Asaqobi-a-gon | łˤono | heneš-n | b-ayr-s | sis | yedu | kesu | urɣizi | b-odi-ru-r | sis | esi-ru-r | sideni | teqer-ru-r | ||||||||||||
Asaqobi | a | gon | łˤono | heneš | n | b | ayr | s | sis | yedu | kesu | urɣizi | b | odi | ru | r | sis | esi | ru | r | sideni | teqer | ru | r |
Asakh.people | ERG | CNTR | three | apple | TOP | III | bring | PST.WIT | one | DEM2.IISG | tale | thinking | III | do | PST.PRT | LAT | one | tell | PST.PRT | LAT | | | PST.PRT | LAT |
n1pl | nsuf | suf | num | n3 | suf | pref | v | vsuf | num | pron | n3 | comp | pref | v | vsuf | nsuf | num | v | vsuf | nsuf | n | v | vsuf | nsuf |
And the people from Asakh brought three apples; one from the one who invented the story, one for the one who told this story and another one for the one, who listened to the story.
А асахцы пришли три яблока, одно тому, кто эту сказку придумал, другое тому, кто рассказал, а третье тому, кто слушал.