Morpheme paraxat (n) calm

2 occurrences

In text Seven brothers and one sister
xizyo q’orol-z maduhal-x žedu-a b-eže berten-n b-odi-n sis-tow sis yoł-ru-ni esiw-n y-egir-n žeda-a-n q’ˤuya ʕaƛ-za-łay baru-bi-n r-ow-n paraxat b-iči-n
xizyo q’orol z maduhal x žedu a b eže berten n b odi n sis tow sis yoł ru ni esiw n y egir n žeda a n q’ˤuya ʕaƛ za łay baru bi n r ow n paraxat b iči n
after widow GEN2 neighbor AD.ESS DEM1.IPL ERG III big marriage TOP III do PFV.CVB one EMPH one be PST.PRT DEF sister TOP II send PFV.CVB DEM1.IIPL.OBL ERG TOP other village DIST CONT.ABL wife PL TOP II.PL marry PFV.CVB calm I.PL be PST.UNW
adv n2 nsuf n1 nsuf pron nsuf pref adj n3 suf pref v vsuf num suf num v vsuf suf n2 suf pref v vsuf pron nsuf suf adj n3 nsuf nsuf n2 nsuf suf pref v vsuf n3 pref v vsuf

Afterwards they sent their only sister to a big marriage at the widow's neighbor, and also they married wives from other villages and lived happily ever after.

Потом они сыграли большую свадьбу и выдали одну единственную сестру за соседа вдовы, они тоже взяли жены из разных сел и жили спокойно.

In text A father, his son, and Oku
howži-n yoł-ƛax žedu łina-s-n-kin ħažałi anu-si paraxat babiw-de sadaq ʕumru b-odi-x
howži n yoł ƛax žedu łina s n kin ħažałi anu si paraxat babiw de sadaq ʕumru b odi x
now TOP be QUOT DEM1.IPL what.OBL GEN1 TOP even need be.NEG ATTR calm father APUD.ESS together life I.PL do PRS
adv suf v suf pron pron nsuf suf suf n4 v suf n3 n1 nsuf adv n3 pref v vsuf

It is said they're still alive now and are living together with the father a calm life without a need for anything.

До сих пор, говорят, они живут вместе с отцом без особых забот.