uži-a | salam-n | teƛ-n | mi | šebi | t’o | r-odi-x-ƛin | nesi-qay | bayan | b-is-nosi | salam-n | b-is-n | bazargan-a | esi-n | neširu | didur | ža | neła | rut’uga-a | qema–rorčen-qay | exu-ƛ’ay | xʷasar | odi-ru-łay | |||||||||||||||||||
uži | a | salam | n | teƛ | n | mi | šebi | t’o | r | odi | x | ƛin | nesi | qay | bayan | b | is | nosi | salam | n | b | is | n | bazargan | a | esi | n | neširu | didur | ža | neła | rut’uga | a | qema–rorčen | qay | exu | ƛ’ay | xʷasar | odi | ru | łay |
boy | ERG | greeting | TOP | give | PFV.CVB | you | what | here | IV | do | PRS | QUOT | DEM1.ISG.OBL | POSS.ABL | information | III | take | ANT.CVB | greeting | TOP | III | take | PFV.CVB | merchant | ERG | tell | PST.UNW | at.night | how | DEM1.SG | DEM1.IISG.OBL | carpet | ERG | cloudburst | POSS.ABL | die | SUPER.ABL | rescue | do | PST.PRT | CONT.ABL |
n1 | nsuf | n3 | suf | v | vsuf | pron | pron | adv | pref | v | vsuf | suf | pron | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | adv | pron | pron | pron | n4 | nsuf | n | nsuf | v | nsuf | comp | v | vsuf | nsuf |
The boy greeted him, and when he wanted to know from him: "What are you doing here?", the merchant replied to the greeting and told him how at night this carpet rescued him from dying in the rain.
Юноша поздоровался и спросил у него, что ты тут делаешь мол, купец ответил на приветствие и рассказал о том, как этот ковер спас его от ливня.