eniw-n | goƛ’i-n | esir | mi | neła-a | mi-r | neła | sual-r | žawab | neƛ-ƛin | ||||||
eniw | n | goƛ’i | n | esir | mi | neła | a | mi | r | neła | sual | r | žawab | neƛ | ƛin |
mother | TOP | call | PFV.CVB | ask | you | DEM1.IISG.OBL | ERG | you | LAT | DEM1.IISG.OBL | question | LAT | answer | give | QUOT |
n2 | suf | v | vsuf | v | pron | pron | nsuf | pron | nsuf | pron | n4 | nsuf | n3 | v | suf |
"Call your mother and ask, she will give you an answer to this question."
позови свою маму и спроси у нее, она ответит тебе на этот вопрос.
ƛirba-r | kid-a | eƛi-ru | łina-s-n | maʕna-n | b-iy-č’ey | xan-der | ik’i-n | hemeł | kid-a | di-z | sual-r | hemedur | žawab | neƛ-s-ƛin | |||||||||||||||
ƛirba | r | kid | a | eƛi | ru | łina | s | n | maʕna | n | b | iy | č’ey | xan | der | ik’i | n | hemeł | kid | a | di | z | sual | r | hemedur | žawab | neƛ | s | ƛin |
guest | LAT | girl | ERG | say | PST.PRT | what.OBL | GEN1 | TOP | sense | TOP | III | know | NEG.PST.CVB | khan | APUD.LAT | go | PFV.CVB | DEM4.IISG.OBL | girl | ERG | me | GEN2 | question | LAT | so | answer | give | PST.WIT | QUOT |
n1 | nsuf | n2 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | n2 | nsuf | pron | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | adv | n3 | v | vsuf | suf |
The guest didn't understand why the girl said that, went to the king and said "This girl has given me such an answer on my question."
Гость не понял то, что сказала девушка, и пошел к царю, чтобы спросить, та девушка на мой вопрос дала такой ответ мол.
sida | qu-ł | ruzman-ƛ’ | xan-a | nazo-ł-n | adäza | sual | er-n | hič’č’a-n | qˤaba | hič’č’a-n | kokoru | hič’č’a-n | ʕedeʕaraw | šebin | šebi-ƛin | ||||||||||
sida | qu | ł | ruzman | ƛ’ | xan | a | nazo | ł | n | adäza | sual | er | n | hič’č’a | n | qˤaba | hič’č’a | n | kokoru | hič’č’a | n | ʕedeʕaraw | šebin | šebi | ƛin |
one.OBL | day | CONT.ESS | Friday | SUPER.ESS | khan | ERG | everyone.OBL | CONT.ESS | TOP | ahead | question | put | PST.UNW | the.most | and | black | the.most | and | soft | the.most | and | quick | thing | what | QUOT |
num | n4 | nsuf | adj | nsuf | n1 | nsuf | pron | nsuf | suf | post | n4 | v | vsuf | adv | suf | adj | adv | suf | adj | adv | suf | adj | n4 | pron | suf |
One Friday the king asked a question before everyone: "What is the blackest, softest and quickest thing?"
Однажды в пятницу хан задал всем загадку: «Что это за вещь: самая черная, самая мягкая и самая быстрая?»
neła | sual-r | žawab | neƛ-xosi | žek’u | elo | mužmar-ł | oƛix-n-anu | |||||
neła | sual | r | žawab | neƛ | xosi | žek’u | elo | mužmar | ł | oƛix | n | anu |
DEM1.IISG.OBL | question | LAT | answer | give | PRS.PRT | man | there | Friday | CONT.ESS | appear | PFV.CVB | NEG |
pron | n4 | nsuf | n3 | v | vsuf | n1 | adv | n4 | nsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf |
A man who could give the answer to that question didn't appear there on this Friday.
Там, на пятничной молитве, не нашлось человека, который мог бы ответить на этот вопрос.
sosi-si | yisi-a | esi-č’ey | iči-a | oq-asi | zow-n | xizyo | kid-a | xeci-č’i-zaƛ’ | esi-n | hemedur | xan-a | mužmar-ł | sual | neƛ-s | hič’č’a-n | qˤaba-n | hič’č’a-n | kokoru-n | hič’č’a-n | ʕedeʕaraw | šebin | šebi-ƛin | |||||||||||||||||||
sosi | si | yisi | a | esi | č’ey | iči | a | oq | asi | zow | n | xizyo | kid | a | xeci | č’i | zaƛ’ | esi | n | hemedur | xan | a | mužmar | ł | sual | neƛ | s | hič’č’a | n | qˤaba | n | hič’č’a | n | kokoru | n | hič’č’a | n | ʕedeʕaraw | šebin | šebi | ƛin |
at.first | ATTR | DEM2.ISG.OBL | ERG | tell | NEG.PST.CVB | be | INF | begin | RES.PRT | be.NPRS | PFV.CVB | afterwards | daughter | ERG | leave | NEG.FUT.CVB | CSL.CVB | tell | PST.UNW | so | khan | ERG | Friday | CONT.ESS | question | give | PST.WIT | the.most | and | black | and | the.most | and | soft | and | the.most | and | quick | thing | what | QUOT |
adv | suf | pron | nsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf | adv | n2 | nsuf | v | vsuf | vsuf | v | vsuf | adv | n1 | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | n4 | v | vsuf | adv | suf | adj | suf | adv | suf | adj | suf | adv | suf | adj | n4 | pron | suf |
At first he didn't want to tell it, but then, because his daughter wouldn't leave him, he told: "The king asked a question this Friday: 'What is the blackest, softest and quickest thing?'
Сначала он пытался не говорить, но потом дочь не отставала, и он рассказал, так, мол, и так, хан на пятничной молитве задал вопрос, самая черная, самая мягкая и самая быстрая вещь, что это такое.
ehe–hey-ƛin | eƛi-n | kid-a | hemece | bihayaw-ni | sual-r | žawab | b-iqi-č’ey | mi | urɣel-bi-łer-a | egi-asi | zow-a | ||||||||||||
ehe–hey | ƛin | eƛi | n | kid | a | hemece | bihayaw | ni | sual | r | žawab | b | iqi | č’ey | mi | urɣel | bi | łer | a | egi | asi | zow | a |
hey.hey | QUOT | say | PST.UNW | daughter | ERG | such | easy | DEF | question | LAT | answer | III | get | NEG.PST.CVB | you | sorrow | PL | CONT.LAT | Q | go.into | RES.PRT | be.NPRS | PST.WIT.INT |
interj | suf | v | vsuf | n2 | nsuf | adv | adj | suf | n4 | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | pron | n3 | nsuf | nsuf | suf | v | vsuf | v | vsuf |
"Hey hey," said his daughter, "you became sorrowful of not getting the answer to such an easy question?"
«Эх-эх, - сказала дочь, - ты задумался, не найдя ответ на такой простой вопрос?»
huday-ƛ’ay-z-ni | mužmar-ƛ’-gon | xan-a | esir-n | neła | di-z | sual-r | žawab | b-esu-a | mežu-r-ƛin | |||||||||||||
huday | ƛ’ay | z | ni | mužmar | ƛ’ | gon | xan | a | esir | n | neła | di | z | sual | r | žawab | b | esu | a | mežu | r | ƛin |
next | SUPER.ABL | GEN2 | DEF | Friday | SUPER.ESS | CNTR | khan | ERG | ask | PST.UNW | DEM1.IISG.OBL | me | GEN2 | question | LAT | answer | III | find | PST.WIT.INT | you(I)PL.OBL | LAT | QUOT |
adj | nsuf | nsuf | suf | n4 | nsuf | suf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | pron | pron | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | suf |
The next Friday, the king asked: "Have you found the answer to my question?"
На следующей пятничной молитве хан опять спросил: «Нашли ли вы ответ на тот мой вопрос?»
xan-a | yisi-ł | adäza | sual | er-n | kid | y-iži-ƛ’oräy | b-odi-ač’in | berten | nagaħ | y-oxir-ani-ƛ’or | y-ay-näy | hemeł-ƛ’ | b-odi-an-ƛin | ||||||||||||||||
xan | a | yisi | ł | adäza | sual | er | n | kid | y | iži | ƛ’oräy | b | odi | ač’in | berten | nagaħ | y | oxir | ani | ƛ’or | y | ay | näy | hemeł | ƛ’ | b | odi | an | ƛin |
khan | ERG | DEM2.ISG.OBL | CONT.ESS | before | question | put | PST.UNW | girl | II | lead | SIM.CVB | III | do | NEG.FUT.DEF | marriage | suppose | II | chase | MSD | SUPER.LAT | II | must | CND.CVB | DEM4.IISG.OBL | SUPER.ESS | III | do | FUT.DEF | QUOT |
n1 | nsuf | pron | nsuf | post | n4 | v | vsuf | n2 | pref | v | vsuf | pref | v | vsuf | n3 | adv | pref | v | deriv | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | pron | nsuf | pref | v | vsuf | suf |
The king asked him a question: "While I am going to marry the girl, I will not make a wedding; if I have to chase her away, I will do it."
Хан поставил перед ним задачу: «Свадьбу будем сыграть не в день бракосочетания, а в день расторжения брака, если такое случится».