ele-ay-gon | bitor | čan-bi | k’edi-x | ik’i-ƛ’oräy | nesi-de | dandir | čarma-n | r-ici-n | nex-x | ziru | č’aq’ˤi-n | |||||||||||
ele | ay | gon | bitor | čan | bi | k’edi | x | ik’i | ƛ’oräy | nesi | de | dandir | čarma | n | r | ici | n | nex | x | ziru | č’aq’ˤi | n |
there | IN.ABL | CNTR | thither | she.goat | PL | search | IPFV.CVB | go | SIM.CVB | DEM1.ISG.OBL | APUD.ESS | towards | turban | TOP | IV | tie | PFV.CVB | come | IPFV.CVB | fox | hit | PST.UNW |
adv | nsuf | suf | adv | n3 | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | post | n4 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | n3 | v | vsuf |
While going away from there searching the goats, a fox with a turban ran into him.
Когда оттуда дальше шел в поисках коз, он встретил лису с привязанной чалмой.