Q’ˤano halmaɣ: Two friends

29001. Esin šebi, xecin šebi sis zown q’ˤano halmaɣ.

esi-n šebi xeci-n šebi sis zow-n q’ˤano halmaɣ
esi n šebi xeci n šebi sis zow n q’ˤano halmaɣ
tell PFV.CVB what leave PFV.CVB what one be.NPRS PST.UNW two friend
v vsuf pron v vsuf pron num v vsuf num n1

Once upon a time there were two friends.


29002. Žedułäy sis zown igu, sis zown žuka.

žedu-łay sis zow-n igu sis zow-n žuka
žedu łay sis zow n igu sis zow n žuka
DEM1.IPL CONT.ABL one be.NPRS PFV.CVB good one be.NPRS PST.UNW bad
pron nsuf num v vsuf adj num v vsuf adj

One of them was good, one of them was bad.


29003. Sida quł žedu sadaq hunix bik’a keze boqno.

sida qu-ł žedu sadaq huni-x b-ik’i-a keze b-oq-n
sida qu ł žedu sadaq huni x b ik’i a keze b oq n
one.OBL day CONT.ESS DEM1.IPL together way AD.ESS I.PL go INF meet I.PL become PST.UNW
num n4 nsuf pron adv n4 nsuf pref v vsuf comp pref v vsuf

One day they happened to go somewhere together.


29004. Hunix mekʷa c’oxnosi, žeda sosi iguni halmaɣes bišʷa rac’no łiyrno.

huni-x meko c’ox-nosi žedu-a sosi igu-ni halmaɣ-s bišʷa r-ac’-n łiyr-n
huni x meko c’ox nosi žedu a sosi igu ni halmaɣ s bišʷa r ac’ n łiyr n
way AD.ESS hunger meet ANT.CVB DEM1.IPL ERG at.first good DEF friend GEN1 food IV eat PFV.CVB finish PST.UNW
n4 nsuf n3 v vsuf pron nsuf adv adj suf n1 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf v vsuf

When they became hungry on their way, the first ate up the good friend's food.


29005. Xizyo iguni halmaɣƛ’o mekʷan c’oxno, žukaniq bišʷan esirno, sosigon bišno žedu.

xizyo igu-ni halmaɣ-ƛ’ meko-n c’ox-n žuk-ani-q bišʷa-n esir-n sosi-gon b-iš-n žedu
xizyo igu ni halmaɣ ƛ’ meko n c’ox n žuk ani q bišʷa n esir n sosi gon b n žedu
afterwards good DEF friend SUPER.ESS hunger TOP meet PFV.CVB worse MSD POSS.ESS food TOP ask PFV.CVB at.first CNTR I.PL eat PFV.CVB DEM1.IPL
adv adj suf n1 nsuf n3 suf v vsuf adj deriv nsuf n4 suf v vsuf adv suf pref v vsuf pron

Afterwards, the good friend got hungry and asked the bad one for food, and they ate first.


29006. K’ox äƛirugon mekoyn iguni halmaɣä biša esirnosi, nesä inkar boyn, deber di sosi neƛinč’aƛin.

k’ox äƛiru-gon mekod-n igu-ni halmaɣ-a bišʷa esir-nosi nesi-a inkar b-odi-n mi-r di sosi neƛ-č’u-a-ƛin
k’ox äƛiru gon mekod n igu ni halmaɣ a bišʷa esir nosi nesi a inkar b odi n mi r di sosi neƛ č’u a ƛin
twice ORD CNTR be.hungry PFV.CVB good DEF friend ERG food ask ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG rejection III do PST.UNW you LAT me at.first give NEG.PST.WIT Q QUOT
adv num suf v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf n4 v vsuf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron adv v vsuf suf suf

When the good friend was hungry for the second time, he asked for food, but he [the other one] rejected: "Didn't I give you something first?"


29007. Xizyogon žukani halmaɣä eƛin, deber bišʷa retinäy, roɣno mi där sis ozuri neƛƛin.

xizyogon žuk-ani halmaɣ-a eƛi-n mi-r bišʷa r-eti-näy r-oɣ-n mi di-r sis ozuri neƛ-ƛin
xizyogon žuk ani halmaɣ a eƛi n mi r bišʷa r eti näy r n mi di r sis ozuri neƛ ƛin
then worse MSD friend ERG say PST.UNW you LAT food IV want CND.CVB IV take.away PFV.CVB you me LAT one eye give QUOT
adv adj deriv n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf pron pron nsuf num n4 v suf

Then the bad friend said: "If you want food, take one eye out and give it to me!"


29008. Mekos nece ħal boqzaƛ’, roɣno ozuri teƛnosi dandi, žukani halmaɣä igunir rac’a biša teƛno.

meko-s nece ħal b-oq-zaƛ’ r-oɣ-n ozuri teƛ-nosi dandi žuk-ani halmaɣ-a igu-ni-r r-ac’-a bišʷa teƛ-n
meko s nece ħal b oq zaƛ’ r n ozuri teƛ nosi dandi žuk ani halmaɣ a igu ni r r ac’ a bišʷa teƛ n
hunger GEN1 so.much strength III become CSL.CVB IV take.away PFV.CVB eye give ANT.CVB now worse MSD friend ERG good DEF LAT IV eat INF food give PST.UNW
n3 nsuf adv n3 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n4 v vsuf adv adj deriv n1 nsuf adj suf nsuf pref v vsuf n4 v vsuf

Because the hunger's strength got so big, he took away his eye and gave it to him, and the bad friend gave the good one food to eat, right away.


29009. Xizyogon mekʷa c’oxno iguni halmaɣä žukaniq bišʷa esirnosi, q’ˤano äƛirugon ozuri roɣno nesir teƛzaƛ’or išernoanu ža žukani halmaɣä.

xizyogon meko c’ox-n igu-ni halmaɣ-a žuk-ani-q bišʷa esir-nosi q’ˤano äƛiru-gon ozuri r-oɣ-n nesi-r teƛ-zaƛ’or iš-r-n-anu ža žuk-ani halmaɣ-a
xizyogon meko c’ox n igu ni halmaɣ a žuk ani q bišʷa esir nosi q’ˤano äƛiru gon ozuri r n nesi r teƛ zaƛ’or r n anu ža žuk ani halmaɣ a
again hunger meet PFV.CVB good DEF friend ERG worse MSD POSS.ESS food ask ANT.CVB two ORD CNTR eye IV take.away PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT give POST.CVB eat CAUS PFV.CVB NEG DEM1.SG worse MSD friend ERG
adv n3 v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf adj deriv nsuf n4 v vsuf num num suf n4 pref v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf v vsuf vsuf vsuf pron adj deriv n1 nsuf

Again, the good friend became hungry and asked the bad one for food, and the bad friend didn't let him eat before he didn't take away his second eye and gave it to him.


29010. Hemedur q’ˤunan ozurazaƛ’ayn ok’ek’no iguni halmaɣ žukanä, howlotow žan xecin oxin nesidäy.

hemedur q’ˤuna-n ozuri-bi-ƛ’ay-n ok’ek’-n igu-ni halmaɣ žuk-anu-a howlo-tow ža-n xeci-n oxi-n nesi-day
hemedur q’ˤuna n ozuri bi ƛ’ay n ok’ek’ n igu ni halmaɣ žuk anu a howlo tow ža n xeci n oxi n nesi day
so two.OBL TOP eye PL SUPER.ABL TOP steal PFV.CVB good DEF friend worse NEG ERG there EMPH DEM1.SG TOP leave PFV.CVB run.away PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL APUD.ABL
adv num suf n4 nsuf nsuf suf v vsuf adj suf n1 adj vsuf nsuf adv suf pron suf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf

So the bad one had stolen the two eyes from the the good friend, left him there and ran away from him.


29011. Hudun ža ozzatawni žek’u harihun ƛaƛaƛix ik’in, sidaɣ aɣˤuxor keze oqno.

hudun ža ozuri-bi-taw-ni žek’u harihun ƛaƛaƛi-x ik’i-n sidaɣ aɣˤu-xor keze oq-n
hudun ža ozuri bi taw ni žek’u harihun ƛaƛaƛi x ik’i n sidaɣ aɣˤu xor keze oq n
nevertheless DEM1.SG eye PL without DEF man slowly feel.up IPFV.CVB go PFV.CVB in.one.place mill AD.LAT meet become PST.UNW
adv pron n4 nsuf nsuf suf n1 adv v vsuf v vsuf adv n2 nsuf comp v vsuf

Nevertheless, this eyeless man went slowly feeling up and got to a mill someplace.


29012. Elor aynosi, mogolarno izin, kecno ičin.

elo-r ay-nosi mogolo-ar-n izi-n kec-n iči-n
elo r ay nosi mogolo ar n izi n kec n iči n
there LAT come ANT.CVB granary IN.LAT TOP get PFV.CVB sleep PFV.CVB be PST.UNW
adv nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf

Having arrived there, he got into the granary and went to sleep.


29013. Hemeła qułtow mogolxo elo aɣˤuxor zeyn, zirun, boc’in rayn.

hemeła qu-ł-tow mogolo-x elo aɣˤu-xor zey-n ziru-n boc’i-n r-ay-n
hemeła qu ł tow mogolo x elo aɣˤu xor zey n ziru n boc’i n r ay n
then day CONT.ESS EMPH granary AD.ESS there mill AD.LAT bear and fox and wolf and IV.PL come PST.UNW
adv n4 nsuf suf n3 nsuf adv n2 nsuf n3 suf n3 suf n3 suf pref v vsuf

The next day, a bear, a fox and a wolf came there to the mill at the granary.


29014. Zeyä žedaqor eƛin, hemeł beženi ʕaƛa łi anuƛax.

zey-a žeda-qor eƛi-n hemeł b-eže-ni ʕaƛ-a łi anu-ƛax
zey a žeda qor eƛi n hemeł b eže ni ʕaƛ a łi anu ƛax
n3 nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf pron pref adj suf n3 nsuf n4 v suf

The bear said to them: "It's said that there's no water in this big village.


29015. Elo ʕaƛoł roƛƛo ixiw naħuz ɣuna teł łi yołƛax.

elo ʕaƛ-ł r-oƛƛo ixiw naħu-z ɣun-a teł łi yoł-ƛax
elo ʕaƛ ł r oƛƛo ixiw naħu z ɣun a teł łi yoł ƛax
there village CONT.ESS IV.PL middle big oak GEN2 tree IN.ESS inside water be QUOT
adv n3 nsuf pref adv adj n2 nsuf n4 nsuf adv n4 v suf

There's supposed to be water inside a big oak in the middle of the village.


29016. Elay ža maħor łi roƛäk’rur, žamaʕatyo ʕaƛos boƛƛik’u ric’q’i neƛxoƛax.

ele-ay ža maħor łi r-oƛik’-ru-r žamaʕat-a ʕaƛ-s b-oƛƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ-x-ƛax
ele ay ža maħor łi r oƛik’ ru r žamaʕat a ʕaƛ s b oƛƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ x ƛax
there IN.ABL DEM1.SG outside water IV pull.out PST.PRT LAT assembly ERG village GEN1 III half wealth give PRS QUOT
adv nsuf pron adv n4 pref v vsuf nsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf pref adj n3 v vsuf suf

They say that the assembly of the village would give half their wealth in order to get the water out there.


29017. Žaƛa šebiƛin, boc’ä eƛin, pulanaw xan untizi oqäsiƛax.

ža-ƛa šebi-ƛin boc’i-a eƛi-n pulanaw xan untizi oq-asi-ƛax
ža ƛa šebi ƛin boc’i a eƛi n pulanaw xan untizi oq asi ƛax
DEM1.SG INDEF what QUOT wolf ERG say PFV.CVB a.certain khan be.sick become RES.PRT QUOT
pron nsuf pron suf n3 nsuf v vsuf adj n1 comp v vsuf suf

How's that?", and the wolf said: "It's said that some king became sick."


29018. Nesiztow bˤeƛ’eł yałru biƛurox aluk’ani bˤeƛ’q’ˤus reƛ rac’näy, ža xan saɣ oqxosi yałrułin xalq’imor riyxanu.

nesi-z-tow bˤeƛ’-ł yoł-ru biƛu-x aluk’a-ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu-s reƛ r-ac’-näy ža xan saɣ oq-xosi yoł-ru-łi-n xalq’i-r r-iy-x-anu
nesi z tow bˤeƛ’ ł yoł ru biƛu x aluk’a ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu s reƛ r ac’ näy ža xan saɣ oq xosi yoł ru łi n xalq’i r r iy x anu
DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN2 EMPH sheep CONT.ESS be PST.PRT belly AD.ESS white DEF sheep GEN1 meat IV eat CND.CVB DEM1.SG khan cure become PRS.PRT be PST.PRT NMLZ and people LAT IV know IPFV.CVB NEG
pron nsuf suf n3pl nsuf v vsuf n nsuf adj suf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf pron n1 comp v vsuf v vsuf deriv suf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf vsuf

When he eats the meat of a sheep from his flock, which is white on its belly, this king will be healed; but the people don't know this.


29019. Łemu boƛƛik’u ric’q’i xanqayn bäqiƛin.

łemu b-oƛƛik’u ric’q’i xan-qay-n b-iqi-ƛin
łemu b oƛƛik’u ric’q’i xan qay n b iqi ƛin
otherwise III half wealth khan POSS.ABL TOP III get QUOT
conj pref adj n3 n1 nsuf suf pref v suf

Otherwise, get half of the wealth from the king!"


29020. Žagon šebiƛin, zira eƛin.

ža-gon šebi-ƛin ziru-a eƛi-n
ža gon šebi ƛin ziru a eƛi n
pron suf pron suf n3 nsuf v vsuf

"How's that?", said the fox.


29021. Sisgon xalq’imor riyxanusi šebin, łiłiroƛ’ ƛ’iri sis ažo yoł.

sis-gon xalq’i-r r-iy-xanusi šebin łiłiro-ƛ’ ƛ’iri sis ažo yoł
sis gon xalq’i r r iy xanusi šebin łiłiro ƛ’ ƛ’iri sis ažo yoł
one CNTR people LAT IV know NEG.PRS.PRT thing ditch SUPER.ESS above one tree be
num suf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf n4 n3 nsuf post num n2 v

"One thing that the people don't know is that there's a tree above the ditch.


29022. Nełaq yoqäsi q’ˤano ƛˤeb yoł.

neła-q y-oq-asi q’ˤano ƛˤeb yoł
neła q y oq asi q’ˤano ƛˤeb yoł
DEM1.IISG.OBL POSS.ESS II become RES.PRT two leaf be
pron nsuf pref v vsuf num n2 v

There are two leaves growing on it.


29023. Becawni žek’a ža ozzaq yiħinäy, neła kanłi bayrxoƛax.

becaw-ni žek’u-a ža ozuri-bi-q y-iħi-näy neła-a kanłi b-ayr-x-ƛax
becaw ni žek’u a ža ozuri bi q y iħi näy neła a kanłi b ayr x ƛax
adj suf n1 nsuf pron n4 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf

If the blind man smears them onto his eyes, it brings back his eyesight.


29024. Žeda bexurxozo xabaryoqor aħyan kurno aɣˤuz mogola tełerno oqno ozatawni žek’un ičäsi zown.

žedu-a b-exur-xozo xabar-qor aħya-n kur-n aɣˤu-z mogolo-a tełer-n oq-n ozuri-taw-ni žek’u-n iči-asi zow-n
žedu a b exur xozo xabar qor aħya n kur n aɣˤu z mogolo a tełer n oq n ozuri taw ni žek’u n iči asi zow n
DEM1.IIPL ERG III kill PRS.PRT.OBL story POSS.LAT ear TOP spread.out PFV.CVB mill GEN2 granary IN.ESS into PFV.CVB become PFV.CVB eye without DEF man TOP wait RES.PRT be.NPRS PST.UNW
pron nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 suf v vsuf n2 nsuf n3 nsuf post vsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf suf n1 suf v vsuf v vsuf

After they finished talking(?), the blind man perked up his ears, got into the mill's granary and waited.


29025. Zeyn, zirun, boc’in elo sasaqorno ričin, qˤašiƛ’aɣor roqno rik’in.

zey-n ziru-n boc’i-n elo sasaq-qor-n r-iči-n qˤaši-ƛ’aɣor r-oq-n r-ik’i-n
zey n ziru n boc’i n elo sasaq qor n r iči n qˤaši ƛ’aɣor r oq n r ik’i n
bear and fox and wolf and there in.the.morning POSS.LAT TOP III.PL wait PFV.CVB dawn SUPER.VERS III.PL become PFV.CVB III.PL go PST.UNW
n3 suf n3 suf n3 suf adv adv nsuf suf pref v vsuf n nsuf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf

The bear, the fox and the wolf waited there until the morning and when it got dawn, they went away.


29026. Qˤašinosi ža žek’u izin mogolay q’ˤidarno oqno, harihun łiłiroxsi łiłiroxno ik’in, zira äƛiruni ɣun resurno.

qˤaši-nosi ža žek’u izi-n mogolo-ay q’ˤida-r-n oq-n harihun łiłiro-x-si łiłiro-x-n ik’i-n ziru-a eƛi-ru-ni ɣun r-esur-n
qˤaši nosi ža žek’u izi n mogolo ay q’ˤida r n oq n harihun łiłiro x si łiłiro x n ik’i n ziru a eƛi ru ni ɣun r esur n
dawn ANT.CVB DEM1.SG man get.up PFV.CVB granary IN.ABL down LAT and become PFV.CVB slowly ditch AD.ESS ATTR ditch AD.ESS TOP go PFV.CVB fox ERG say PST.PRT DEF tree IV find PST.UNW
v vsuf pron n1 v vsuf n3 nsuf post nsuf suf v vsuf adv n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf suf n4 pref v vsuf

When it dawned, the man got up and down from the granary, and slowly went to the ditch's ditch(?) and found the tree the fox has talked about


29027. Nełaqno izin reƛ’iqor yiqi yäqiru ƛˤeb ozqo yiħixt’a kurxo zown.

neła-q-n izi-n reƛ’a-qor y-iqi y-iqi-ru ƛˤeb ozuri-q y-iħi-x-t’a kur-x zow-n
neła q n izi n reƛ’a qor y iqi y iqi ru ƛˤeb ozuri q y iħi x t’a kur x zow n
pron nsuf suf v vsuf n4 nsuf pref v pref v vsuf n2 n4 nsuf pref v vsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf

He reached up with his hand and smeared a plucked leaf onto an eye, and threw it away.


29028. Zamanałäy yisiq ozzałer kanłi bayrxosi ƛˤeb yiqin.

zaman-łay yisi-q ozuri-bi-łer kanłi b-ayr-xosi ƛˤeb y-iqi-n
zaman łay yisi q ozuri bi łer kanłi b ayr xosi ƛˤeb y iqi n
n3 nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n2 pref v vsuf

After a while, he picked up a leaf that brought back his eyesight to his eyes again.


29029. Sisgon ƛˤeb yet’urno yiħinosi, hoq’ˤonigon ozłer kanłi bayn.

sis-gon ƛˤeb y-et’ur-n y-iħi-nosi hoq’ˤo-ni-gon ozuri-łer kanłi b-ay-n
sis gon ƛˤeb y et’ur n y iħi nosi hoq’ˤo ni gon ozuri łer kanłi b ay n
one CNTR leaf II pull.out PFV.CVB II smear ANT.CVB other DEF CNTR eye CONT.LAT light III come PST.UNW
num suf n2 pref v vsuf pref v vsuf adj suf suf n4 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf

He pulled out a single leaf and after smearing it [onto his eye], the other eye got its eyesight back.


29030. Q’ˤunan ozzar rukaynosi, aɣˤuxay bitor hunix oqno yeda zeyä äƛiruni hemeł ʕaƛaɣor.

q’ˤuna-n ozuri-bi-r r-ukad-nosi aɣˤu-xay bitor huni-x oq-n yeda zey-a eƛi-ru-ni hemeł ʕaƛ-aɣor
q’ˤuna n ozuri bi r r ukad nosi aɣˤu xay bitor huni x oq n yeda zey a eƛi ru ni hemeł ʕaƛ aɣor
two.OBL TOP eye PL LAT IV see ANT.CVB mill AD.ABL thither way AD.ESS become PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG bear ERG say PST.PRT DEF DEM4.IISG.OBL village IN.VERS
num suf n4 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf adv n4 nsuf v vsuf pron n3 nsuf v vsuf suf pron n3 nsuf

When both of his eyes saw again, he got on his way away from the mill to the village that the bear had talked about.


29031. Elo yisä godek’anya q’ˤida bäčiru ʕoloqzaq łi esirnosi, sidä izin zok’är aqˤun kučin teƛƛ’oräy, nesä eƛin, eleley, yedu šebi šebin, insanä aqˤuyä łäz meča ħaƛuƛin, nediw šebin behizi raqinč’iƛin.

elo yisi-a godek’an-a q’ˤida b-iči-ru ʕoloq-bi-q łi esir-nosi sida-a izi-n zok’i-ar aqˤu-n kuči-n teƛ-ƛ’oräy nesi-a eƛi-n eleley yedu šebi šebin insan-a aqˤu-a łi-z meča ħaƛu-ƛin nediw šebin behizi r-oq-č’i-ƛin
elo yisi a godek’an a q’ˤida b iči ru ʕoloq bi q łi esir nosi sida a izi n zok’i ar aqˤu n kuči n teƛ ƛ’oräy nesi a eƛi n eleley yedu šebi šebin insan a aqˤu a łi z meča ħaƛu ƛin nediw šebin behizi r oq č’i ƛin
there DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG village.square IN.ESS down III sit PST.PRT young.person PL POSS.ESS water ask ANT.CVB one.OBL ERG get.up PFV.CVB mug IN.LAT urine TOP defecate TOP give SIM.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG say PST.UNW behold DEM2.IISG what thing human ERG urine Q water GEN2 instead.of drink QUOT such thing permit IV become NEG.FUT QUOT
adv pron nsuf n4 nsuf adv pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf n4 v vsuf num nsuf v vsuf n4 nsuf n4 suf v suf v vsuf pron nsuf v vsuf excl pron pron n4 n1 nsuf n4 suf n4 nsuf post v suf pron n4 comp pref v vsuf suf

There he asked a young person who sat at the village square for water, and one got up, pissed into a mug and gave it to him and he said: "Behold, what is this? A human is not allowed such a thing as to drink urine instead of water!"


29032. Hudu ela šebi rodan, t’o ʕaƛa t’ok’ow łin roqinč’inäy, elurno bac’adaw kikes łi räti riqinäyƛin, eƛin nesi žek’uqor žamaʕatyoz ʕoloqza.

hudu elu-a šebi r-odi-an t’o ʕaƛ-a t’ok’ow łi-n r-oq-č’i-näy elu-r-n bac’adaw kik-s łi r-eti r-iqi-näy-ƛin eƛi-n nesi žek’u-qor žamaʕat-z ʕoloq-bi-a
hudu elu a šebi r odi an t’o ʕaƛ a t’ok’ow łi n r oq č’i näy elu r n bac’adaw kik s łi r eti r iqi näy ƛin eƛi n nesi žek’u qor žamaʕat z ʕoloq bi a
so we(I)OBL ERG what IV do FUT.DEF here village IN.ESS anymore water TOP IV happen NEG.FUT CND.CVB we(I)OBL LAT TOP clean spring GEN1 water IV want IV get CND.CVB QUOT say PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL man POSS.LAT assembly GEN2 young.person PL ERG
excl pron nsuf pron pref v vsuf adv n3 nsuf adv n4 suf pref v vsuf vsuf pron nsuf suf adj n3 nsuf n4 pref v pref v vsuf suf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf n3 nsuf n1 nsuf nsuf

"So what shall we do? If there's no more water in the village here, we want water from a clean spring if we could get it.", said the young person to this man.


29033. Xizyo nesä žeduqor eƛin, howt’o ʕaƛa di łi roƛik’näy, šebi meža där baha boyxƛin.

xizyo nesi-a žedu-qor eƛi-n howt’o ʕaƛ-a di łi r-oƛik’-näy šebi mežu-a di-r baha b-odi-x-ƛin
xizyo nesi a žedu qor eƛi n howt’o ʕaƛ a di łi r oƛik’ näy šebi mežu a di r baha b odi x ƛin
afterwards DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG DEM1.IPL POSS.LAT say PST.UNW here village IN.ESS me water IV pull.out CND.CVB what you(I)PL.OBL ERG me LAT price III do PRS QUOT
adv pron nsuf pron nsuf v vsuf adv n3 nsuf pron n4 pref v vsuf pron pron nsuf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf suf

Afterwards he said to them: "If I pull out water here in the village, what price do you pay me?"


29034. Žeda eƛin, ʕaƛos boƛik’u ric’q’i neƛa yołƛin.

žedu-a eƛi-n ʕaƛ-s boƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ-a yoł-ƛin
žedu a eƛi n ʕaƛ s boƛik’u ric’q’i neƛ a yoł ƛin
DEM1.IPL ERG say PST.UNW village GEN1 half wealth give INF be QUOT
pron nsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf n n3 v vsuf v suf

They said: "We will give [you] half the wealth of the village!"


29035. Bik’i däqor ʕo risoƛin, eƛin nesi žek’a.

b-ik’i di-qor ʕo r-is-o-ƛin eƛi-n nesi žek’u-a
b ik’i di qor ʕo r is o ƛin eƛi n nesi žek’u a
pref v pron nsuf n4 pref v vsuf suf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf

"Go and get me an ax!", said the man.


29036. Howlotow boƛƛi godek’anyä zawru naħus nesä ʕon rok’-rok’no rečiw łi roƛik’no.

howlo-tow b-oƛƛi godek’an-a zow-ru naħu-s nesi-a ʕo-n r-ok’–ok’-n r-ečiw łi r-oƛik’-n
howlo tow b oƛƛi godek’an a zow ru naħu s nesi a ʕo n r ok’–ok’ n r ečiw łi r oƛik’ n
there EMPH III middle village.square IN.ESS be.NPRS PST.PRT oak GEN1 DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG ax TOP IV hit.several.times PFV.CVB IV thick water IV pull.out PST.UNW
adv suf pref adv n4 nsuf v vsuf n2 nsuf pron nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf pref adj n4 pref v vsuf

Then he hit the oak in the middle of the village square with the ax and drew thick water out of it.


29037. Xizyo nesir žamaʕatyo q’ut’oƛ’ req’un boƛik’u ric’q’i teƛno, bˤeƛ’no, ɣuron, žedaxorgon aħobin, ɣˤʷaybin, siršaɣˤʷade sadaqgon hokombin, roƛik’u partal-q’ayn, qˤičin, ƛ’irigon kumakyor xalq’in begirno nesiq, žan hunix egirno.

xizyo nesi-r žamaʕat-a q’ut’i-ƛ’ req’un boƛik’u ric’q’i teƛ-n bˤeƛ’-n ɣuro-n žeda-xor-gon aħo-bi-n ɣˤʷay-bi-n siršaɣˤu-de sadaq-gon hoko-bi-n r-oƛƛik’u partal–q’ay-n qˤiči-n ƛ’iri-gon kumak-r xalq’i-n b-egir-n nesi-q ža-n huni-x egir-n
xizyo nesi r žamaʕat a q’ut’i ƛ’ req’un boƛik’u ric’q’i teƛ n bˤeƛ’ n ɣuro n žeda xor gon aħo bi n ɣˤʷay bi n siršaɣˤu de sadaq gon hoko bi n r oƛƛik’u partal–q’ay n qˤiči n ƛ’iri gon kumak r xalq’i n b egir n nesi q ža n huni x egir n
afterwards DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT assembly ERG agreement SUPER.ESS in.accordance.with half wealth give PFV.CVB sheep and cows and DEM1.IIPL.OBL AD.LAT CNTR shepherd PL and dog PL and horses APUD.ESS together CNTR carriage PL and IV half property and harvest and above CNTR help LAT people and III send PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.ESS DEM1.SG TOP way AD.ESS let PST.UNW
adv pron nsuf n3 nsuf n3 nsuf adv n n3 v vsuf n3pl suf n4 suf pron nsuf suf n1 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf n4 nsuf adv suf n4 nsuf suf pref adj n4 suf n4 suf adv suf n3 nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf pron suf n4 nsuf v vsuf

Afterwards, the assembly gave him - according to the agreement - half their wealth, sheep, cows, shepherds and dogs for them, carriages together with horses along them, half the property, the harvest, and above that, they sent people to help him, and let him go his way.


29038. Elaygon bitor ža boc’ä äƛiruni untarawni xander ik’in.

ele-ay-gon bitor ža boc’i-a eƛi-ru-ni untaraw-ni xan-der ik’i-n
ele ay gon bitor ža boc’i a eƛi ru ni untaraw ni xan der ik’i n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither DEM1.SG wolf ERG say PST.PRT DEF sick DEF khan APUD.LAT go PST.UNW
adv nsuf suf adv pron n3 nsuf v vsuf suf adj suf n1 nsuf v vsuf

From there, he went away to the sick king that the wolf had told about.


29039. Nesider aynosi yisi žek’a esirno nesiq, ha xan, šida kecno ičäsi mi, šebi roqno deberƛin.

nesi-der ay-nosi yisi žek’u-a esir-n nesi-q ha xan šida kec-n iči-asi mi šebi r-oq-n mi-r-ƛin
nesi der ay nosi yisi žek’u a esir n nesi q ha xan šida kec n iči asi mi šebi r oq n mi r ƛin
DEM1.ISG.OBL APUD.LAT come ANT.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL man ERG ask PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL POSS.ESS well khan why sleep PFV.CVB be RES.PRT you what IV happen PST.UNW you LAT QUOT
pron nsuf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf excl n1 pron v vsuf v vsuf pron pron pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf

When the man arrived at his place, he asked him: "Hey king, why do you sleep, what happened to you?"


29040. Roƛxo deyƛin, eƛin xanä.

r-oƛ-x di-s-ƛin eƛi-n xan-a
r x di s ƛin eƛi n xan a
IV.PL be.sick IPFV.CVB me GEN1 QUOT say PST.UNW khan ERG
pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf v vsuf n1 nsuf

"My ___ is sick", said the king.


29041. Di saɣ oynäyƛin, eƛin nesi iguni žek’a, šebi baha mi där boyxƛin.

di saɣ odi-näy-ƛin eƛi-n nesi igu-ni žek’u-a šebi baha mi di-r b-odi-x-ƛin
di saɣ odi näy ƛin eƛi n nesi igu ni žek’u a šebi baha mi di r b odi x ƛin
me cure do CND.CVB QUOT say PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL good DEF man ERG what price you me LAT III do PRS QUOT
pron comp v vsuf suf v vsuf pron adj suf n1 nsuf pron n3 pron pron nsuf pref v vsuf suf

"When I cure you," said the good man, "what price do you give me?"


29042. Xanä urɣizikin oqxo ičinč’ey nesir žawab teƛno, boƛƛik’u dey ric’q’i neƛa yoł deberƛin.

xan-a urɣizi-kin oq-x iči-č’ey nesi-r žawab teƛ-n b-oƛƛik’u di-s ric’q’i neƛ-a yoł mi-r-ƛin
xan a urɣizi kin oq x iči č’ey nesi r žawab teƛ n b oƛƛik’u di s ric’q’i neƛ a yoł mi r ƛin
khan ERG thinking even become IPFV.CVB be NEG.PST.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT answer give PFV.CVB III half me GEN1 wealth give INF be you LAT QUOT
n1 nsuf comp suf v vsuf v vsuf pron nsuf n3 v vsuf pref adj pron nsuf n3 v vsuf v pron nsuf suf

The king wasn't thinking and answered him: "I will give you half of my wealth!"


29043. Nedur resunäyƛin, eƛin nesi žek’a, sis žek’u egir debez bˤeƛ’łäy biƛurox aluk’ani bˤeƛ’q’ˤu bowanix.

nedur r-esu-näy-ƛin eƛi-n nesi žek’u-a sis žek’u egir mi-z bˤeƛ’-łay biƛu-x aluk’a-ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu b-ow-ani-x
nedur r esu näy ƛin eƛi n nesi žek’u a sis žek’u egir mi z bˤeƛ’ łay biƛu x aluk’a ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu b ow ani x
so IV exist CND.CVB QUOT say PST.UNW DEM1.ISG.OBL man ERG one man send you GEN2 sheep CONT.ABL belly AD.ESS white DEF sheep III bring MSD AD.ESS
adv pref v vsuf suf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf num n1 v pron nsuf n3pl nsuf n nsuf adj suf n3 pref v deriv nsuf

"If that's the case," said the man, "send a man to bring the sheep from your flock which is white on the belly!"


29044. Ħonƛ’ay ža bˤeƛ’q’ˤun bayrno, bexʷayn nełas reƛ xanqo rac’ernosi, ža saɣ oqno.

ħon-ƛ’ay ža bˤeƛ’q’ˤu-n b-ayr-n b-exʷad-n neła-s reƛ xan-q r-ac’-r-nosi ža saɣ oq-n
ħon ƛ’ay ža bˤeƛ’q’ˤu n b ayr n b exʷad n neła s reƛ xan q r ac’ r nosi ža saɣ oq n
mountain SUPER.ABL DEM1.SG sheep TOP III bring PFV.CVB III slaughter PFV.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN1 meat khan POSS.ESS IV eat CAUS ANT.CVB DEM1.SG cure become PST.UNW
n2 nsuf pron n3 suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf n4 n1 nsuf pref v vsuf vsuf pron comp v vsuf

That sheep was brought from the mountain, slaughtered and when he let the king eat its meat, he got cured.


29045. Xande idur aynosi, nesir elo teł cemä ozzataw kid yukaynosi, iguni žek’a esirno, di nełaz ozzałer kanłi bayrnäy, šebi mi där baha neƛxoƛin.

xan-de idu-r ay-nosi nesi-r elo teł cemi-a ozuri-bi-taw kid y-ukad-nosi igu-ni žek’u-a esir-n di neła-z ozuri-bi-łer kanłi b-ayr-näy šebi mi di-r baha neƛ-x-ƛin
xan de idu r ay nosi nesi r elo teł cemi a ozuri bi taw kid y ukad nosi igu ni žek’u a esir n di neła z ozuri bi łer kanłi b ayr näy šebi mi di r baha neƛ x ƛin
khan APUD.ESS home LAT come ANT.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT there inside corner IN.ESS eye PL without girl II see ANT.CVB good DEF man ERG ask PST.UNW me DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN2 eye PL CONT.LAT light III bring CND.CVB what you me LAT price give PRS QUOT
n1 nsuf adv nsuf v vsuf pron nsuf adv adv n3 nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf n2 pref v vsuf adj suf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron pron nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf n3 pref v vsuf pron pron pron nsuf n3 v vsuf suf

When he came to a house with the king and saw a blind girl in a corner inside there, the good man asked: "When I bring back her eyesight, what price do you give me?"


29046. Yedu kid debex yegira yołƛin, eƛin xanä.

yedu kid mi-x y-egir-a yoł-ƛin eƛi-n xan-a
yedu kid mi x y egir a yoł ƛin eƛi n xan a
DEM2.IISG girl you AD.ESS II send INF be QUOT say PST.UNW khan ERG
pron n2 pron nsuf pref v vsuf v suf v vsuf n1 nsuf

"I will marry her off to you", said the king.


29047. Howlotow ičin nesi žek’a čantay yisno q’ˤanon ƛˤeb xanez kidbez ozzaq yiħinosi, q’ˤunantow ozzałer kanłi bayn.

howlo-tow iči-n nesi žek’u-a čanta-ay y-is-n q’ˤano-n ƛˤeb xan-z kid-z ozuri-bi-q y-iħi-nosi q’ˤuna-n-tow ozuri-bi-łer kanłi b-ay-n
howlo tow iči n nesi žek’u a čanta ay y is n q’ˤano n ƛˤeb xan z kid z ozuri bi q y iħi nosi q’ˤuna n tow ozuri bi łer kanłi b ay n
there EMPH sit PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL man ERG pocket IN.ABL II take PFV.CVB two TOP leaf khan GEN2 daughter GEN2 eye PL POSS.ESS II smear ANT.CVB two.OBL TOP EMPH eye PL CONT.LAT light III come PST.UNW
adv suf v vsuf pron n1 nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf num suf n2 n1 nsuf n2 nsuf n4 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf num suf suf n4 nsuf nsuf n3 pref v vsuf

The man sat there, took two leaves out of his pocket and when he smeared it onto her eyes, the light came back to her two eyes.


29048. Xanä nesix ixiw bertenno boyn kidno yegirno, boƛik’u nesis ric’q’in, ɣˤutkun, posun teƛno, howlotow xande puräza iguni žek’un ičin.

xan-a nesi-x ixiw berten-n b-odi-n kid-n y-egir-n boƛik’u nesi-s ric’q’i-n ɣˤutku-n posu-n teƛ-n howlo-tow xan-de pu-aza igu-ni žek’u-n iči-n
xan a nesi x ixiw berten n b odi n kid n y egir n boƛik’u nesi s ric’q’i n ɣˤutku n posu n teƛ n howlo tow xan de pu aza igu ni žek’u n iči n
khan ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL AD.ESS big marriage TOP III do PFV.CVB daughter TOP II send PFV.CVB half DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 wealth and house and cattle and give PFV.CVB there EMPH khan APUD.ESS side IN.VERS.DIST good DEF man TOP be PST.UNW
n1 nsuf pron nsuf adj n3 suf pref v vsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf n pron nsuf n3 suf n4 suf n4 suf v vsuf adv suf n1 nsuf n3 nsuf adj suf n1 suf v vsuf

The king organized a big marriage and married off his daughter, gave half his wealth, his house and cattle to him and the good man was to the king's side.


29049. Elon nesä ʕadada ičinč’ey tukambin raɣˤin, elo teł mecyaza mecyabin ħišin q’ˤaʕidaƛ’ elar-t’ar aħnayx ičix zown.

elo-n nesi-a ʕadada iči-č’ey tukam-bi-n r-ˤaɣˤi-n elo teł mecya-bi-a mecya-bi-n ħiši-n q’ˤaʕida-ƛ’ elar–t’ar aħnad-x iči-x zow-n
elo n nesi a ʕadada iči č’ey tukam bi n r ˤaɣˤi n elo teł mecya bi a mecya bi n ħiši n q’ˤaʕida ƛ’ elar–t’ar aħnad x iči x zow n
there TOP DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG to.no.purpose be NEG.PST.CVB shop PL TOP IV open PFV.CVB there inside hand PL IN.ESS hand PL TOP lock PFV.CVB pride SUPER.ESS somewhere.IN.LAT walk.around IPFV.CVB be IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.UNW
adv suf pron nsuf adv v vsuf n nsuf suf pref v vsuf adv adv n nsuf nsuf n nsuf suf v vsuf n nsuf adv v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf

And there, not without purpose, he opened some shops, locked his hands in his hands and proudly walked around in there.


29050. Sida quł hemedur yałzay, där niga-ɣˤič’i neƛƛin, nesider esirnoyx ayn hič’č’a adäza nesis halmaɣłun zawruni žek’u.

sida qu-ł hemedur yoł-zay di-r niga–ɣˤič’i neƛ-ƛin nesi-der esirnod-x ay-n hič’č’a adäza nesi-s halmaɣ-łun zow-ru-ni žek’u
sida qu ł hemedur yoł zay di r niga–ɣˤič’i neƛ ƛin nesi der esirnod x ay n hič’č’a adäza nesi s halmaɣ łun zow ru ni žek’u
one.OBL day CONT.ESS so be SIM.CVB me LAT fabric give QUOT DEM1.ISG.OBL APUD.LAT beg IPFV.CVB come PST.UNW the.most ahead DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 friend LHUN be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF man
num n4 nsuf adv v vsuf pron nsuf n4 v suf pron nsuf v vsuf v vsuf adv adv pron nsuf n1 nsuf v vsuf suf n1

One day, when he was doing this, the man who used to be his best friend came begging him "Give me some fabric!".


29051. Nesä nesi esirnoyx ayruni žek’ur niga-ɣˤič’i teƛno.

nesi-a nesi esirnod-x ay-ru-ni žek’u-r niga–ɣˤič’i teƛ-n
nesi a nesi esirnod x ay ru ni žek’u r niga–ɣˤič’i teƛ n
pron nsuf pron v vsuf v vsuf suf n1 nsuf n4 v vsuf

He gave the fabric to the man who came begging.


29052. Xizyo nesä tukamƛ’ozoni žek’uq esirno, mi ozurabin roɣno ƛexun zowali žek’u anaƛin.

xizyo nesi-a tukam-ƛ’-z-ni žek’u-q esir-n mi ozuri-bi-n r-oɣ-n ƛexu-n zow-ali žek’u anu-a-ƛin
xizyo nesi a tukam ƛ’ z ni žek’u q esir n mi ozuri bi n r n ƛexu n zow ali žek’u anu a ƛin
afterwards DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG shop SUPER.ESS GEN2 DEF man POSS.ESS ask PST.UNW you eye PL TOP IV.PL take.away PFV.CVB remain PFV.CVB be.NPRS ATTR man be.NEG PST.WIT.INT QUOT
adv pron nsuf n nsuf nsuf suf n1 nsuf v vsuf pron n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf v vsuf n1 v vsuf suf

Afterwards, he asked the man in the shop: "Weren't you the man whom I took the eyes away from?"


29053. Yołƛin, žawab teƛno nesä esirnok’ur.

yoł-ƛin žawab teƛ-n nesi-a esirnok’u-r
yoł ƛin žawab teƛ n nesi a esirnok’u r
be QUOT answer give PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG beggar LAT
v suf n3 v vsuf pron nsuf n1 nsuf

"I am." he answered the beggar.


29054. Ozurabin roɣno, aɣˤʷarno ik’in, mogolarno izin ičinäy, hemediw maʕišat neƛxoƛin.

ozuri-bi-n r-oɣ-n aɣˤu-ar-n ik’i-n mogolo-ar-n izi-n iči-näy hemediw maʕišat neƛ-x-ƛin
ozuri bi n r n aɣˤu ar n ik’i n mogolo ar n izi n iči näy hemediw maʕišat neƛ x ƛin
eye PL TOP IV.PL take.away PFV.CVB mill IN.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB granary IN.LAT TOP get.up PFV.CVB be CND.CVB such.a fortune sell PRS QUOT
n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf suf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf adj n3 v vsuf suf

After you took my eyes, I went into a mill and when I got up into the granary, I was given such a fortune.


29055. Howlaytow aɣˤʷarno ik’in, nesä nesis ozurabin roɣno, mogolarno izin ičin.

howlay-tow aɣˤu-ar-n ik’i-n nesi-a nesi-s ozuri-bi-n r-oɣ-n mogolo-ar-n izi-n iči-n
howlay tow aɣˤu ar n ik’i n nesi a nesi s ozuri bi n r n mogolo ar n izi n iči n
from.there EMPH mill IN.LAT TOP go PFV.CVB DEM1.ISG.OBL ERG DEM1.ISG.OBL GEN1 eye PL TOP IV.PL take.away PFV.CVB granary IN.LAT TOP get.up PFV.CVB be PST.UNW
adv suf n2 nsuf suf v vsuf pron nsuf pron nsuf n4 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf v vsuf

And so, from there he [the other guy] went into the mill, took his eyes out and got up into the granary.


29056. Hudod elor zeyn, boc’in, zirun rayn.

hudod elo-r zey-n boc’i-n ziru-n r-ay-n
hudod elo r zey n boc’i n ziru n r ay n
at.night there LAT bear and wolf and fox and III.PL come PST.UNW
adv adv nsuf n3 suf n3 suf n3 suf pref v vsuf

At night, the bear, the wolf and the fox came there.


29057. Elo žedas žedaƛ xabarno boqno zeyä eƛin, ħuł di eƛin zawruni ʕaƛa žaqˤuł łi roƛixnoƛin.

elo žeda-s žeda-ƛ xabar-n b-oq-n zey-a eƛi-n ħuł di eƛi-n zow-ru-ni ʕaƛ-a žaqˤuł łi r-oƛix-n-ƛin
elo žeda s žeda ƛ xabar n b oq n zey a eƛi n ħuł di eƛi n zow ru ni ʕaƛ a žaqˤuł łi r oƛix n ƛin
there DEM1.IIPL.OBL GEN1 DEM1.IIPL.OBL SUB.ESS story TOP III become PFV.CVB bear ERG say PST.UNW yesterday me say PFV.CVB be.NPRS PST.PRT DEF village IN.ESS today water IV appear PST.UNW QUOT
adv pron nsuf pron nsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf v vsuf adv pron v vsuf v vsuf suf n3 nsuf adv n4 pref v vsuf suf

There, they spoke with each other and the bear said: "Yesterday there appeared water in the village I had told you about."


29058. Wallaƛin, eƛin boc’ä, howža xanez bˤeƛ’eł zawru biƛurox aluk’ani bˤeƛ’q’ˤu yaqˤułer narƛa bok’ełnoƛin.

wallah-ƛin eƛi-n boc’i-a howža xan-z bˤeƛ’-ł zow-ru biƛu-x aluk’a-ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu yaqˤuł-r nar-ƛa b-ok’eł-n-ƛin
wallah ƛin eƛi n boc’i a howža xan z bˤeƛ’ ł zow ru biƛu x aluk’a ni bˤeƛ’q’ˤu yaqˤuł r nar ƛa b ok’eł n ƛin
wallah QUOT say PFV.CVB wolf ERG DEM4.SG khan GEN2 sheep CONT.ESS be.NPRS PST.PRT belly AD.ESS white DEF sheep today LAT where INDEF III escape PST.UNW QUOT
excl suf v vsuf n3 nsuf pron n1 nsuf n3pl nsuf v vsuf n nsuf adj suf n3 adv nsuf pron nsuf pref v vsuf suf

"I swear," said the wolf, "the sheep with the white belly which was among the flock of sheep of that king there escaped somewhere today."


29059. Xizyogon zira eƛin, walla, howža di eƛix zowali łiłiroƛ’ozoni ɣunoqay yaqˤułer ƛˤebno yok’ek’no.

xizyogon ziru-a eƛi-n wallah howža di eƛi-x zow-ali łiłiro-ƛ’-z-ni ɣun-qay yaqˤuł-r ƛˤeb-n y-ok’ek’-n
xizyogon ziru a eƛi n wallah howža di eƛi x zow ali łiłiro ƛ’ z ni ɣun qay yaqˤuł r ƛˤeb n y ok’ek’ n
then fox ERG say PST.UNW wallah DEM4.SG me say IPFV.CVB be.NPRS ATTR ditch SUPER.ESS GEN2 DEF tree POSS.ABL today LAT leaf TOP II steal PST.UNW
adv n3 nsuf v vsuf excl pron pron v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf nsuf suf n4 nsuf adv nsuf n2 suf pref v vsuf

Then the fox said: "By God, someone stole the leaf from the tree on that ditch I talked about.


29060. Howt’o aɣˤʷa teł žek’uyey zowsƛin.

howt’o aɣˤu-a teł žek’u-ey zow-s-ƛin
howt’o aɣˤu a teł žek’u ey zow s ƛin
here mill IN.ESS inside man DUB be.NPRS PST.WIT QUOT
adv n2 nsuf post n1 suf v vsuf suf

And there seemed to be a man inside this mill!"


29061. Šebiƛa žek’u t’o zown äsuƛin, žedus xabar boqnosi, zeyä eloza naysinan bezu-bˤoƛ’a ziru begirno.

šebi-ƛa žek’u t’o zow-n esu-ƛin žedu-s xabar b-oq-nosi zey-a elo-za naysinan b-ezu–oƛ’ˤu-a ziru b-egir-n
šebi ƛa žek’u t’o zow n esu ƛin žedu s xabar b oq nosi zey a elo za naysinan b ezu–oƛ’ˤu a ziru b egir n
who INDEF man here be.NPRS PFV.CVB find QUOT DEM1.IPL GEN1 story III become ANT.CVB bear ERG there ZA everywhere III examine INF fox III send PST.UNW
pron nsuf n1 adv v vsuf v suf pron nsuf n3 pref v vsuf n3 nsuf adv suf adv pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf

After saying "Someone has to find the man here!", the bear sent the fox to look everywhere there.


29062. Bizin aɣˤuz mogolar bezunosi, nełar elo žek’u esun.

b-izi-n aɣˤu-z mogolo-ar b-ezu-nosi neła-r elo žek’u esu-n
b izi n aɣˤu z mogolo ar b ezu nosi neła r elo žek’u esu n
III get.up PFV.CVB mill GEN2 granary IN.LAT III look ANT.CVB DEM1.IISG.OBL LAT there man find PST.UNW
pref v vsuf n2 nsuf n3 nsuf pref v vsuf pron nsuf adv n1 v vsuf

When he got up to look into the mill's granary, he found the man there.


29063. Suƛƛitow zira aħi boyn, haxar, et’o teł žek’u yołƛin.

suƛƛi-tow ziru-a aħi b-odi-n haxar et’o teł žek’u yoł-ƛin
suƛƛi tow ziru a aħi b odi n haxar et’o teł žek’u yoł ƛin
immediately EMPH fox ERG alarm III do PFV.CVB now here inside man be QUOT
adv suf n3 nsuf n3 pref v vsuf excl adv adv n1 v suf

Immediately the fox raised an alarm: "Now, there is a man inside here!"


29064. Nełaz aħimoxorgon rizin k’oƛin zeyän, boc’än ƛaħi-ogurno ža žukani žek’u exurno.

neła-z aħi-mo-xor-gon r-izi-n k’oƛi-n zey-a-n boc’i-a-n ƛaħi–ogur-n ža žuk-ani žek’u exur-n
neła z aħi mo xor gon r izi n k’oƛi n zey a n boc’i a n ƛaħi–ogur n ža žuk ani žek’u exur n
DEM1.IISG.OBL GEN2 alarm ERG AD.LAT CNTR III.PL get.up PFV.CVB jump PFV.CVB bear ERG and wolf ERG and tear.to.pieces PFV.CVB DEM1.SG worse MSD man kill PST.UNW
pron nsuf n3 nsuf nsuf suf pref v vsuf v vsuf n3 nsuf suf n3 nsuf suf v vsuf pron adj deriv n1 v vsuf

On his alarm, the bear and the wolf jumped up, teared the bad man to pieces and killed him.


29065. K’eneč’ k’eč’ ɣudi rocu.

k’eneč’ k’eč’ ɣudi r-ocu
k’eneč’ k’eč’ ɣudi r ocu
egg pearl day IV become.clean
n2 n4 n4 pref v

All's well that ends well.
