Morpheme ixiw (adj) big

60 occurrences

In text Who is the biggest of them?
sis ixiw cey-n b-ay-n ža is ele-ay neła-a b-ok’-n b-iži-n
sis ixiw cey n b ay n ža is ele ay neła a b ok’ n b iži n
one big eagle and III come PFV.CVB DEM1.SG bull there IN.ABL DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG I.PL beat PFV.CVB I.PL carry PST.UNW
num adj n3 suf pref v vsuf pron n3 adv nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

And a big eagle came, struck this bull down and carried it away from there.

Прилетел один большой орел, схватил того быка, поднял его...

In text Who is the biggest of them?
cey-a ža ħon-ƛ’or-n b-iži-n sida ixiw t’eka-zo šilu-bi-a-n eqer-n b-ac’-x zow-n
cey a ža ħon ƛ’or n b iži n sida ixiw t’eka zo šilu bi a n eqer n b ac’ x zow n
eagle ERG DEM1.SG mountain SUPER.LAT and III carry PFV.CVB one.OBL big he.goat ATTR.OBL horn PL IN.ESS and put PFV.CVB III eat IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW
n3 nsuf pron n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf num adj n3 suf n2 nsuf nsuf suf v vsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

The eagle carried it onto a mountain, put it on the horns of a big goat and ate.

...и положил на рога козла, находящегося на одной горе и стал есть.

In text Who is the biggest of them?
žedu-a elo sis ixiw ziru č’aq’ˤir-n
žedu a elo sis ixiw ziru č’aq’ˤir n
DEM1.IPL ERG there one big fox kill PST.UNW
pron nsuf adv num adj n3 v vsuf

They killed a big fox there.

Молодые люди убили большую лису.

In text Who is the biggest of them?
howła imadu-ł hič’č’a ixiw šebi yoł isä cey-a t’eka-a aħo-a ziru-a q’orol ɣˤanabi-a
howła imadu ł hič’č’a ixiw šebi yoł isä cey a t’eka a aħo a ziru a q’orol ɣˤanabi a
DEM3.IISG.OBL tale CONT.ESS the.most big who be conceive eagle Q he.goat Q shepherd Q fox Q widowed woman Q
pron n3 nsuf adv adj pron v v n3 suf n3 suf n1 suf n3 suf adj n2 suf

Who is the biggest one in this tale: The bull, the eagle, the goat, the shepherd, the fox or the widow?

Кто самый большой в этой сказке: бык, орел, козел, пастух, лиса или вдова?

In text The wooden horse
xanłi-n nasin maʕišat-n Musa-qor teƛ-n ixiw berten-n b-odi-n kid-n y-egir-n
xanłi n nasin maʕišat n Musa qor teƛ n ixiw berten n b odi n kid n y egir n
khanate and all fortune and Musa POSS.LAT give PFV.CVB big marriage and III do PFV.CVB daughter and II send PST.UNW
n4 suf adj n3 suf n1 nsuf v vsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf

He gave Musa his kingdom and all his fortune, and gave him his daughter and organized a great wedding.

Все царство и богатство царь дал Мусе, выдали за него свою дочь и сыграли большую свадьбу.

In text Aliqilich
ezu-ru yisi-r ciq-z raʕalłi-x yoł-ru-ni sida ixiw ɣun-q soder b-izi-x aždaħ–bikori b-ukad-n
ezu ru yisi r ciq z raʕalłi x yoł ru ni sida ixiw ɣun q soder b izi x aždaħ–bikori b ukad n
look PST.PRT DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT forest GEN2 edge AD.ESS be PST.PRT DEF one.OBL big tree POSS.ESS upward III get.up IPFV.CVB dragon.snake III see PST.UNW
v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf suf num adj n4 nsuf post pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf

Looking around, he saw a dragon-snake climbing a tree that was standing at the edge of the forest.

Посмотрел и видит змею-дракона на окраине леса, которая поднимается по дереву.

In text The cat's feat
bˤeƛo-q-gon ixiw qˤaƛu-n r-egi-n ciq-aɣor b-oxi-n
bˤeƛo q gon ixiw qˤaƛu n r egi n ciq aɣor b oxi n
pig POSS.ESS CNTR big shout TOP IV let.go PFV.CVB forest IN.VERS III run.away PFV.CVB
n3 nsuf suf adj n4 suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

The pig emitted loud shouts and ran away into the forest.

Кабан сильно заревел и убежал в лес.

In text The cat's feat
boc’i-z-n qˤay-z-n ziru-z-n-gon žeda-ƛ’or ixiw-tow žanawar b-ay-s b-esu-ƛin rok’u-ƛ’or-n r-ay-n sida-q sis r-iqi-č’ey k’irił-n r-oxi-n
boc’i z n qˤay z n ziru z n gon žeda ƛ’or ixiw tow žanawar b ay s b esu ƛin rok’u ƛ’or n r ay n sida q sis r iqi č’ey k’irił n r oxi n
wolf GEN2 and hare GEN2 and fox GEN2 and CNTR DEM1.IIPL.OBL SUPER.LAT big EMPH wild.animal III come PST.WIT III exist QUOT heart SUPER.LAT TOP IV come PST.UNW one.OBL POSS.ESS one IV get NEG.PST.CVB run.away PFV.CVB IV run.away PST.UNW
n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf suf pron nsuf adj suf n3 pref v vsuf pref v suf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf num nsuf num pref v vsuf v vsuf pref v vsuf

The wolf, the hare and the fox thought that an animal, larger than themselves, was coming, they ran away, one running faster than the other.

Волк, заяц, лиса подумали, что к ним подкрался огромный зверь и стремительно разбежались, опережая друг друга.

In text The mirror, the needle and the comb
esyu-bi-ł xizaz ixiw raład b-oq-n
esyu bi ł xizaz ixiw raład b oq n
sister PL CONT.ESS behind big sea III become PST.UNW
n2 nsuf nsuf post adj n3 pref v vsuf

And a big sea formed behind the sisters.

За сестрами образовалось большое море.

In text The mirror, the needle and the comb
aždaħ-ł adäza ixiw gibu-s ħon y-oq-n
aždaħ ł adäza ixiw gibu s ħon y oq n
dragon CONT.ESS before big dust GEN1 mountain II become PST.UNW
n3 nsuf adv adj n3 nsuf n2 pref v vsuf

And in front of the dragon, a big mountain of sand was formed.

Перед драконом образовалась большая песчаная гора.

In text The fisherman
xan-a ixiw berten-n b-odi-n indowri-bi-z aħo-x kid-n y-egir-n
xan a ixiw berten n b odi n indowri bi z aħo x kid n y egir n
khan ERG big marriage TOP III do PFV.CVB turkey PL GEN2 shepherd AD.ESS daughter TOP II let PST.UNW
n1 nsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf nsuf n1 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf

The king organized a big wedding and married his daughter off to the turkey herder.

Царь сыграл большую свадьбу и за пастуха индюков выдал свою дочь.

In text Tabuldi
ža uži esu-ru-s aħo-r ixiw sayɣat-n b-odi-n egir-n xizor
ža uži esu ru s aħo r ixiw sayɣat n b odi n egir n xizor
DEM1.SG boy find PST.PRT GEN1 shepherd LAT big present TOP III do PFV.CVB send PST.UNW back
pron n1 v vsuf nsuf n1 nsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf adv

The boy gave the shepherds who had found him a big present and sent them back.

За то, что нашел мальчика, пастуху сделал большой подарок и отправили его назад.

In text The dream
k’oƛi-n y-ik’i-n uži-der kid ixiw-t’a muši kur-x y-iči-n
k’oƛi n y ik’i n uži der kid ixiw t’a muši kur x y iči n
run PFV.CVB II go PFV.CVB boy APUD.LAT daughter big DISTR air throw IPFV.CVB II be PST.UNW
v vsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n2 adj suf n3 v vsuf pref v vsuf

His daughter came running and moaned heavily at the boy.


In text The dream
šebi r-oq-n mi-r tusnaq’-a yoł-ru di-kin-a nece-t’a ixiw muši kur-x-anu-ƛin uži-a bayan b-is-nosi neła-a hemedur q’ˤano t’umi b-ayr-asi yoł žeda-łay nasi guluči nasi aqiw bat’a b-odi-a koƛ’i-č’ey ƛexu-asi-ƛin esi-n
šebi r oq n mi r tusnaq’ a yoł ru di kin a nece t’a ixiw muši kur x anu ƛin uži a bayan b is nosi neła a hemedur q’ˤano t’umi b ayr asi yoł žeda łay nasi guluči nasi aqiw bat’a b odi a koƛ’i č’ey ƛexu asi ƛin esi n
what IV happen PFV.CVB you LAT prison IN.ESS be PST.PRT me even Q so.much DISTR big air throw IPFV.CVB NEG QUOT boy ERG information III take ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL ERG so two pigeon III bring RES.PRT be DEM1.IIPL.OBL CONT.ABL which male which female seperation III do INF NEG.PST.CVB remain RES.PRT QUOT tell PST.UNW
pron pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf pron suf suf adv suf adj n3 v vsuf vsuf suf n1 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv num n3 pref v vsuf v pron nsuf pron adj pron adj n3 pref v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf suf v vsuf

"What happened to you? Even I, who I am in prison, don't moan so much!", the boy wanted to know, and she told him so: "Two pigeons were brought and it remains unknown how to distinguish which of them is male and which is female!"


In text The dream
babiw-ƛ’ nediw ɣudi r-ukad-zaƛ’ kid žigon y-izi-n uži-der tusnaq’-ar-n y-ik’i-n aki-xor y-ay-nosi ixiw muši kur-n
babiw ƛ’ nediw ɣudi r ukad zaƛ’ kid žigon y izi n uži der tusnaq’ ar n y ik’i n aki xor y ay nosi ixiw muši kur n
father SUPER.ESS such day IV see CSL.CVB girl II get.up PFV.CVB boy APUD.LAT prison IN.LAT TOP II go PFV.CVB window AD.LAT II come ANT.CVB big air throw PST.UNW
n1 nsuf pron n4 pref v vsuf n2 adv pref v vsuf n1 nsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf adj n3 v vsuf

When she saw the hazzle on her father, the girl got up again and went into the prison to the boy, and moaned, when she came to the window.


In text The dream
xan-a wazir-s meč’-n b-eč’-n t’akan nesi-qor y-ayr-ru-ni uži-x ixiw berten-n b-odi-n kid-n y-egir-n
xan a wazir s meč’ n b eč’ n t’akan nesi qor y ayr ru ni uži x ixiw berten n b odi n kid n y egir n
khan ERG vizier GEN1 neck TOP III cut PFV.CVB glass DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.LAT II bring PST.PRT DEF boy AD.ESS big marriage TOP III do PFV.CVB daughter TOP II send PST.UNW
n1 nsuf n1 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf n2 pron nsuf pref v vsuf suf n1 nsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf

The king cut off the vizier's head, arranged a big wedding and gave his daughter to the boy who brought him his glass.

Царь отсек голову визира, сыграл большую свадьбу и выдал дочь за того, кто нес ему стакан.

In text Two friends
elo ʕaƛ-ł r-oƛƛo ixiw naħu-z ɣun-a teł łi yoł-ƛax
elo ʕaƛ ł r oƛƛo ixiw naħu z ɣun a teł łi yoł ƛax
there village CONT.ESS IV.PL middle big oak GEN2 tree IN.ESS inside water be QUOT
adv n3 nsuf pref adv adj n2 nsuf n4 nsuf adv n4 v suf

There's supposed to be water inside a big oak in the middle of the village.


In text Two friends
xan-a nesi-x ixiw berten-n b-odi-n kid-n y-egir-n boƛik’u nesi-s ric’q’i-n ɣˤutku-n posu-n teƛ-n howlo-tow xan-de pu-aza igu-ni žek’u-n iči-n
xan a nesi x ixiw berten n b odi n kid n y egir n boƛik’u nesi s ric’q’i n ɣˤutku n posu n teƛ n howlo tow xan de pu aza igu ni žek’u n iči n
khan ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL AD.ESS big marriage TOP III do PFV.CVB daughter TOP II send PFV.CVB half DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 wealth and house and cattle and give PFV.CVB there EMPH khan APUD.ESS side IN.VERS.DIST good DEF man TOP be PST.UNW
n1 nsuf pron nsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf n pron nsuf n3 suf n4 suf n4 suf v vsuf adv suf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf adj suf n1 suf v vsuf

The king organized a big marriage and married off his daughter, gave half his wealth, his house and cattle to him and the good man was to the king's side.


In text The aunt
ža-n bitor y-iq’ˤir-n waħo-az egi-n ik’i-nosi mi-r elo ixiw gondu y-ukad elo-gon teł-xor oq-nosi q’ˤida y-iči-asi eniw y-esu
ža n bitor y iq’ˤir n waħo az egi n ik’i nosi mi r elo ixiw gondu y ukad elo gon teł xor oq nosi q’ˤida y iči asi eniw y esu
DEM1.SG TOP thither II move.aside PFV.CVB below IN.ESS.DIST go.into PFV.CVB go ANT.CVB you LAT there big big.hole II see there CNTR inside AD.LAT become ANT.CVB down II sit RES.PRT mother II find
pron suf adv pref v vsuf post nsuf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf adv adj n2 pref v adv suf adv nsuf v vsuf adv pref v vsuf n2 pref v

After you have moved it aside and went below it, you will see a big hole, and inside you will see your mother sitting there.

Отодвинешь его в сторону, пойдешь снизу увидишь большую яму, зайдешь туда внутрь и там найдешь сидящую маму.

In text Tsighruk
zow-n zow-n-anu-ƛax sida ʕaƛ-x igo ixiw aždaħ
zow n zow n anu ƛax sida ʕaƛ x igo ixiw aždaħ
be.NPRS PFV.CVB be.NPRS PFV.CVB NEG QUOT one.OBL village AD.ESS near big dragon
v vsuf v vsuf vsuf suf num n3 nsuf post adj n3

Once upon a time there was a big dragon near a village.

Был, не был, говорят, ближе к одному селу большой дракон.

In text Tsighruk
sosi iyo-s q’ut’u ħaƛu-n xizyo b-iš-ƛ’oräy ħamorok’u-ƛ’ ozuri c’ox-nosi neła-q ixiw-tow qˤaƛu r-egi-n way di-s Maryam-ƛin
sosi iyo s q’ut’u ħaƛu n xizyo b ƛ’oräy ħamorok’u ƛ’ ozuri c’ox nosi neła q ixiw tow qˤaƛu r egi n way di s Maryam ƛin
at.first blood GEN1 earthen.jug drink PFV.CVB afterwards III eat SIM.CVB breast SUPER.ESS eye meet ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS big EMPH shout IV emit PST.UNW o.dear me GEN1 Maryam QUOT
adv n3 nsuf n3 v vsuf adv pref v vsuf n4 nsuf n4 v vsuf pron nsuf adj suf n4 pref v vsuf interj pron nsuf n2 suf

First, he drank the jug with the blood, afterwards, while eating, his eye met the breast and a big shout emitted from him: "O dear, my Maryam!"

Сначала выпил кувшинчик крови, потом когда начал кушать, он увидел грудь и заревел, ой, моя Марям мол.

In text Tsighruk
łi-ƛ’ b-oq-ł-č’i-zaƛ’ ixiw haraƛ’-n b-odi-n aždaħ xizor–q’ˤimer b-uti-n
łi ƛ’ b oq ł č’i zaƛ’ ixiw haraƛ’ n b odi n aždaħ xizor–q’ˤimer b uti n
water SUPER.ESS III become POT NEG.FUT CSL.CVB big voice TOP III do PFV.CVB dragon back III return PST.UNW
n4 nsuf pref v vsuf vsuf vsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n3 adv pref v vsuf

Because he wouldn't get over the water, the dragon shouted loudly and went back.

Дракон не смог переправить реку, заревел и вернулся обратно.

In text Tsighruk
ixiw qˤaƛu-n r-ok’-n łina-s-n-tow-n čara-n b-exu-n aždaħ xizor b-uti-n
ixiw qˤaƛu n r ok’ n łina s n tow n čara n b exu n aždaħ xizor b uti n
big shout TOP IV beat PFV.CVB what.OBL GEN1 TOP EMPH TOP possibility TOP III die PFV.CVB dragon back III return PST.UNW
adj n4 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf suf suf n3 suf pref v vsuf n3 adv pref v vsuf

The dragon emitted a loud shout, he had no possibilities and returned.

Дракон заревел, потерял все надежды и вернулся обратно.

In text Tsighruk
C’iɣruk’-a ixiw ɣamas y-odi-ani-x bašla b-odi-n
C’iɣruk’ a ixiw ɣamas y odi ani x bašla b odi n
Tsighruk ERG big box II do MSD AD.ESS begin III do PST.UNW
n1 nsuf adj n2 pref v deriv nsuf comp pref v vsuf

Tsighruk began to make a big box.


In text Tsighruk
aždaħ-a r-oɣ-ru ixiw qˤaƛu-a C’iɣruk’ łay-ƛ’ay iži-a dahaw šebin xeci-n
aždaħ a r ru ixiw qˤaƛu a C’iɣruk’ łay ƛ’ay iži a dahaw šebin xeci n
dragon ERG IV hatch PST.PRT big shout ERG Tsighruk mind SUPER.ABL carry INF a.little thing leave PST.UNW
n3 nsuf pref v vsuf adj n4 nsuf n1 n3 nsuf v vsuf adv n4 v vsuf

The shout that the dragon emitted distracted Tsighruk a little bit.

Дракон так заревел, что чуть не вывел Цигрука из себя.

In text The sheep
šibaw ɣudi-ƛ’ šuda-ƛ’ay ciyo r-agi-ani-x sis ixiw miƛ’i-t’a b-ay-x zow-n
šibaw ɣudi ƛ’ šuda ƛ’ay ciyo r agi ani x sis ixiw miƛ’i t’a b ay x zow n
every day SUPER.ESS graveyard SUPER.ABL salt IV lick MSD AD.ESS one big ram DISTR III come IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW
pron n4 nsuf n4 nsuf n2 pref v deriv nsuf num adj n3 suf pref v vsuf v vsuf

Every day a big ram was coming to lick the salt from the grave.

Каждый день на кладбище приходил крупный баран, чтобы лизать соль.

In text Ten friends
nazo-n žeda-a sida-ƛ’or-n r-uti-n ixiw ɣˤutku r-odi-n
nazo n žeda a sida ƛ’or n r uti n ixiw ɣˤutku r odi n
pron suf pron nsuf num nsuf suf pref v vsuf adj n4 pref v vsuf

They all came together and built a big house.

Все они собрались и построили большой дом.

In text Ten friends
žedu-s hari-xor ixiw qema-n zigolu-n r-egir-n
žedu s hari xor ixiw qema n zigolu n r egir n
DEM1.IIPL.OBL GEN1 request AD.LAT big rain and hail and II.PL send PST.UNW
pron nsuf n3 nsuf adj n4 suf n2 suf pref v vsuf

And on their request, much rain and hail was sent.

По их мольбе пошел большой дождь с градом.

In text The fox and the crow
idu-ɣor nex-ƛ’oräy huni-x uži-qay yoł–esu-ru bišʷa łiy-nosi r-ac’-a šebin-kin-da t’o teł r-esu-an-ƛin k’emot’-n y-ˤaɣˤi-n tełer ezu-nosi ixiw ɣˤutku r-oq-n
idu ɣor nex ƛ’oräy huni x uži qay yoł–esu ru bišʷa łiy nosi r ac’ a šebin kin da t’o teł r esu an ƛin k’emot’ n y ˤaɣˤi n tełer ezu nosi ixiw ɣˤutku r oq n
home IN.ALL come SIM.CVB way AD.ESS boy POSS.ABL find PST.PRT food end ANT.CVB IV eat INF thing even COND there inside IV find FUT.DEF QUOT TOP II open PFV.CVB to.the.inside look ANT.CVB big house IV become PST.UNW
adv nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf n4 v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 suf nsuf adv adv pref v vsuf suf n2 suf pref v vsuf adv v vsuf adj n4 pref v vsuf

While coming home, on the way the boy didn't find anything to eat anymore, and [saying] "Maybe I'll find something to eat inside there.", he opened the wooden case and when he looked inside, it became a big house.

Подумал, что там внутри найдется пища, открыл комод, посмотрел во внутрь и вдруг образовался большой дом.

In text The fox and the crow
idu-r ay-za qu-ł-tow neširu kʷat’izi b-oq-ru mixƛ’o idu-ay maħor-n oq-n ɣˤutku-ł adäz-ar-n ik’i-n yisi-a k’emot’ y-ˤaɣˤi-run elo ixiw ɣˤutku r-oq-n
idu r ay za qu ł tow neširu kʷat’izi b oq ru mixƛ’o idu ay maħor n oq n ɣˤutku ł adäz ar n ik’i n yisi a k’emot’ y ˤaɣˤi run elo ixiw ɣˤutku r oq n
home LAT come ZA day CONT.ESS EMPH at.night be.late III become PST.PRT home IN.ABL outside TOP become PFV.CVB house CONT.ESS before IN.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG II open IMM.ANT.CVB there big house IV become PST.UNW
adv nsuf v suf n4 nsuf suf adv comp pref v vsuf adv adv nsuf adv suf v vsuf n4 nsuf post nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf n2 pref v vsuf adv adj n4 pref v vsuf

On the day when he came home, when it has become late at night, he got outside his home, went in front of his house and right when he opened the box, a big house came into being there.

В тот же день, когда пришел домой, поздно ночью вышел во двор и, становясь перед домом, открыл сундук, где и образовался большой дом.

In text The fox and the crow
sasaqozox uži-ƛ’ay ader maħor y-oq-ru eniw ma-a ixiw ɣˤutku r-esu-nosi tamaša y-oq-n ƛexu-n
sasaqozox uži ƛ’ay ader maħor y oq ru eniw ma a ixiw ɣˤutku r esu nosi tamaša y oq n ƛexu n
early.morning boy SUPER.ABL earlier outside II become PST.PRT mother outside IN.ESS big house IV find ANT.CVB astonished II become PFV.CVB remain PST.UNW
adv n1 nsuf adv adv pref v vsuf n2 n2 nsuf adj n4 pref v vsuf comp pref v vsuf v vsuf

Early in the morning, his mother got out earlier than the boy and was very astonished when she found the big house outside.

Завтра утром раньше сына вышла на улицу мама и, видя во дворе большой дом, удивилась.

In text The fox and the crow
idu-r-n y-ik’i-n uži-n č’arik’-n eni-a eƛi-n eli-z ma-a łu-ƛa ixiw ɣˤutku r-odi-n-ƛin
idu r n y ik’i n uži n č’arik’ n eni a eƛi n eli z ma a łu ƛa ixiw ɣˤutku r odi n ƛin
home LAT TOP II go PFV.CVB boy TOP wake.up PFV.CVB mother ERG say PST.UNW we GEN2 outside IN.ESS who.OBL INDEF big house IV do PST.UNW QUOT
adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n1 suf v vsuf n2 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n2 nsuf pron nsuf adj n4 pref v vsuf suf

The mother went home, woke up the boy and said: "Someone built a big house outside of ours."

Пошла домой, разбудила сына и мама сказала, на наше дворе кто-то построил большой дом мол.

In text Batsali and the Wolf
sida mixƛ’o ƛ’iri-azay qema-s ixiw ix b-oƛix-n
sida mixƛ’o ƛ’iri azay qema s ixiw ix b oƛix n
one.OBL at.a.time above IN.ABL.DIST rain GEN1 big torrent III appear PST.UNW
num adv adv nsuf n4 nsuf adj n3 pref v vsuf

At some point in time, a big torrent of rain came from above.

Вдруг с верху появился огромный дождевой поток.

In text The udder
hemedur miskin-łi-ƛ’-n best’alłi-ƛ’-n sisxoli eniw-de aq’ˤił-n zow-ru-ni uži-a xan-n muk’ur odi-n nesi-s kid-n y-ow-n ixiw berten-n b-odi-n
hemedur miskin łi ƛ’ n best’alłi ƛ’ n sisxoli eniw de aq’ˤił n zow ru ni uži a xan n muk’ur odi n nesi s kid n y ow n ixiw berten n b odi n
so poor NMLZ SUPER.ESS TOP orphanhood SUPER.ESS and alone mother APUD.ESS grow.up PFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF boy ERG khan TOP persuade do PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 daughter TOP II marry PFV.CVB big marriage TOP III do PST.UNW
adv adj deriv nsuf suf n4 nsuf suf adv n2 nsuf v vsuf v vsuf suf n1 nsuf n1 suf comp v vsuf pron nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf

That's how the boy who grew up in poverty and orphanhood by his single mother persuaded the king, married his daughter and prepared a big marriage.

Вот так выросший в бедноте, сиротстве одиноко с матерью юноша покорил царя, женился на его дочери и сыграл большую свадьбу.

In text The old man and the young boy
nesi-s xabar kid-a babiw-q esi-nosi yeda di-ƛ’ay ʕelmu t’et’r-asi ʕalim žek’u esu-ƛin Maħama-a Aħmad-x kid-n y-egir-n ixiw berten-n b-odi-n
nesi s xabar kid a babiw q esi nosi yeda di ƛ’ay ʕelmu t’et’r asi ʕalim žek’u esu ƛin Maħama a Aħmad x kid n y egir n ixiw berten n b odi n
DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 story girl ERG father POSS.ESS tell ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG me SUPER.ABL science learn RES.PRT trained man exist QUOT Magomed ERG Akhmed AD.ESS daughter TOP II send PFV.CVB big marriage TOP III do PST.UNW
pron nsuf n3 n2 nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron pron nsuf n3 v vsuf adj n1 v suf n1 nsuf n1 nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf

When the girl told her father what he said, Magomed said: "He is a better learned and trained man than I" and married his daughter of to Akhmed and prepared a big wedding.

Когда дочь рассказала отцу об их разговоре, он, наверное, ученый, который больше меня изучал науку мол, Магомед выдал за Ахмеда свою дочь и сыграли большую свадьбу.

In text The gift of the eagle
elo r-oq-n sis ixiw bercinaw ɣˤutku-n sida-däza pu-ƛ’aza b-ik’i-x-ƛax ɣˤay-s iħu sida-däza-gon łi-s iħu
elo r oq n sis ixiw bercinaw ɣˤutku n sida däza pu ƛ’aza b ik’i x ƛax ɣˤay s iħu sida däza gon łi s iħu
there IV become PFV.CVB one big beautiful house TOP one.OBL APUD.VERS.DIST side SUPER.VERS.DIST III go PRS QUOT milk GEN1 river one.OBL APUD.VERS.DIST CNTR water GEN1 river
adv pref v vsuf num adj adj n4 suf num nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf suf n2 nsuf n3 num nsuf suf n4 nsuf n3

There came a big beautiful house into being, with a milk river flowing on the one side and a water river on the other.

Вдруг там образовался большой, красивый дом, с одной стороны течет молочная река, а с другой водяная река.

In text The gift of the eagle
nesi-a nesi-z ʕaƛ-ar ay-nosi ɣˤutku-z ma-x q’ˤida čanta-n eqer-n bełiqan-a neła-ƛ’-si iƛ’u y-izir-nosi elo-n hemediw-tow ixiw ɣˤutku r-oq-n
nesi a nesi z ʕaƛ ar ay nosi ɣˤutku z ma x q’ˤida čanta n eqer n bełiqan a neła ƛ’ si iƛ’u y izir nosi elo n hemediw tow ixiw ɣˤutku r oq n
DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN2 village IN.LAT come ANT.CVB house GEN2 yard AD.ESS down pocket TOP put PFV.CVB hunter ERG DEM1.IISG.OBL SUPER.ESS ATTR lid II lift ANT.CVB there TOP such.a EMPH big house IV become PST.UNW
pron nsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf n2 nsuf adv n4 suf v vsuf n1 nsuf pron nsuf suf n2 pref v vsuf adv suf adj suf adj n4 pref v vsuf

After the hunter came into his own village, in his house's yard he put down the pocket, and when he lifted the lid on it, there came the exact same big house into being.

Пришел в свое родное село, положил сумку во дворе дома, и когда охотник открыл ее крышку, там тоже получился такой же большой дом.

In text The fox and the miller
ele-aɣor b-ik’i-ƛ’oräy ziru-de dandir ixiw bˤeƛ’-s reqen-n žeda-ł teł-gon b-ik’i-x ixiw ɣˤʷay-n keze b-oq-n
ele aɣor b ik’i ƛ’oräy ziru de dandir ixiw bˤeƛ’ s reqen n žeda ł teł gon b ik’i x ixiw ɣˤʷay n keze b oq n
there IN.VERS I.PL go SIM.CVB fox APUD.ESS together big sheep GEN1 herd and DEM1.IIPL.OBL CONT.ESS inside CNTR I.PL go IPFV.CVB big dog and meet III become PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf post adj n3pl nsuf n3 suf pron nsuf post suf pref v vsuf adj n3 suf comp pref v vsuf

When they went there, the fox met a big flock of sheep and a large dog walking among them.

Когда туда шли, лиса встретила отару овец и большую собаку среди них.

In text The testament
uži-z rok’u-ƛ’or pikru b-ay-n dice ixiw ʕaq’lu nesi-a di-q mołi-a-ƛin
uži z rok’u ƛ’or pikru b ay n dice ixiw ʕaq’lu nesi a di q mołi a ƛin
boy GEN2 heart SUPER.LAT idea III come PST.UNW how.much big advice DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG me POSS.ESS teach PST.WIT.INT QUOT
n1 nsuf n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pron adj n3 pron nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf suf

The boy thought: "How big an advice did he give me?!"

А юноша подумал, какой большой совет он мне дал мол.

In text The testament
xizyogon hemedur-tow dice ixiw ʕaq’lu yisi-a di-r žigoƛ’äy-gon b-odi-a-ƛin nesi-z rok’u-ƛ’or r-ay-n
xizyogon hemedur tow dice ixiw ʕaq’lu yisi a di r žigoƛ’äy gon b odi a ƛin nesi z rok’u ƛ’or r ay n
again so EMPH how.much big advice DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG me LAT once.again CNTR III do PST.WIT.INT QUOT DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN2 heart SUPER.LAT IV come PST.UNW
adv adv suf pron adj n3 pron nsuf pron nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf suf pron nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf

Again, he thought: "What a similarly big advice did he give me once again?!"

Потом еще юноша подумал, какой большой совет он мне дал мол.

In text The testament
b-aq’ˤu zaman b-ik’i-zaƛ’or-tow r-izi-n sis ixiw łaci–muši y-egir-n isi
b aq’ˤu zaman b ik’i zaƛ’or tow r izi n sis ixiw łaci–muši y egir n isi
III much time III go POST.CVB EMPH IV get.up PFV.CVB one big wind II send PST.UNW snow
pref adj n3 pref v vsuf suf pref v vsuf num adj n4 pref v vsuf n2

After a short while, a big storm came up and it began to snow.

Много времени не прошло, поднялся ветер, пошел снег.

In text The testament
hemeł qu-ł-tow kinaw ʕaƛ-s xalq’i-n goƛ’i-n saɣłi-ƛ’ č’agu–šigo ža ay-ru-s ixiw rok’u–ɣʷey r-odi-n
hemeł qu ł tow kinaw ʕaƛ s xalq’i n goƛ’i n saɣłi ƛ’ č’agu–šigo ža ay ru s ixiw rok’u–ɣʷey r odi n
DEM4.IISG.OBL day CONT.ESS EMPH entire village GEN1 people TOP invite PFV.CVB health SUPER.ESS alive DEM1.SG come PST.PRT GEN1 big fun IV do PST.UNW
pron n4 nsuf suf adj n3 nsuf n3 suf v vsuf n3 nsuf adv pron v vsuf nsuf adj n4 pref v vsuf

On this very day, they invited the people from the entire village and celebrated that he came back alive and healthy.

В тот же день пригласили домой всех жителей села и веселились за то, что он вернулся целым и невредимым.

In text Razhbadin and Tawadin
y-oƛƛo ƛˤeb y-ik’i-nosi Tawadi ixiw suħmat r-odi-a iħu-x
y oƛƛo ƛˤeb y ik’i nosi Tawadi ixiw suħmat r odi a iħu x
II middle year II go ANT.CVB Tavadi big celebration IV do INF begin PRS
pref adv n2 pref v vsuf n1 adj n4 pref v vsuf v vsuf

After a year had passed, Tavadi began to organize a big celbration.

Прошел год и Тавади начал организовать крупное празднество.

In text Ohoyo
ʕaƛ-xor ay-nosi-gon dibir-n goƛ’i-n mahar-n er-n ixiw berten-n b-odi-n
ʕaƛ xor ay nosi gon dibir n goƛ’i n mahar n er n ixiw berten n b odi n
village AD.LAT come ANT.CVB CNTR imam TOP call PFV.CVB wedding TOP put PFV.CVB big marriage TOP III do PST.UNW
n3 nsuf v vsuf suf n1 suf v vsuf n4 suf v vsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf

When he came into he village, he called the imam, organized a wedding and threw a big marriage.

Когда пришел в село, пригласили муллу, совершили обряд бракосочетания и сыграли большую свадьбу.

In text Atid and Qarum
žamaʕat-r r-iy-x zow-s yołi žedu-z ʕaƛ-ł b-oƛƛo sida ixiw aħin-ƛ teł kik yoł-rułi elu-r ža dawla b-iqi-a zow-č’u-ƛin
žamaʕat r r iy x zow s yołi žedu z ʕaƛ ł b oƛƛo sida ixiw aħin ƛ teł kik yoł rułi elu r ža dawla b iqi a zow č’u ƛin
population LAT IV know IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.WIT if DEM1.IPL.OBL GEN2 village CONT.ESS III middle one.OBL big rock SUB.ESS inside spring be MSD we(I)OBL LAT DEM1.SG prey III get INF be.NPRS NEG.PST.WIT QUOT
n3 nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf conj pron nsuf n3 nsuf pref adv num adj n3 nsuf post n3 v vsuf pron nsuf pron n3 pref v vsuf v vsuf suf

If the population knew that in the middle of their village under a rock there is a spring, we would not get the prey."

Если бы жители села узнали, что в центре села под камнем находится родник, эту добычу мы бы не получили».

In text The girl's feat
ixiw berten b-odi-n nesi uži-s šet’ur yoł-ru-ni ʕaƛ-bi-łay xalq’i-n goƛ’i-n
ixiw berten b odi n nesi uži s šet’ur yoł ru ni ʕaƛ bi łay xalq’i n goƛ’i n
big marriage III do PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL boy GEN1 around be PST.PRT DEF village PL CONT.ABL people TOP invite PST.UNW
adj n3 pref v vsuf pron n1 nsuf adv v vsuf suf n3 nsuf nsuf n3 suf v vsuf

He arranged the boy's big marriage and invited the people from the villages around.

Пригласили людей из всех близлежащих сел и сыграли тому юноше большую свадьбу.

In text The widow's son
ʕoƛno-n esyu-bi haqu-a b-ogu-n ƛexu-n esir-n nece ixiw yedu mi-r bˤeƛ’-s reqen nay b-iqi-a-ƛin
ʕoƛno n esyu bi haqu a b ogu n ƛexu n esir n nece ixiw yedu mi r bˤeƛ’ s reqen nay b iqi a ƛin
seven TOP brother PL mouth IN.ESS I.PL gape PFV.CVB remain PFV.CVB ask PST.UNW so.much big DEM2.IISG you LAT sheep GEN1 herd from.where III get PST.WIT.INT QUOT
num suf n1 nsuf n2 nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf adv adj pron pron nsuf n3pl nsuf n3 adv pref v vsuf suf

The seven brothers remained gaping and asked: "Where did you get this large flock of sheep from?!"

Семеро братьев изумились и спросили: «Где ты нашел такую большую отару овец?»

In text The widow's son
uži-a žawab teƛ-n mežu-a aħin-qor-n ici-n-gon di iħu-łxor kur-s yołi b-eži-gon ixiw reqen di-r b-iqi-ƛin
uži a žawab teƛ n mežu a aħin qor n ici n gon di iħu łxor kur s yołi b eži gon ixiw reqen di r b iqi ƛin
boy ERG answer give PST.UNW you(I)PL.OBL ERG rock POSS.LAT TOP tie PFV.CVB CNTR me river CONT.VERS throw PST.WIT if III more CNTR big herd me LAT III get QUOT
n1 nsuf n3 v vsuf pron nsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf suf pron n3 nsuf v vsuf conj pref adv suf adj n3 pron nsuf pref v suf

The boy answered: "If you had thrown me into the river tied to a rock, then I would've gotten an even bigger flock."

Юноша ответил: «Если бы вы меня бросили, привязав к камню, мне досталась бы еще большая отара овец».

In text A father, his son, and Oku
babiw-de puħo-ay ok’eł-run-tow uži-łay sis ixiw miƛ’i-n b-oq-n babiw-ł ad–adäza b-et’u–k’oƛi-a b-oq-n
babiw de puħo ay ok’eł run tow uži łay sis ixiw miƛ’i n b oq n babiw ł ad–adäza b et’u–k’oƛi a b oq n
father APUD.ESS IN.ABL escape IMM.ANT.CVB EMPH boy CONT.ABL one big ram TOP III become PFV.CVB father CONT.ESS in.front.of III gallop INF III begin PST.UNW
n1 nsuf post nsuf v vsuf suf n1 nsuf num adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf post pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

Right when he escaped from his father's side, a big ram became out of the boy and began gallopping in front of the father.

Как только отец отдалился, он превратился в барана и начал перед ним резвиться.

In text A father, his son, and Oku
zaman-łaza nesi-ł xizay oƛix-ru uži-qor babiw aƛ’i-n mi na zow-a dice ixiw miƛ’i zow-a ent’o b-et’u–k’oƛi-x didur-n-kin di-q ža sisxoli oq-zaƛ’ b-iqi-č’u mi sadaq zow-s yołi q’ˤuna-q-n sadaq b-iqi-as ža łemu
zaman łaza nesi ł xizay oƛix ru uži qor babiw aƛ’i n mi na zow a dice ixiw miƛ’i zow a ent’o b et’u–k’oƛi x didur n kin di q ža sisxoli oq zaƛ’ b iqi č’u mi sadaq zow s yołi q’ˤuna q n sadaq b iqi as ža łemu
time CONT.VERS.DIST DEM1.ISG.OBL CONT.ESS behind appear PST.PRT boy POSS.LAT father talk PST.UNW you where be.NPRS PST.WIT.INT how.much big ram be.NPRS PST.WIT.INT here III gallop IPFV.CVB how TOP even me POSS.ESS DEM1.SG alone become CSL.CVB III get NEG.PST.WIT you together be.NPRS PST.WIT if two.OBL POSS.ESS TOP together III get FUT2 DEM1.SG then.would
n3 nsuf pron nsuf post v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 v vsuf pron pron v vsuf pron adj n3 v vsuf adv pref v vsuf pron suf suf pron nsuf pron adv v vsuf pref v vsuf pron adv v vsuf conj num nsuf suf adv pref v vsuf pron conj

After some time, the father talked to the boy who appeared behind him: "Where have you been? How big was this ram? It was gallopping here and because I was alone, I couldn't get in in any way, so if we are together, then we two will get it together."

Через некоторое время, когда появился сын, он начал его ругать: «Где ты был? Такой большой баран здесь резвился, мне одному никак не удалось его поймать, если бы ты был, мы вдвоем вместе поймали бы его».

In text The smith's son
ay-n ža sidaɣ ixiw goga-ƛ’or
ay n ža sidaɣ ixiw goga ƛ’or
come PST.UNW DEM1.SG big meadow SUPER.LAT
v vsuf pron adv adj n2 nsuf

And he came to some big meadow.

Приехал он на одну большую поляну.

In text The smith's son
elo b-esu-ru sis ixiw posu suƛƛi-si nesi-ƛ’or-n k’oƛi-n q’ebed-s uži-n exur-n
elo b esu ru sis ixiw posu suƛƛi si nesi ƛ’or n k’oƛi n q’ebed s uži n exur n
there III exist PST.PRT one big cattle suddenly ATTR DEM1.ISG.OBL SUPER.LAT TOP jump PFV.CVB smith GEN1 son TOP kill PST.UNW
adv pref v vsuf num adj n4 adv suf pron nsuf suf v vsuf n1 nsuf n1 suf v vsuf

Suddenly a big animal that was there inside, jumped onto him and killed the smith's son.

Вдруг огромное животное, оказавшееся там, бросилось на него и убило.

In text The prince and the princess
elo žedu sida ixiw kero-qor b-ay-n
elo žedu sida ixiw kero qor b ay n
there DEM1.IPL one.OBL big ravine POSS.LAT I.PL come PST.UNW
adv pron num adj n3 nsuf pref v vsuf

There they came to a big ravine.

Там они очутились в одном большом ущелье.

In text The prince and the princess
idu-r b-ay-nosi-gon elo-n žedu-a ixiw berten b-odi-n
idu r b ay nosi gon elo n žedu a ixiw berten b odi n
home LAT I.PL come ANT.CVB CNTR there TOP DEM1.IPL.OBL ERG big marriage III do PST.UNW
adv nsuf pref v vsuf suf adv suf pron nsuf adj n3 pref v vsuf

After they came home, they also celebrated a big wedding there.


In text Arabuzan
elo sida azbar-a teł yisi-r žek’u esu-n ixiw ƛoħo-n c’i-ƛ’ er-n simildi r-aħi-r-x
elo sida azbar a teł yisi r žek’u esu n ixiw ƛoħo n c’i ƛ’ er n simildi r aħi r x
there one.OBL palace IN.ESS inside DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT man find PFV.CVB big pan TOP fire SUPER.ESS put PFV.CVB maize IV cook CAUS IPFV.CVB
adv num n3 nsuf post pron nsuf n1 v vsuf adj n4 suf n4 nsuf v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf vsuf

There, inside a palace, he found a man who put a big pan onto the fire and cooked corn.

Там в одном дворце он встретил человека, который варил кукурузу в огромной кастрюле, поставив ее на огонь.

In text Mountain-Hero
elo sida ixiw aħin-ƛ-n b-iqi-n łˤono q’ˤim yoł-asi bikori č’ač’aƛi-x yisi-r b-ukad-n
elo sida ixiw aħin ƛ n b iqi n łˤono q’ˤim yoł asi bikori č’ač’aƛi x yisi r b ukad n
there one.OBL big rock SUB.ESS TOP III get PFV.CVB three head be RES.PRT snake squeak IPFV.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT III see PST.UNW
adv num adj n3 nsuf suf pref v vsuf num n4 v vsuf n3 v vsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf

There he saw a three-headed snake that got under a big rock and was squeaking there.

А там он увидел, как трехголовая змея попала под один большой камень и пищала.

In text Mountain-Hero
yizi b-ukad-run aždaħ-a zudi-ay r-oɣ-n ixiw riri-s ɣun yizi-ł adäz-ar r-ayr-n kur-n
yizi b ukad run aždaħ a zudi ay r n ixiw riri s ɣun yizi ł adäz ar r ayr n kur n
DEM2.IPL I.PL see IMM.ANT.CVB dragon ERG root IN.ABL IV take.away PFV.CVB big alder GEN1 tree DEM2.IPL.OBL CONT.ESS before IN.LAT IV bring PFV.CVB throw PST.UNW
pron pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf adj n3 nsuf n4 pron nsuf post nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

When he saw them, the dragon tore out an alder tree from its roots and threw it before them.

Как дракон их узнал, он с корнями вытащил дерево и бросил перед ними.

In text The Rabbit
žeda-a eƛi-x-ƛax oc’ira łera ɣudi-ƛ’aza howži ɣutan-ł ixiw zigolu-n y-egir r-aq’ˤu bˤeƛ’-n r-exu r-ig-za ħal-ł elu-r reƛ-n r-iqi-ƛin
žeda a eƛi x ƛax oc’ira łera ɣudi ƛ’aza howži ɣutan ł ixiw zigolu n y egir r aq’ˤu bˤeƛ’ n r exu r ig za ħal ł elu r reƛ n r iqi ƛin
DEM1.IIPL.OBL ERG say PRS QUOT ten.OBL five.OBL day SUPER.VERS.DIST now winter.pasture CONT.ESS big hail TOP II let IV many sheep TOP III.PL die IV much ZA trouble CONT.ESS we(I)OBL LAT meat TOP IV get QUOT
pron nsuf v vsuf suf num num n4 nsuf adv n2 nsuf adj n2 suf pref v pref adj n3pl suf pref v pref adv suf n3 nsuf pron nsuf n4 suf pref v suf

They were saying: "Fifteen days from now there will be a big hailstorm on the winter pasture, many sheep will die, and we will have a lot of meat in the trouble."

Они говорили: «Через пятнадцать дней на зимних пастбищах пойдет сильный град, сдохнет много овец, и мы получим достаточно мяса».

In text The Rabbit
hudayziko-tow ixiw zigolu-n y-ay-n qˤiči r-exu-č’ey žek’u-kin ƛexu-n anu
hudayziko tow ixiw zigolu n y ay n qˤiči r exu č’ey žek’u kin ƛexu n anu EMPH big hail TOP II come PFV.CVB harvest IV die NEG.PST.CVB man even remain PST.UNW be.NEG
adv suf adj n2 suf pref v vsuf n4 pref v vsuf n1 suf v vsuf v

The next day came a big hailstorm and there remained no man whose harvest didn't die.

На следующий же день пошел сильный град и не осталась человека, не пострадавшего от потери урожая.

In text With the help of the fox
elo yisi-r besuroqu esu-n gamuš-bi-q ƛisi-r-n sis ixiw besuro b-iži-x
elo yisi r besuroqu esu n gamuš bi q ƛisi r n sis ixiw besuro b iži x
there DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT fisherman find PFV.CVB buffalo PL POSS.ESS pull CAUS PFV.CVB one big fish III carry IPFV.CVB
adv pron nsuf n1 v vsuf n3 nsuf nsuf v vsuf vsuf num adj n3 pref v vsuf

There he found a fisherman who was carrying one big fish by buffalos.

Он увидел там рыбака, который тащил буйволами одну огромную рыбу.