Morpheme šuri–šeri (n) rustle

4 occurrences

In text The cat and the fox...
didiw-tow ža xan-ƛin b-ezu-an r-eti-n ƛˤeb-bi-łazay hut’-n r-oƛik’-n boc’i-a šuri–šeri r-izir-nosi k’et’u aw-ƛin k’oƛi-n b-ik’i-n boc’i-z hut’-ƛ’ c’ox-n
didiw tow ža xan ƛin b ezu an r eti n ƛˤeb bi łazay hut’ n r oƛik’ n boc’i a šuri–šeri r izir nosi k’et’u aw ƛin k’oƛi n b ik’i n boc’i z hut’ ƛ’ c’ox n
which EMPH DEM1.SG khan QUOT III look FUT.DEF IV want PFV.CVB leaf PL CONT.ABL.DIST jaws TOP IV push.out PFV.CVB wolf ERG rustle IV lift ANT.CVB cat mouse QUOT jump PFV.CVB III go PFV.CVB wolf GEN2 jaws SUPER.ESS pounce PST.UNW
pron suf pron n1 suf pref v vsuf pref v vsuf n2 nsuf nsuf n4 suf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 pref v vsuf n3 n3 suf v vsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf

So the wolf wanted to have a look at the king, so he pushed his jaws out of the leaves and made a noise; the cat that was about to jump on a mouse jumped on the wolf's jaws.


In text Atid and Qarum
elo yisi-a c’i-n er-n tatanił-ƛ’oräy ma-xazay šuri–šeri teq-n
elo yisi a c’i n er n tatanił ƛ’oräy ma xazay šuri–šeri teq n
there DEM2.ISG.OBL ERG fire TOP set.up PFV.CVB warmthen.oneself SIM.CVB outside AD.ABL.DIST rustle hear PST.UNW
adv pron nsuf n4 suf v vsuf v vsuf n2 nsuf n4 v vsuf

There he set up a fire and while warmthening oneself, he heared a rustle from outside.

Когда он зажег там огонь и грелся, услышал на улице шуршание.

In text Atid and Qarum
suƛƛi-si nesi-r ma-xazay šuri–šeri teq-n
suƛƛi si nesi r ma xazay šuri–šeri teq n
suddenly ATTR DEM1.ISG.OBL LAT outside AD.ABL.DIST rustle hear PST.UNW
adv suf pron nsuf n2 nsuf n4 v vsuf

Then he heared a sudden rustle from outside.

Вдруг услышал на улице шуршание.

In text How the dragon was killed
idu-azay yizi-r didiw-ƛa xexbi-s anu-ru r-iłe šuri–šeri teq-n
idu azay yizi r didiw ƛa xexbi s anu ru r iłe šuri–šeri teq n
home IN.ABL.DIST DEM2.IPL.OBL LAT which INDEF children GEN1 be.NEG PST.PRT IV as rustle hear PST.UNW
adv nsuf pron nsuf pron suf n1pl nsuf v vsuf pref conj n4 v vsuf

From inside the home they heard some rustle not like coming from children.

Они услышали какой-то не детский шорох из дома.