eni–babiw-a | dice-gon | esir-łin | nesi-a | esi-x | zow-n-anu | šida | ža | ħalaq’ | oq-x | yoł-rułi | |||||||||
eni–babiw | a | dice | gon | esir | łin | nesi | a | esi | x | zow | n | anu | šida | ža | ħalaq’ | oq | x | yoł | rułi |
parents | ERG | how.much | CNTR | ask | CNC.CVB | DEM1.ISG.OBL | ERG | tell | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PST.UNW | NEG | why | DEM1.SG | meager | become | IPFV.CVB | be | MSD |
n1pl | nsuf | pron | suf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf | pron | pron | adj | v | vsuf | v | vsuf |
No matter how often the parents asked him, he didn't tell them why he was becoming so meager.
Сколько бы родители не упрашивали его, он не рассказал им, о том, почему он так худел.
eni–babiw-a | mi-x | y-egir-č’ey | ła-x-gon | y-oq-łin | di | y-egir-näy | nesi-q | reƛ’a | r-itir-a | r-egir-č’ey | sosi | mi-der | nex | mi-q | meč’o | b-ic’-r-r-a-ƛin | ||||||||||||||||||||||
eni–babiw | a | mi | x | y | egir | č’ey | ła | x | gon | y | oq | łin | di | y | egir | näy | nesi | q | reƛ’a | r | itir | a | r | egir | č’ey | sosi | mi | der | nex | mi | q | meč’o | b | ic’ | r | r | a | ƛin |
parents | ERG | you | AD.ESS | II | let | NEG.PST.UNW | who.OBL | AD.ESS | CNTR | II | happen | CNC.CVB | me | II | let | CND.CVB | DEM1.ISG.OBL | POSS.ESS | hand | IV | touch | INF | IV | let | NEG.PST.UNW | at.first | you | APUD.LAT | come | you | POSS.ESS | hug | III | fill | CAUS | CAUS | INF | QUOT |
n1pl | nsuf | pron | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | n4 | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | pron | nsuf | v | pron | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | vsuf | vsuf | suf |
'If my parents won't let me be with you and let me be with someone else, I will not let my hand touch him before I can come to you so that you can embrace me'
если родители, не выдав за тебя, отдадут меня за любого другого, то, не пустив его прикасаться рукой, я приду к тебе, что дать тебе (возможность) обнимать меня.
zow-n-ƛax | zow-n | anu-ƛax | sida | eni–babiw-s | łˤono-n | uži-bi | |||||||
zow | n | ƛax | zow | n | anu | ƛax | sida | eni–babiw | s | łˤono | n | uži | bi |
be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | QUOT | be.NPRS | PST.UNW | be.NEG | QUOT | one.OBL | parents | GEN1 | three | TOP | son | PL |
v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | v | suf | num | n1pl | nsuf | num | suf | n1 | nsuf |
Once upon a time there was a couple that had three sons.
Был не был у одних родителей трое сыновей.
sidaquł | eni–babiw-a | žedu | łˤono-n-tow | esyu-bi | riƛu | r-iƛi-a | b-egir-n | ||||||||
sidaquł | eni–babiw | a | žedu | łˤono | n | tow | esyu | bi | riƛu | r | iƛi | a | b | egir | n |
one.day | parents | ERG | DEM1.IPL.OBL | three | TOP | EMPH | brother | PL | field | IV | plough | INF | I.PL | send | PST.UNW |
adv | n1pl | nsuf | pron | num | suf | suf | n1 | nsuf | n4 | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf |
One day the parents sent those three brothers to plough the field.
В один день родители послал всех троих братьев землю пахать.
eɣe-ni | esyu-a | yołi | sisxoli | riƛu-n | r-iƛi-n | sadaq | ħur-s-n | ic’-n | idu-ɣor | ik’i-ƛ’oräy | b-eže-t’a-ni | esyu-bi-a | šeƛ’u-r-q | q’ec-n | r-iħi-n | yisi-ł | ad–adäz-t’a | idu-ɣor-n | b-ik’i-n | eni–babiw-qor | eƛi-n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
eɣe | ni | esyu | a | yołi | sisxoli | riƛu | n | r | iƛi | n | sadaq | ħur | s | n | ic’ | n | idu | ɣor | ik’i | ƛ’oräy | b | eže | t’a | ni | esyu | bi | a | šeƛ’u | r | q | q’ec | n | r | iħi | n | yisi | ł | ad–adäz | t’a | idu | ɣor | n | b | ik’i | n | eni–babiw | qor | eƛi | n |
young | DEF | brother | ERG | however | alone | field | TOP | IV | plough | PFV.CVB | together | dust | GEN1 | TOP | fill | PST.UNW | home | IN.ALL | go | SIM.CVB | I.PL | old | DISTR | DEF | brother | PL | ERG | clothing | LAT | POSS.ESS | dirt | TOP | IV | smear | PST.UNW | DEM2.ISG.OBL | CONT.ESS | before | DISTR | home | IN.ALL | TOP | I.PL | go | TOP | parents | POSS.LAT | say | PST.UNW |
adj | suf | n1 | nsuf | adv | adv | n4 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | n | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | adv | nsuf | v | vsuf | pref | adj | suf | suf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | nsuf | n4 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | post | suf | adv | nsuf | suf | pref | v | suf | n1pl | nsuf | v | vsuf |
When the younger brother had ploughed the field alone and got home all dirty, his elder brothers smeared dirt onto their clothes, came home before him and said to their parents:
А младший брат один пахал землю и когда весь запыленный (грязный) шел домой, старшие братья мазали свою одежду грязью, тоже шли впереди него и сказали родителям, что...
eynod-xozo | gurow | žek’u-r | di-de | idu | iči-a | moči | anu-ƛin | eni–babiw-a | nesi-s | nesi-r | ƛeli-n | teƛ-n | eɣe-ni | uži | maħor | oxir-n | mi-r | r-eti-za | ik’i-n | ʕumru | b-odi-o-ƛin | |||||||||||||||||||
eynod | xozo | gurow | žek’u | r | di | de | idu | iči | a | moči | anu | ƛin | eni–babiw | a | nesi | s | nesi | r | ƛeli | n | teƛ | n | eɣe | ni | uži | maħor | oxir | n | mi | r | r | eti | za | ik’i | n | ʕumru | b | odi | o | ƛin |
work | PRS.PRT.OBL | except | man | LAT | me | APUD.ESS | home | be | INF | place | be.NEG | QUOT | parents | ERG | DEM1.ISG.OBL | GEN1 | DEM1.ISG.OBL | LAT | lamb | and | give | PFV.CVB | young | DEF | boy | outside | chase | PFV.CVB | you | LAT | IV | want | LCV.CVB | go | PFV.CVB | life | I.PL | do | IMPR | QUOT |
v | vsuf | post | n1 | nsuf | pron | nsuf | adv | v | vsuf | n3 | v | suf | n1pl | nsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | nsuf | n3 | suf | v | vsuf | adj | suf | n1 | adv | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | suf |
"There is no place at home for a man who doesn't work," so his parents gave him a lamb and chased the younger boy out, "go and live where ever you want!"
Мол в нашем доме нету места кроме работающим, родители отдали ему своего ягненка и прогнали младшего сына из дому, мол живи там, где ты хочешь.
esi-n | šebi | xeci-n | šebi | zow-n-ƛax | zow-n | anu-ƛax | sis | eni–babiw-n | žedu-s-gon | kid-n | ||||||||||
esi | n | šebi | xeci | n | šebi | zow | n | ƛax | zow | n | anu | ƛax | sis | eni–babiw | n | žedu | s | gon | kid | n |
tell | PFV.CVB | what | leave | PFV.CVB | what | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | QUOT | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | be.NEG | QUOT | one | parents | TOP | DEM1.IPL.OBL | GEN1 | CNTR | daughter | TOP |
v | vsuf | pron | v | vsuf | pron | v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | v | suf | num | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | n2 | suf |
What is to be said, what is to be left out -- once upon a time there was a couple who had a daughter.
Что рассказать, что оставить, был, говорят или не был отец и мать, у них была дочь.
sidaquł | eni–babiw | maħor | b-oq-nosi | ƛ’iri-r | ay-ru | ƛirba | žedu | esir-n | |||||
sidaquł | eni–babiw | maħor | b | oq | nosi | ƛ’iri | r | ay | ru | ƛirba | žedu | esir | n |
one.day | parents | outside | I.PL | become | ANT.CVB | above | LAT | come | PST.PRT | guest | DEM1.IPL | ask | PST.UNW |
adv | n1pl | adv | pref | v | vsuf | adv | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1 | pron | v | vsuf |
One day, when the couple had gone outside, a guest who came along asked for them.
Однажды когда отец и мать вышли на улицу, явившийся к ним гость спросил их.
sis | zow-n | eni–babiw-n | žedu-s-gon | sis-tow | sis | kid-n | ||||||
sis | zow | n | eni–babiw | n | žedu | s | gon | sis | tow | sis | kid | n |
one | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | parents | TOP | DEM1.IPL.OBL | GEN1 | CNTR | one | EMPH | one | daughter | TOP |
num | v | vsuf | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | num | suf | num | n2 | suf |
Once upon a time there was a couple, they had only one single daughter.
Был одни мать и отец, у них была одна единственная дочь.
ža-n | eni–babiw-a | y-egir-x | zow-n | anu | ac | y-ˤaɣˤi-o-ƛin | eƛi-näy | y-uqi-xosi | q’ˤida | iči-ƛin | eƛi-näy | hečk’er | izi-xozo | ʕadalaw | uži-x | łinar | mi | y-ik’i-x | ža-n-nan | elu-q | kiki-a | ay-ƛin | ||||||||||||||||||||||
ža | n | eni–babiw | a | y | egir | x | zow | n | anu | ac | y | ˤaɣˤi | o | ƛin | eƛi | näy | y | uqi | xosi | q’ˤida | iči | ƛin | eƛi | näy | hečk’er | izi | xozo | ʕadalaw | uži | x | łinar | mi | y | ik’i | x | ža | n | nan | elu | q | kiki | a | ay | ƛin |
DEM1.SG | TOP | parents | ERG | II | let | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | be.NEG | door | II | open | IMPR | QUOT | say | CND.CVB | II | close | PRS.PRT | down | sit | QUOT | say | CND.CVB | upright | get.up | PRS.PRT.OBL | stupid | boy | AD.ESS | why | you | II | go | IPFV.CVB | DEM1.SG | TOP | INT | we(I)OBL | POSS.ESS | feed | INF | must | QUOT |
pron | suf | n1pl | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | v | n2 | pref | v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | v | suf | v | vsuf | adv | v | vsuf | adj | n1 | nsuf | pron | pron | pref | v | vsuf | pron | suf | suf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | suf |
But her parents didn't let her go; [saying] "Why do you want to marry a stupid boy who when you say 'Open the door!', would close it, and when you say 'Sit down!', would get up? We will have to feed him as well."
Ее тоже родители не выдавали, если скажешь открой дверь, закрывающая, если скажешь садись, встающая зачем мол ты выходишь за болвана, его тоже нам придется содержать.
sida | qu-ł | yiła-a | yeda | xediw | nesi-z-tow | eni–babiw-däɣor | iži-n | ||||||
sida | qu | ł | yiła | a | yeda | xediw | nesi | z | tow | eni–babiw | däɣor | iži | n |
one.OBL | day | CONT.ESS | DEM2.IISG.OBL | ERG | DEM2.ISG | husband | DEM1.ISG.OBL | GEN2 | EMPH | parents | APUD.VERS | lead | PST.UNW |
num | n4 | nsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | n1 | pron | nsuf | suf | n1pl | nsuf | v | vsuf |
One day she went to his parents with her husband.
Однажды она повела мужа к его же родителям.
mołi-ru | šebin | r-is-x | zow-č’u-ru | didur-tow | mi-q | yeda | nediw | oq-a-ƛin | tamaša | b-oq-n | ƛexu-n | eni–babiw | ||||||||||||
mołi | ru | šebin | r | is | x | zow | č’u | ru | didur | tow | mi | q | yeda | nediw | oq | a | ƛin | tamaša | b | oq | n | ƛexu | n | eni–babiw |
teach | PST.PRT | thing | IV | take | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | NEG.PST.WIT | PST.PRT | how | EMPH | you | POSS.ESS | DEM2.ISG | such | become | PST.WIT.INT | QUOT | be.surprised | I.PL | become | PFV.CVB | remain | PFV.CVB | parents |
v | vsuf | n4 | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf | pron | suf | pron | nsuf | pron | pron | v | vsuf | suf | comp | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | n1pl |
His parents were astonished [and asked]: "How could he become like this through you(?) when he didn't take any explanations?"
Его родители удивились, как ты смогла его сделать таким, тогда когда не брал то, к чему его обучали.
zow-n-ƛax | zow-n-anu-ƛax | eni–babiw-n | žedu-s-gon | sis-tow | sis | uži-n | ||||||||||
zow | n | ƛax | zow | n | anu | ƛax | eni–babiw | n | žedu | s | gon | sis | tow | sis | uži | n |
be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | QUOT | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | NEG | QUOT | parents | TOP | DEM1.IPL | GEN1 | CNTR | one | EMPH | one | son | TOP |
v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | vsuf | suf | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | num | suf | num | n1 | suf |
Once upon a time there was a couple who had only one son.
Был говорят, не был отец и мать, у них еще один единственный сын.
hemedur | di-s | idu | quqa | eni–babiw | yoł-ƛin | uži-a | eƛi-nosi | bazargan-bi-a | eƛi-n | elu-a | mi-r | r-ac’-an | šeƛ’u-an | neƛ-an | ƛ’iri-gon | mi | idu-r | ayr-ani-x | ħumukuli-n | b-egir-n | sadaq | sis | bazargan-n | egir-an-ƛin | |||||||||||||||||||||||
hemedur | di | s | idu | quqa | eni–babiw | yoł | ƛin | uži | a | eƛi | nosi | bazargan | bi | a | eƛi | n | elu | a | mi | r | r | ac’ | an | šeƛ’u | an | neƛ | an | ƛ’iri | gon | mi | idu | r | ayr | ani | x | ħumukuli | n | b | egir | n | sadaq | sis | bazargan | n | egir | an | ƛin |
so | me | GEN1 | home | hungry | parents | be | QUOT | son | ERG | say | ANT.CVB | merchant | PL | ERG | say | PST.UNW | we(I)OBL | ERG | you | LAT | IV | eat | FUT.DEF | put.on | FUT.DEF | give | FUT.DEF | above | CNTR | you | home | LAT | bring | MSD | AD.ESS | camel | TOP | III | let | PFV.CVB | all | one | merchant | TOP | send | FUT.DEF | QUOT |
adv | pron | nsuf | adv | adj | n1pl | v | suf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | adv | suf | pron | adv | nsuf | v | deriv | nsuf | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | num | n1 | suf | v | vsuf | suf |
When the boy said: "My hungry parents are at home", the merchants said: "We will give you to eat and to dress and above that, we'll give you a camel to bring you home and we will send one merchant with you."
Когда юноша сказал, что его дома ждут голодные родители, купцы сказали, мы тебе дадим кушать и одеваться, дополнительно еще, чтобы доставить тебя домой отправим верблюда и одного купца мол.
b-oƛƛo | b-aq’ˤu | zaman | b-ik’i-zaƛ’or-tow | uži-a | eni–babiw-n | b-ow-n | t’akan-z | kumak-ƛ’aza | xan-z-de | igo | r-igu | ɣˤutku-n | r-odi-n | łina-ł-n-kin | b-oƛ–t’oƛu-č’ey | žedu-a | bercinłi-ƛ’ | ʕumru-n | b-iži-n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | oƛƛo | b | aq’ˤu | zaman | b | ik’i | zaƛ’or | tow | uži | a | eni–babiw | n | b | ow | n | t’akan | z | kumak | ƛ’aza | xan | z | de | igo | r | igu | ɣˤutku | n | r | odi | n | łina | ł | n | kin | b | oƛ–t’oƛu | č’ey | žedu | a | bercinłi | ƛ’ | ʕumru | n | b | iži | n |
III | middle | III | much | time | III | go | POST.CVB | EMPH | boy | ERG | parents | TOP | I.PL | bring | PFV.CVB | glass | GEN2 | help | SUPER.VERS.DIST | khan | GEN2 | APUD.ESS | near | IV | pretty | house | TOP | IV | do | PFV.CVB | what.ERG | CONT.ESS | TOP | even | I.PL | worry | NEG.PST.CVB | DEM1.IPL | ERG | beauty | SUPER.ESS | life | TOP | I.PL | lead | PST.UNW |
pref | adv | pref | adv | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | suf | n1 | nsuf | n1pl | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n2 | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | adv | pref | adj | n4 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf |
After quite some time has passed, the boy brought his parents and with the help of the glass, he built a pretty house near the king's [place], and without having to worry about anything, they led a life in beauty.
Не прошло много времени, юноша привел родителей, с помощью стакана рядом с царским построил хороший дом и без особых беспокойств продолжали жить красиво.
sis | zow-n | eni–babiw-n | žedu-s-gon | sis-tow | sis | uži-n | ||||||
sis | zow | n | eni–babiw | n | žedu | s | gon | sis | tow | sis | uži | n |
one | be.NPRS | PST.UNW | parents | TOP | DEM1.IPL | GEN1 | CNTR | one | EMPH | one | son | TOP |
num | v | vsuf | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | num | suf | num | n1 | suf |
There was a couple and they had only one son.
Были одни мат-отец, у них был один сын.
eni–babiw-a | ža | uži | sasaq-n | neširu-n | bˤeƛ’-xay | oɣ-x | zow-n-anu | |||||||
eni–babiw | a | ža | uži | sasaq | n | neširu | n | bˤeƛ’ | xay | oɣ | x | zow | n | anu |
parents | ERG | DEM1.SG | son | in.the.morning | and | evening | and | sheep | AD.ABL | take.away | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | NEG |
n1pl | nsuf | pron | n1 | adv | suf | adv | suf | n3pl | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf |
In the morning and in the evening, the parents didn't let him away from the sheep.
Утром и вечером родители оставили его пасти овец.
eloš | goga-ƛäz | łi-n | yoł | er-asi-gon | c’i-n | yoł | ƛ’iri-gon | ħažat | r-oq-näy | qaca-n | yoł-ƛin | nesi-a | nesi-de | puħo-si | bazargan | č’arik’-nosi | nediw | oq-zaƛ’-ła | mi-n | eni–babiw-a | elu-r | neƛ-a-ƛin | uyƛag | aƛ’i-n | ||||||||||||||||||||||
eloš | goga | ƛäz | łi | n | yoł | er | asi | gon | c’i | n | yoł | ƛ’iri | gon | ħažat | r | oq | näy | qaca | n | yoł | ƛin | nesi | a | nesi | de | puħo | si | bazargan | č’arik’ | nosi | nediw | oq | zaƛ’ | ła | mi | n | eni–babiw | a | elu | r | neƛ | a | ƛin | uyƛag | aƛ’i | n |
over.there | meadow | SUB.ESS.DIST | water | TOP | be | put | RES.PRT | CNTR | fire | and | be | above | CNTR | necessity | IV | become | CND.CVB | firewood | and | be | QUOT | DEM1.ISG.OBL | ERG | DEM1.ISG.OBL | APUD.ESS | next.to | ATTR | merchant | wake.up | ANT.CVB | such | become | CSL.CVB | DUB | you | TOP | parents | ERG | we(I)OBL | LAT | give | PST.WIT.INT | QUOT | really | scold | PST.UNW |
adv | n2 | nsuf | n4 | suf | v | v | vsuf | suf | n4 | suf | v | adv | suf | n4 | pref | v | vsuf | n4 | suf | v | suf | pron | nsuf | pron | nsuf | post | suf | n1 | v | vsuf | pron | v | vsuf | nsuf | pron | suf | n1pl | nsuf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf | adv | v | vsuf |
"Over there, behind the field is water, and there is a fire and firewood, if necessary!", [he said] and when woke up the merchant next to him, he really scolded: "Because you're like this, your parents have given you to us!"
Там за полем находится вода, зажженный огонь, если понадобится и дрова мол, разбудил рядом находящегося купца. А он наоборот поругал (сказал иронией), мол поэтому родители дали тебя нам, из-за того, что ты такой.
b-iš-n | ax-bi-n | r-odi-n | q’ˤida | b-iči-nosi | bazargan-bi-a | esir-n | uži-q | nediw | oq-zaƛ’-gon | šida | mi | eni–babiw-a | elu-r | neƛ-a-ƛin | ||||||||||||||||||
b | iš | n | ax | bi | n | r | odi | n | q’ˤida | b | iči | nosi | bazargan | bi | a | esir | n | uži | q | nediw | oq | zaƛ’ | gon | šida | mi | eni–babiw | a | elu | r | neƛ | a | ƛin |
III | eat | PFV.CVB | belly | PL | TOP | IV.PL | do | PFV.CVB | down | I.PL | sit | ANT.CVB | merchant | PL | ERG | ask | PFV.CVB | boy | POSS.ESS | such | become | CSL.CVB | CNTR | why | you | parents | ERG | we(I)OBL | LAT | give | PST.WIT.INT | QUOT |
pref | v | vsuf | n4 | nsuf | suf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | pron | v | vsuf | suf | pron | pron | n1pl | nsuf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf |
After they sat down and ate their bellies full(?), the merchants asked the boy: "Although you are like this, why did your parents give you to us?"
После того, как покушали и сидели наевшие, купцы спросили у мальчика, хотя ты такой, почему родители дали нам тебя мол.
meža | šebi-gon | r-odi-łin | di-z | di | eni–babiw-q-kin | esi-č’i-ru | mežu-q | y-eži-gon | di | ža | moƛu | esi-č’i-ƛin | uži | et’u-n | k’oƛi-n | iči-n | ||||||||||||||||
meža | šebi | gon | r | odi | łin | di | z | di | eni–babiw | q | kin | esi | č’i | ru | mežu | q | y | eži | gon | di | ža | moƛu | esi | č’i | ƛin | uži | et’u | n | k’oƛi | n | iči | n |
you(II.IV)PL.OBL | what | CNTR | IV | do | CNC.CVB | me | GEN2 | me | parents | POSS.ESS | even | tell | NEG.FUT | PST.PRT | you(I)PL.OBL | POSS.ESS | II | more | CNTR | me | DEM1.SG | dream | tell | NEG.FUT | QUOT | boy | jump | PFV.CVB | run | PFV.CVB | be | PST.UNW |
pron | pron | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | n1pl | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pref | adv | suf | pron | pron | n2 | v | vsuf | suf | n1 | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf |
"Whatever you do, I won't tell you my dream that I wouldn't tell my parents either!", the boy [said and] ran away.
Мальчик был решительным, когда я не рассказал своим родителям, вам тем более не расскажу, что бы вы ни сделали мол.
xizyo | xan-a | esir-n | uži-q | nediw | hunar | yoł-asi | šida | mi | eni–babiw-a | bazargan-bi-r | teƛ-n | žeda-gon | di-r | neƛ-a-ƛin | ||||||||||||
xizyo | xan | a | esir | n | uži | q | nediw | hunar | yoł | asi | šida | mi | eni–babiw | a | bazargan | bi | r | teƛ | n | žeda | gon | di | r | neƛ | a | ƛin |
afterwards | khan | ERG | ask | PFV.CVB | boy | POSS.ESS | such | talent | be | RES.PRT | why | you | parents | ERG | merchant | PL | LAT | give | PFV.CVB | DEM1.IIPL.OBL | CNTR | me | LAT | give | PST.WIT.INT | QUOT |
adv | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | pron | n3 | v | vsuf | pron | pron | n1pl | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | suf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf |
Afterwards, the king asked the boy: "Why did your parents gave you - who has such talents - to the merchants and they in turn gave you to me?"
Потом царь спросил юношу, ты такой талантливый, почему тебя продали купцам, а они дали мне мол.
uži-a | eƛi-n | di-r | howži | r-oq-xozo | łina-łay-n | y-ukad-ru | moƛu | ya | eni–babiw-q | ya | žedu | bazargan-bi-q | esi-č’i-zaƛ’ | žedu-a | di | teƛ-s-ƛin | |||||||||||||||||
uži | a | eƛi | n | di | r | howži | r | oq | xozo | łina | łay | n | y | ukad | ru | moƛu | ya | eni–babiw | q | ya | žedu | bazargan | bi | q | esi | č’i | zaƛ’ | žedu | a | di | teƛ | s | ƛin |
boy | ERG | say | PFV.CVB | me | LAT | now | IV | happen | PRS.PRT.OBL | what.ERG | CONT.ABL | TOP | II | see | PST.PRT | dream | neither | parents | POSS.ESS | neither | DEM1.IPL.OBL | merchant | PL | POSS.ESS | tell | NEG.FUT | CSL.CVB | DEM1.IIPL | ERG | me | give | PST.WIT | QUOT |
n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | adv | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n2 | conj | n1pl | nsuf | conj | pron | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | v | vsuf | suf |
The boy said: "They gave me away, because I told neither my parents nor those merchants, that I had a dream in which I saw what would happen now."
Юноша сказал, меня они продали потому, что о сне, который я видел о том, что со мной должно было сейчас происходить, я не рассказал ни родителям, ни купцам.
xan-a-gon | uži-s | eni–babiw | goƛ’i-a | žek’u-n | egir-n | neła | qu-ł | sasaq-tow | žedu-n | b-ayr-n | |||||||||||
xan | a | gon | uži | s | eni–babiw | goƛ’i | a | žek’u | n | egir | n | neła | qu | ł | sasaq | tow | žedu | n | b | ayr | n |
khan | ERG | CNTR | boy | GEN1 | parents | call | INF | man | TOP | send | PFV.CVB | DEM1.IISG.OBL | day | CONT.ESS | in.the.morning | EMPH | DEM1.IPL | TOP | III | bring | PST.UNW |
n1 | nsuf | suf | n1 | nsuf | n1pl | v | vsuf | n1 | suf | v | vsuf | pron | n4 | nsuf | adv | suf | pron | suf | pref | v | vsuf |
And the king then sent a man to call the boy's parents, and in the next morning, he brought them.
Царь отправил человека пригласить родителей юноши и привел их на следующий же день.
sida | qu-ł | uži-a | eni–babiw-qor | eƛi-n | ʕaƛ-xar | ik’i-ani-x | di | c’aq’ | urqizi | oq-asi | yoł | ||||||||
sida | qu | ł | uži | a | eni–babiw | qor | eƛi | n | ʕaƛ | xar | ik’i | ani | x | di | c’aq’ | urqizi | oq | asi | yoł |
one.OBL | day | CONT.ESS | boy | ERG | parents | POSS.LAT | say | PST.UNW | village | AD.VERS | go | MSD | AD.ESS | me | very | thinking | become | RES.PRT | be |
num | n4 | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | v | vsuf | n3 | nsuf | v | deriv | nsuf | pron | adv | n3 | v | vsuf | v |
One day, the boy said to his 'parents': "I'm really thinking about going into the village.
Однажды сын «родителям» сказал, я очень хочу пойти в село,
eni–babiw-a | yisi-qor | yorɣa | gulu-n | teƛ-n | egir-n | |||||
eni–babiw | a | yisi | qor | yorɣa | gulu | n | teƛ | n | egir | n |
parents | ERG | DEM2.ISG.OBL | POSS.LAT | amble | horse | TOP | give | PFV.CVB | let | PST.UNW |
n1pl | nsuf | pron | nsuf | adj | n3 | suf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf |
The parents gave him an amble-horse and let him go.
«Родители» дали ему коня-иноходца и отправили.
neła-ƛ’or | yeda | uži | best’alaw-ni | eni–babiw-der-gon | ay-n | rešt’izi | oq-n | ||||||
neła | ƛ’or | yeda | uži | best’alaw | ni | eni–babiw | der | gon | ay | n | rešt’izi | oq | n |
DEM1.IISG.OBL | SUPER.LAT | DEM2.ISG | boy | step | DEF | parents | APUD.LAT | CNTR | come | PFV.CVB | take.a.rest | become | PST.UNW |
pron | nsuf | pron | n1 | adj | suf | n1pl | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | comp | v | vsuf |
After that, the boy came to his step-parents and took a rest.
К этому времени юноша пошел к званным родителям и отдыхал.
eni–babiw-s | maʕišat-n | łiy-n | yizirabi | payda-x | b-oq-n | ||||||
eni–babiw | s | maʕišat | n | łiy | n | yizirabi | payda | x | b | oq | n |
parents | GEN1 | fortune | TOP | end | PFV.CVB | DEM2.IIPL | use | AD.ESS | III | become | PST.UNW |
n1pl | nsuf | n3 | suf | v | vsuf | pron | n3 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf |
The fortune of the parents ended and they... (???)
После того, как закончили состояния, нажитого родителями, они вышли на заработки (в поисках куска хлеба).
uži-a | eƛi-n | di | eni–babiw-z | idu-r | ayr-o-ƛin | ||||||
uži | a | eƛi | n | di | eni–babiw | z | idu | r | ayr | o | ƛin |
boy | ERG | say | PST.UNW | me | parents | GEN2 | home | LAT | bring | IMPR | QUOT |
n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | n1pl | nsuf | adv | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf |
The boy said: "Bring me to my parents' home!"
Юноша сказал, подвезите меня в дом родителей.
Ħasan | na-aɣor | ik’i-a-ƛin | nesi-a | esir-nosi | eni–babiw-a | esi-n | nesi-q | hemedur | xabar-n | b-ay-n | meži | b-odi-zaƛ’or-tow | elu-r | heneš | neƛ-n | zow-ru-ni | hemesi | eže-ni | žek’u-däɣor | ik’i-s-ƛin | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ħasan | na | aɣor | ik’i | a | ƛin | nesi | a | esir | nosi | eni–babiw | a | esi | n | nesi | q | hemedur | xabar | n | b | ay | n | meži | b | odi | zaƛ’or | tow | elu | r | heneš | neƛ | n | zow | ru | ni | hemesi | eže | ni | žek’u | däɣor | ik’i | s | ƛin |
Hassan | where | IN.VERS | go | PST.WIT.INT | QUOT | DEM1.ISG.OBL | ERG | ask | ANT.CVB | parents | ERG | tell | PST.UNW | DEM1.ISG.OBL | POSS.ESS | so | story | TOP | III | come | PFV.CVB | you.PL | I.PL | do | POST.CVB | EMPH | we(I)OBL | LAT | apple | give | PFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PST.PRT | DEF | DEM4.ISG.OBL | old | DEF | man | APUD.VERS | go | PST.WIT | QUOT |
n1 | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1pl | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | adv | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | pref | v | vsuf | suf | pron | nsuf | n3 | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | suf | pron | adj | suf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | suf |
When he asked "Where did Hassan go to?", the parents told him: "The story was like this, that he went to that old man who had given the apple[s] to us before you were born."
Когда он спросил, куда Хусейн пошел мол, родители рассказали ему, вот так пришла весть от старика, который дал нам яблоки еще до вашего рождения, и к нему пошел.
ax-azay | madaħ-ar | Ħusen-n | nesi-de-tow | sadaq | gulu-n | b-oƛix-nosi | esyu-bi-a | sida-a | sida-q | ałni-bi-n | caƛi-n | dahaw-tow-n | q’ˤida-n | b-iči-n | rok’u-bi-n | čučzi | r-odi-n | xizo–q’ˤimer | b-uti-n | b-ik’i-n | ža | kid-n | y-iži-n | xexłi-ƛ’ | eni–babiw-däɣor | b-ik’i-n | žedu-ƛ’ | yoł-ru | q’ʷariłi | b-oɣ-ani-x | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ax | azay | madaħ | ar | Ħusen | n | nesi | de | tow | sadaq | gulu | n | b | oƛix | nosi | esyu | bi | a | sida | a | sida | q | ałni | bi | n | caƛi | n | dahaw | tow | n | q’ˤida | n | b | iči | n | rok’u | bi | n | čučzi | r | odi | n | xizo–q’ˤimer | b | uti | n | b | ik’i | n | ža | kid | n | y | iži | n | xexłi | ƛ’ | eni–babiw | däɣor | b | ik’i | n | žedu | ƛ’ | yoł | ru | q’ʷariłi | b | oɣ | ani | x |
belly | IN.ABL.DIST | outside | IN.LAT | Hussein | and | DEM1.ISG.OBL | APUD.ESS | EMPH | together | horse | and | I.PL | appear | ANT.CVB | brother | PL | ERG | one.OBL | ERG | one.OBL | POSS.ESS | hug | PL | TOP | throw | PFV.CVB | a.little | EMPH | TOP | down | TOP | I.PL | sit | PFV.CVB | heart | PL | TOP | loosen | IV | do | PFV.CVB | back | I.PL | return | PFV.CVB | I.PL | go | PFV.CVB | DEM1.SG | girl | TOP | II | take.out | PFV.CVB | quickness | SUPER.ESS | parents | APUD.VERS | I.PL | go | PFV.CVB | DEM1.IPL.OBL | SUPER.ESS | be | PST.PRT | sadness | III | take.away | MSD | AD.ESS |
n4 | nsuf | adv | nsuf | n1 | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | adv | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | nsuf | num | nsuf | num | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | adv | suf | suf | adv | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n4 | nsuf | suf | comp | pref | v | vsuf | adv | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | n2 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n4 | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | n4 | pref | v | deriv | nsuf |
When Hussein and with him the horse appeared outside of the belly, the brothers gave themselves hugs and sat down a little and relieve their hearts; then they went back and freed the girl and quickly went to their parents in order to take away the sadness that was upon them.
Из чрева на улицу вышел Хусейн с конем и братья обнялись, немного посидели, успокоились, вернулись обратно, забрали ту девушку и скорей пошли к родителям, чтобы развеять у них горе.
idu-r | saɣłi-ƛ’ | q’ˤano-n | esyu-bi | b-ay-zaƛ’ | ɣˤaɣˤu | b-izi-zaq | eni–babiw-r | b-iči-n | moči | b-iqi-x | zow-n-anu | |||||||||||||||
idu | r | saɣłi | ƛ’ | q’ˤano | n | esyu | bi | b | ay | zaƛ’ | ɣˤaɣˤu | b | izi | zaq | eni–babiw | r | b | iči | n | moči | b | iqi | x | zow | n | anu |
home | LAT | health | SUPER.ESS | two | TOP | brother | PL | III | come | CSL.CVB | be.happy | I.PL | get.up | CSL.CVB | parents | LAT | I.PL | sit | PFV.CVB | place | III | get | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | NEG |
adv | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | num | suf | n1 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | comp | pref | v | vsuf | n1pl | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf |
Because the two brothers came home healthy, the parents couldn't get themselves a place to get in joy.
Когда оба братья пришли домой невредимыми, родители не могли находить себе место от радости.
hudayziko | Ražbadin | y-ow-xozo | kid-z | eni–babiw-der | ža-n | esir-n | ik’i-x | |||||||
hudayziko | Ražbadin | y | ow | xozo | kid | z | eni–babiw | der | ža | n | esir | n | ik’i | x |
the.next.day | Razhbadin | II | marry | PRS.PRT.OBL | girl | GEN2 | parents | APUD.LAT | DEM1.SG | TOP | ask | PST.UNW | go | PRS |
adv | n1 | pref | v | vsuf | n2 | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | pron | suf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf |
The next day Razhbadin went to the parents of the girl whom he was marrying and asked them for her.
На следующий день Ражбадин пошел к родителям засватать ту девушку.
ƛ’iri | xabar | b-odi-č’ey | Ražbadin-a | eƛi-n | mi | howži | idu-ɣor | ik’i | di | neła | kid-z | eni–babiw-der | ža-n | mi-x | esir-n | ik’i-an-ƛin | ||||||||||||
ƛ’iri | xabar | b | odi | č’ey | Ražbadin | a | eƛi | n | mi | howži | idu | ɣor | ik’i | di | neła | kid | z | eni–babiw | der | ža | n | mi | x | esir | n | ik’i | an | ƛin |
above | story | III | do | NEG.PST.CVB | Razhbadin | ERG | say | PST.UNW | you | now | home | IN.ALL | go | me | DEM1.IISG.OBL | girl | GEN2 | parents | APUD.LAT | DEM1.SG | TOP | you | AD.ESS | ask | PFV.CVB | go | FUT.DEF | QUOT |
adv | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | adv | adv | nsuf | v | pron | pron | n2 | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | pron | suf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | suf |
Not saying anything more, Razhbadin said: "You go home now, and I will go to the girl's parents to ask her out for you."
Не сказав ничего лишнего, Ражбадин сказал: «Ты теперь иди домой, а я пойду к ее родителям, чтобы засватать ее за тебя».
Ražbadin | ɣˤaɣˤu-n | izi-n | kid-z | eni–babiw-r | b-eže | barkala-n | b-odi-n | Tawadi-q | ža | k’uli | esi-ani-x | ik’i-n | ||||||||||||
Ražbadin | ɣˤaɣˤu | n | izi | n | kid | z | eni–babiw | r | b | eže | barkala | n | b | odi | n | Tawadi | q | ža | k’uli | esi | ani | x | ik’i | n |
Razhbadin | be.happy | TOP | get.up | PFV.CVB | girl | GEN2 | parents | LAT | III | big | thank | TOP | III | do | PFV.CVB | Tavadi | POSS.ESS | DEM1.SG | news | tell | MSD | AD.ESS | go | PST.UNW |
n1 | comp | suf | v | vsuf | n2 | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | pref | adj | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | pron | n | v | deriv | nsuf | v | vsuf |
Razhbadin became happy, was very thankful to the girl's parents and went to tell this XXX to Tavadi.
Ражбадин обрадовался, поблагодарил родителей девушки и поспешил к Тавади, чтобы рассказать ему эту новость.
eni–babiw-s | raħat | b-exur-ač’in-ƛin | yeda | žedu | b-iči-x | zow-ru-ni | ɣˤutku-aɣor-n | ik’i-n | eniw-de-ƛin | Ražbadin-s | baru | kec-ru-ni | muži-aɣor | iħu-n | ||||||||||||||||||
eni–babiw | s | raħat | b | exur | ač’in | ƛin | yeda | žedu | b | iči | x | zow | ru | ni | ɣˤutku | aɣor | n | ik’i | n | eniw | de | ƛin | Ražbadin | s | baru | kec | ru | ni | muži | aɣor | iħu | n |
parents | GEN1 | recreation | III | kill | NEG.FUT.DEF | QUOT | DEM2.ISG | DEM1.IPL | I.PL | be | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PST.PRT | DEF | room | IN.VERS | TOP | go | PFV.CVB | mother | APUD.ESS | QUOT | Razhbadin | GEN1 | wife | sleep | PST.PRT | DEF | mattress | IN.VERS | come.to | PST.UNW |
n1pl | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | suf | pron | pron | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | suf | n4 | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | n2 | nsuf | suf | n1 | nsuf | n2 | v | vsuf | suf | n3 | nsuf | v | vsuf |
"I won't bother my parents", he [thought and] went into the room where they were being, and came to the mattress where Razhbadin's wife was sleeping, thinking it's his mother.
Он пошел спать. «Не буду беспокоить родителей», - подумав, он пошел в комнату, которая была выделена для Ражбадина и его жены, и лег спать, якобы с матерью, а на самом деле с женой Ражбадина.
dice-gon | zaħmat | r-oq-łin | eni–babiw-n | razi | b-oq-n | xexbi | Tawadi-däɣor | b-egir-a | łˤora-qor-n | musru-r | aluk’a | katam-n | teƛ-n | cax-n | nesi-ƛ’or-gon | kaɣat-n | y-egir-n | ||||||||||||||||||||
dice | gon | zaħmat | r | oq | łin | eni–babiw | n | razi | b | oq | n | xexbi | Tawadi | däɣor | b | egir | a | łˤora | qor | n | musru | r | aluk’a | katam | n | teƛ | n | cax | n | nesi | ƛ’or | gon | kaɣat | n | y | egir | n |
how.much | CNTR | trouble | IV | happen | CNC.CVB | parents | TOP | agree | I.PL | become | PFV.CVB | children | Tavadi | APUD.VERS | I.PL | send | INF | three.OBL | POSS.LAT | TOP | shroud | LAT | white | calico | TOP | give | PFV.CVB | write | PFV.CVB | DEM1.ISG.OBL | SUPER.LAT | CNTR | letter | TOP | II | send | PST.UNW |
pron | suf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | n1pl | suf | comp | pref | v | vsuf | n1pl | n1 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | num | nsuf | suf | n3 | nsuf | adj | n | suf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | n2 | suf | pref | v | vsuf |
No matter how much trouble they had, the parents agreed in sending their childred to Tavadi; they gave the three of them white calico for shrouds and sent a letter to him.
Как бы тяжело ни было, родители согласились отправить детей к Тавади, отдали троим бязь для савана и послали ему письмо.
xexbi-n | huni-x | b-egir-n | eni–babiw | idu-ɣor | nex-n | ||||||
xexbi | n | huni | x | b | egir | n | eni–babiw | idu | ɣor | nex | n |
children | TOP | way | AD.ESS | I.PL | send | PFV.CVB | parents | home | IN.ALL | come | PST.UNW |
n1pl | suf | n4 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | n1pl | adv | nsuf | v | vsuf |
The parents sent their children on the way and came home.
Проводив детей в путь, родители вернулись домой.
Tawadi-a | r-iyr-ru-xor | eni–babiw-qor | xexbi | qazaq | mec-ƛ’ | gurow | xabaryad-n-anu | ||||||||
Tawadi | a | r | iyr | ru | xor | eni–babiw | qor | xexbi | qazaq | mec | ƛ’ | gurow | xabaryad | n | anu |
Tavadi | ERG | IV | explain | PST.PRT | AD.LAT | parents | POSS.LAT | children | Georgian | language | SUPER.ESS | except | talk | PFV.CVB | NEG |
n1 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | nsuf | n1pl | nsuf | n1pl | n1 | n3 | nsuf | post | v | vsuf | vsuf |
According to Tavadis explanation, the children don't speak anything except Georgian with their parents.
Как предупреждал Тавади, они разговаривали с родителями только на грузинском языке.
zaman-ƛ’aza | Tawadi-a | Ražbadin-q-n | nesi-z-gon | baru-q-n | esi-n | yoł-ru | šebin | mežu-s | xexbi | yoł | yizi-ƛin | eni–babiw | bužzi | b-oq-ani-ƛay-gon | žedu-r | izmu | teƛ-n | cez-s | mec-ƛ’ | xabaryad-ƛin | |||||||||||||||||||||
zaman | ƛ’aza | Tawadi | a | Ražbadin | q | n | nesi | z | gon | baru | q | n | esi | n | yoł | ru | šebin | mežu | s | xexbi | yoł | yizi | ƛin | eni–babiw | bužzi | b | oq | ani | ƛay | gon | žedu | r | izmu | teƛ | n | cez | s | mec | ƛ’ | xabaryad | ƛin |
time | SUPER.VERS.DIST | Tavadi | ERG | Razhbadin | POSS.ESS | and | DEM1.ISG.OBL | GEN2 | CNTR | wife | POSS.ESS | and | tell | PFV.CVB | be | PST.PRT | thing | you(I)PL.OBL | GEN1 | children | be | DEM2.IPL | QUOT | parents | believe | I.PL | become | MSD | SUB.ABL | CNTR | DEM1.IPL.OBL | LAT | permission | give | PFV.CVB | Tsez | GEN1 | language | SUPER.ESS | talk | QUOT |
n3 | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | n2 | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | n4 | pron | nsuf | n1pl | v | pron | suf | n1pl | comp | pref | v | deriv | nsuf | suf | pron | nsuf | n3 | v | vsuf | n | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | v | suf |
After some time, Tavadi told Razhbadin and his wife how the things were: "They're your children.", and for the parents to believe, he gave them the permission to talk in Tsez.
Через некоторое время Тавади рассказал Ражбадину и его жене все как есть, мол, это ваши дети, а для убедительности разрешил им говорить на дидойском языке.
eni–babiw-n | xexbi-n | ʕuraw | ɣˤaɣˤu-n | b-izi-n | sida-a | sida-q | ałni–meč’o-bi | r-ic’-n | hulo | r-exu-ace | ||||||||||||
eni–babiw | n | xexbi | n | ʕuraw | ɣˤaɣˤu | n | b | izi | n | sida | a | sida | q | ałni–meč’o | bi | r | ic’ | n | hulo | r | exu | ace |
parents | and | children | and | very | be.happy | TOP | I.PL | get.up | PFV.CVB | one.OBL | ERG | one.OBL | POSS.ESS | hug | PL | III.PL | hug | PFV.CVB | boredom | IV | die | TERM |
n1pl | suf | n1pl | suf | adv | comp | suf | pref | v | vsuf | num | nsuf | num | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | n4 | pref | v | vsuf |
The parents and the children got very happy and gave each other hugs until the boredom died.
Родители и дети очень обрадовались, обнимали друг друга и перестали тосковать.
eni–babiw-s | idu | kec-n | y-iči-ru | ||||
eni–babiw | s | idu | kec | n | y | iči | ru |
parents | GEN1 | home | sleep | PFV.CVB | II | be | PST.PRT |
n1pl | nsuf | adv | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf |
At the parents home she slept,
Дома у родителей много спала,
zow-n-ƛax | zow-n-anu-ƛax | zow-a-tow-kin | zow-n-anu-ƛax | sis | Ħasan-ƛin | eže | žek’u-n | nesi-s-gon | eni–babiw-n | b-exu-n | ƛexu-ru | ʕUmar-ƛin | ečula-n | |||||||||||||||||||||
zow | n | ƛax | zow | n | anu | ƛax | zow | a | tow | kin | zow | n | anu | ƛax | sis | Ħasan | ƛin | eže | žek’u | n | nesi | s | gon | eni–babiw | n | b | exu | n | ƛexu | ru | ʕUmar | ƛin | ečula | n |
be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | QUOT | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | NEG | QUOT | be.NPRS | INF | EMPH | even | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | NEG | QUOT | one | Hassan | QUOT | old | man | and | DEM1.ISG.OBL | GEN1 | CNTR | parents | TOP | I.PL | die | PFV.CVB | remain | PST.PRT | Umar | QUOT | grandchild | and |
v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | suf | suf | v | vsuf | vsuf | suf | num | n1 | suf | adj | n1 | suf | pron | nsuf | suf | n1pl | suf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | n1 | suf | n1 | suf |
There was, it's said, and there was not, it's said, an old man named Hassan and his grandson Umar, whose parents had died.
Был, говорят, не был, бывать не был, говорят, один старый человек по имени Хасан и его внук Омар, который остался без родителей.
eni–babiw | ʕuraw | ƛ’iri | b-uti-n | yisi-ƛ’ | q’ˤuya | baru | y-ow-č’ey | ok’eł-č’i | mi-ƛin | |||||||
eni–babiw | ʕuraw | ƛ’iri | b | uti | n | yisi | ƛ’ | q’ˤuya | baru | y | ow | č’ey | ok’eł | č’i | mi | ƛin |
parents | very | above | I.PL | turn | PFV.CVB | DEM2.ISG.OBL | SUPER.ESS | other | wife | II | marry | NEG.PST.CVB | escape | NEG.FUT | you | QUOT |
n1pl | adv | adv | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | n | n2 | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | pron | suf |
His parents insisted very much on him: "You won't get away not marrying another wife."
Родители его настаивали: «Без жены тебе не обойтись».
hemeła-tow | šahar-a-gon | zow-n-ƛax | eni–babiw-n | b-exu-n | yatimłi-ƛ’ | ƛexu-asi | q’ˤano | guluči | sis | aqiw | esyu-bi | |||||||||||
hemeła | tow | šahar | a | gon | zow | n | ƛax | eni–babiw | n | b | exu | n | yatimłi | ƛ’ | ƛexu | asi | q’ˤano | guluči | sis | aqiw | esyu | bi |
DEM4.IISG.OBL | EMPH | city | IN.ESS | CNTR | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | QUOT | parents | TOP | I.PL | die | PFV.CVB | orphanhood | SUPER.ESS | remain | RES.PRT | two | male | one | female | brother | PL |
pron | suf | n3 | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | suf | n1pl | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n4 | nsuf | v | vsuf | num | adj | num | adj | n1 | nsuf |
In that same city lived, they say, two brothers and one sister, whose parents had died and they remained in orphanhood.
В том же городе жили, говорят, два брата и сестра, оставшиеся в нищете после смерти родителей.
hemedur | žedu | ʕuraw | mix-ƛ’or | xediw-x | r-ik’i-č’ey | idu | ƛexu-n | ža-gon | eni–babiw-r | rok’u-r | r-eti-n | r-oq-x | zow-n-anu | ||||||||||||||
hemedur | žedu | ʕuraw | mix | ƛ’or | xediw | x | r | ik’i | č’ey | idu | ƛexu | n | ža | gon | eni–babiw | r | rok’u | r | r | eti | n | r | oq | x | zow | n | anu |
so | DEM1.IIPL | much | time | SUPER.LAT | husband | AD.ESS | II.PL | go | NEG.PST.CVB | home | remain | PFV.CVB | DEM1.SG | CNTR | parents | LAT | heart | LAT | IV | like | PFV.CVB | IV | begin | IPFV.CVB | be.NPRS | PST.UNW | NEG |
adv | pron | adv | n3 | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | adv | v | vsuf | pron | suf | n1pl | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf |
So they remained at home for a long time without marrying husbands; this however didn't please the parents
Вот так они, не выходя замуж, довольно долгое оставались дома, что не очень одобряли родители.
nesi-a | esiw-qor | eƛi-n | elu-s | eni–babiw | šebi | yoł-ru | b-iy-zaƛ’or | di-n | iš-ač’in | mi-n | y-iš-n-ƛin | |||||||||||||
nesi | a | esiw | qor | eƛi | n | elu | s | eni–babiw | šebi | yoł | ru | b | iy | zaƛ’or | di | n | iš | ač’in | mi | n | y | iš | n | ƛin |
DEM1.ISG.OBL | ERG | sister | POSS.LAT | say | PST.UNW | we(I)OBL | GEN1 | parents | who | be | PST.PRT | I.PL | know | POST.CVB | me | and | eat | NEG.FUT.DEF | you | and | II | eat | PROHIB | QUOT |
pron | nsuf | n2 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | n1pl | pron | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | suf | v | vsuf | pron | suf | pref | v | vsuf | suf |
He said to his sister: "Until we know who our parents are, I will not eat and you won't eat either!"
Он сказал своей сестре: «Пока мы не узнаем, кто наши родители, я не буду есть, и ты тоже не ешь».
yisi-a | esir-n | mi-s | eni–babiw | yoł-a-ƛin | |||||
yisi | a | esir | n | mi | s | eni–babiw | yoł | a | ƛin |
DEM2.ISG.OBL | ERG | ask | PST.UNW | you | GEN1 | parents | be | Q | QUOT |
pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | n1pl | v | suf | suf |
He asked: "Do you have parents?"
Он спросил, есть ли у нее родители.
zow-n-ƛax | zow-n | anu-ƛax | eni–babiw-n | žedu-s | łeno | uži-n | |||||||
zow | n | ƛax | zow | n | anu | ƛax | eni–babiw | n | žedu | s | łeno | uži | n |
be.NPRS | PST.UNW | QUOT | be.NPRS | PST.UNW | be.NEG | QUOT | parents | and | DEM1.IPL.OBL | GEN1 | five | son | and |
v | vsuf | suf | v | vsuf | v | suf | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | num | n1 | suf |
Once upon a time there were two parents and their five sons.
Были, говорят, или не были родители и пятеро их сыновей.
sida | qu-ł | xexbi-n | rˤełay-bi-ł | xeci-n | eni–babiw | elo | maduhalłi-q | yoł-ru | ʕaƛ-aɣor | goƛ’i-n | berten-łxor | b-ik’i-n | ||||||||||||
sida | qu | ł | xexbi | n | rˤełay | bi | ł | xeci | n | eni–babiw | elo | maduhalłi | q | yoł | ru | ʕaƛ | aɣor | goƛ’i | n | berten | łxor | b | ik’i | n |
one.OBL | day | CONT.ESS | children | TOP | threshing.floor | PL | CONT.ESS | leave | PFV.CVB | parents | there | neighbourhood | POSS.ESS | be | PST.PRT | village | IN.VERS | invite | PFV.CVB | marriage | CONT.VERS | I.PL | go | PST.UNW |
num | n4 | nsuf | n1pl | suf | n4 | nsuf | nsuf | v | vsuf | n1pl | adv | n4 | nsuf | v | vsuf | n3 | nsuf | v | vsuf | n3 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf |
One day, they left the children on the harvest, and went to a marriage, invited into a village that was in the neighborhood.
Однажды родители оставили детей на молотьбе и сами по приглашению пошли на свадьбу в соседнее село.
neširu-r | berten-łay | xizor | b-uti-n | b-ay-nosi | eni–babiw-r | oc-a | ya | xexbi | b-esu-n | anu | ya | is-bi | r-esu-n | anu | |||||||||||||
neširu | r | berten | łay | xizor | b | uti | n | b | ay | nosi | eni–babiw | r | oc | a | ya | xexbi | b | esu | n | anu | ya | is | bi | r | esu | n | anu |
evening | LAT | marriage | CONT.ABL | back | I.PL | return | PFV.CVB | I.PL | come | ANT.CVB | parents | LAT | threshing.floor | IN.ESS | neither | children | I.PL | find | PFV.CVB | be.NEG | neither | bull | PL | III.PL | find | PST.UNW | be.NEG |
adv | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | adv | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | n1pl | nsuf | n2 | nsuf | conj | n1pl | pref | v | vsuf | v | conj | n3 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | v |
In the evening, when the parents came back from the marriage, they found neither the children nor the bulls on the threshing floor.
К вечеру родители вернулись со свадьбы и на току не нашли ни детей, ни волов.
neła-ƛ’ay | soder | eni–babiw | xexbi-n | žedu-ƛ | žedu-n | xeci-n | nar-n-kin | b-ik’i-n | anu | |||||||||
neła | ƛ’ay | soder | eni–babiw | xexbi | n | žedu | ƛ | žedu | n | xeci | n | nar | n | kin | b | ik’i | n | anu |
DEM1.IISG.OBL | SUPER.ABL | after | parents | children | TOP | DEM1.IPL.OBL | SUB.ESS | DEM1.IPL | TOP | leave | PFV.CVB | where | TOP | even | I.PL | go | PFV.CVB | be.NEG |
pron | nsuf | post | n1pl | n1pl | suf | pron | nsuf | pron | suf | v | vsuf | pron | suf | suf | pref | v | vsuf | v |
After that, the parents never left the children among each other when they went anywhere.
С тех пор родители, никуда не выходили, оставляя детей без присмотра.
eni–babiw-a | neƛ-ru | sis | ziya-n | b-iži-n | nesi | ža-de | sadaq | ža | kid | uži-z | ʕaƛ-aɣor | y-ik’i-n | ||||||||||
eni–babiw | a | neƛ | ru | sis | ziya | n | b | iži | n | nesi | ža | de | sadaq | ža | kid | uži | z | ʕaƛ | aɣor | y | ik’i | n |
parents | ERG | give | PST.PRT | one | cow | TOP | III | lead | PFV.CVB | DEM1.ISG.OBL | DEM1.SG | APUD.ESS | with | DEM1.SG | girl | boy | GEN2 | village | IN.VERS | II | go | PST.UNW |
n1pl | nsuf | v | vsuf | num | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | pron | nsuf | post | pron | n2 | n1 | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf |
She took the cow that the parents had given to her and together with him she went to the boy's village.
Та девушка взяла в приданное от родителей одну корову и вместе с юношей отправилась в его село.