu a žedu r sis ħilla urɣizi b odi n araq’i s b ic’ asi q’urec’ni n b iži n ik’i n xan s nukar bi n ħalik’ n ele ay eže ni esiw s cudi b ok’ek’ an ƛin
there TOP young DEF brother ERG DEM1.IPL.OBL LAT one trickery thinking III do PST.UNW vodka GEN1 III fill RES.PRT mule TOP III lead PFV.CVB go PFV.CVB khan GEN1 henchman PL TOP water PFV.CVB there IN.ABL old DEF brother GEN1 corpse III steal FUT.DEF QUOT
adv suf adj suf n1 nsuf pron nsuf num n3 comp pref v vsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf suf v vsuf adv nsuf adj suf n1 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf

There the younger brother thought of playing a trickery on them: he would lead a mule packed with vodka and would "water" the king's henchmen and then would steal his older brother's corpse from there.

Там младший брат придумал против них одну хитрость: пойти туда с груженым водкой мулом, напоить царских нукеров и похитить труп старшего брата.

In text Two brothers and one sister
maqˤi-r-ay-tow ele-aɣor nex-x žek’u ukad-nosi q’ˤano–łˤono nukar yisi-de dandir nex-n esir-n mi šebi yoł na-aɣor ik’i-xosi žek’u yoł mi mi-z q’urec’ni-ƛ’ ƛ’iri šebi yoł-ƛin
maqˤi r ay tow ele aɣor nex x žek’u ukad nosi q’ˤano–łˤono nukar yisi de dandir nex n esir n mi šebi yoł na aɣor ik’i xosi žek’u yoł mi mi z q’urec’ni ƛ’ ƛ’iri šebi yoł ƛin
far.away LAT IN.ABL EMPH there IN.VERS come IPFV.CVB man see ANT.CVB two.or.three henchman DEM2.ISG.OBL APUD.ESS towards come PFV.CVB ask PST.UNW you who be where IN.VERS go PRS.PRT man be you you GEN2 mule SUPER.ESS on what be QUOT
adv nsuf nsuf suf adv nsuf v vsuf n1 v vsuf num n1 pron nsuf post v vsuf v vsuf pron pron v pron nsuf v vsuf n1 v pron pron nsuf n3 nsuf post pron v suf

After they saw a man coming there from far away, two or three henchmen were coming towards him and asked: "Who are you? Where are you going? What's that on your mule?"

Увидев издалека идущего человека, два-три нукера пошли ему навстречу и спросили: «Ты кто такой, куда ты идешь, что на твоем муле?»

In text Sun's Uneyzat
neširu-ay-gon soder yisi-a č’uħaraw šeƛ’u-n šeƛ’u-n ma-bi-x aħnad-x zow-n
neširu ay gon soder yisi a č’uħaraw šeƛ’u n šeƛ’u n ma bi x aħnad x zow n
evening IN.ABL CNTR after DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG gorgeous clothing and put.on PFV.CVB outside PL AD.ESS walk.around IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf post pron nsuf adj n4 suf v vsuf n2 nsuf nsuf v vsuf v vsuf

After the evening, however, he put on gorgeous clothes and took a walk outside.

А вечером он выходил на улицу и гулял в роскошной одежде.

In text Sun's Uneyzat
ele-ay r-izi-n yizi sida siħiraw-ni q’orolay-däɣor r-ik’i-n y-eɣe-ni esiw-de puħo-ay xexbi r-ok’ek’-ani-x sis ħilla urɣizi b-odi-o-ƛin
ele ay r izi n yizi sida siħiraw ni q’orolay däɣor r ik’i n y eɣe ni esiw de puħo ay xexbi r ok’ek’ ani x sis ħilla urɣizi b odi o ƛin
there IN.ABL II.PL get.up PFV.CVB DEM2.IPL one.OBL cunning DEF widow APUD.VERS II.PL go PST.UNW II young DEF sister APUD.ESS IN.ABL children III.PL steal MSD AD.ESS one trickery thinking III do IMPR QUOT
adv nsuf pref v vsuf pron num adj suf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf pref adj suf n2 nsuf post nsuf n3pl pref v deriv nsuf num n3 comp pref v vsuf suf

They got up from there and went to a cunning widow: "Think of a trickery in order to steal the children from our younger sister's side!"

Они встали и пошли к одной хитрой вдове: «Придумай способ похитить детей у младшей сестры».

In text Sun's Uneyzat
q’ar-ƛ’-tow izi-n ik’i-n yisi-a xan-q esi-n neširu q’orol-z idu-ay hemedur b-eɣe xexbi-s di-r guru teq-s žedu xexbi mi-s-kin b-esu-ač’in-ey-ƛin
q’ar ƛ’ tow izi n ik’i n yisi a xan q esi n neširu q’orol z idu ay hemedur b eɣe xexbi s di r guru teq s žedu xexbi mi s kin b esu ač’in ey ƛin
early SUPER.ESS EMPH get.up PFV.CVB go PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG khan POSS.ESS tell PST.UNW evening widow GEN2 home IN.ABL so I.PL young children GEN1 me LAT crying hear PST.WIT DEM1.IPL children you GEN1 even I.PL appear NEG.FUT.DEF DUB QUOT
adv nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf adv n2 nsuf adv nsuf adv pref adj n1pl nsuf pron nsuf n3 v vsuf pron n1pl pron nsuf suf pref v vsuf suf suf

He got up early, went to the king and told him: "So yesterday night I heard the crying of young children from the widow's home; couldn't those children be yours?"

Он встал рано утром, пошел и рассказал хану, что вечером услышал плач новорожденных детей из дома вдовы: «Случайно, не твои ли это дети?»