ža | y-ukad-run | didiw–šebi | yedu | ɣˤanabi-ƛin | uži-a | xal | b-odi-nosi | šayx-a | eƛi-ru-q’aw | k’ot’–mot’ono | c’ec’-bi | c’uda | ozuri-bi | niga | kodi | aluk’a | zow-n | ||||||||||||
ža | y | ukad | run | didiw–šebi | yedu | ɣˤanabi | ƛin | uži | a | xal | b | odi | nosi | šayx | a | eƛi | ru | q’aw | k’ot’–mot’ono | c’ec’ | bi | c’uda | ozuri | bi | niga | kodi | aluk’a | zow | n |
DEM1.SG | II | see | IMM.ANT.CVB | some.sort.of | DEM2.IISG | woman | QUOT | boy | ERG | examination | III | do | ANT.CVB | sheikh | ERG | say | PST.PRT | EQU2 | short | eyelash | PL | red | eye | PL | green | hair | white | be.NPRS | PST.UNW |
pron | pref | v | vsuf | pron | pron | n2 | suf | n1 | nsuf | n3 | pref | v | vsuf | n1 | nsuf | v | vsuf | nsuf | adj | n4 | nsuf | adj | n4 | nsuf | adj | n3 | adj | v | vsuf |
As soon as they saw her, the boy checked out what sort of woman she was, and just as the sheikh had said: short, the eyelashes red, the eyes green, the hair white.
Когда юноша разглядел, какая эта женщина мол, она была, как обрисовал шейх, короткая, с красными ресницами, зелеными глазами и белыми волосами.