Morpheme k’it’i (n) stick

2 occurrences

In text The wolf and the three donkeys
neła-az qˤaƛu–quy-xor b-ay-ru xalq’i-a reču-z ma-dar šet’u-n b-utir-n k’it’i-bi-q žek’-n boc’i-n b-exur-n
neła az qˤaƛu–quy xor b ay ru xalq’i a reču z ma dar šet’u n b utir n k’it’i bi q žek’ n boc’i n b exur n
DEM1.IISG.OBL IN.ESS.DIST noise AD.LAT III come PST.PRT people ERG cattle.shed GEN2 outside APUD.VERS around TOP I.PL gather PFV.CVB stick PL POSS.ESS beat PFV.CVB wolf TOP III kill PST.UNW
pron nsuf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf n3 nsuf n2 nsuf n2 nsuf adv suf pref v vsuf n4 nsuf nsuf v vsuf n3 suf pref v vsuf

People then came to that noise, gathered around outside with sticks and beated the wolf to death.

По его крику-шуму пришли люди, во дворе хлева окружили волка, колотили палками и убили.

In text With the help of the fox
ele-ay-gon bitor ik’i-ƛ’oräy yisi-r sis zey b-esu-n gondu-a tełer-n b-ˤoƛ’u-n ʕoloq-bi-a b-exur-x sida-a boħt’or-bi caƛi-x zow-n sida-a-gon k’it’i-q b-odi-x zow-n
ele ay gon bitor ik’i ƛ’oräy yisi r sis zey b esu n gondu a tełer n b ˤoƛ’u n ʕoloq bi a b exur x sida a boħt’or bi caƛi x zow n sida a gon k’it’i q b odi x zow n
there IN.ABL CNTR thither go SIM.CVB DEM2.ISG.OBL LAT one bear III find PST.UNW big.hole IN.ESS into PFV.CVB III fall PFV.CVB young.person PL ERG III kill IPFV.CVB one.OBL ERG stone PL throw IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PFV.CVB one.OBL ERG CNTR stick POSS.ESS III do IPFV.CVB be.NPRS PFV.CVB
adv nsuf suf adv v vsuf pron nsuf num n3 pref v vsuf n2 nsuf post vsuf pref v vsuf n1 nsuf nsuf pref v vsuf num nsuf n nsuf v vsuf v vsuf num nsuf suf n4 nsuf pref v vsuf v vsuf

When he went further, he found a bear that had fallen into a hole, and people were killing him; one was throwing stones and another one was beating him with a stick.

Пошел он дальше и встретил упавшего в яму медведя, которого хотели убить люди: одни бросали камни, а другие били палками.