neširu-aɣor | žedu-ƛ’ | meko | c’ox-nosi | sida | b-oč’č’iw | kik-x | ɣun-ƛ | oš-ƛ’ | ƛ’iri | ence | haqu–mˤali-a | er-ani-x | q’ˤida | b-iči-n | ||||||||||||
neširu | aɣor | žedu | ƛ’ | meko | c’ox | nosi | sida | b | oč’č’iw | kik | x | ɣun | ƛ | oš | ƛ’ | ƛ’iri | ence | haqu–mˤali | a | er | ani | x | q’ˤida | b | iči | n |
evening | IN.VERS | DEM1.IPL.OBL | SUPER.ESS | hunger | hit | ANT.CVB | one.OBL | III | cold | spring | AD.ESS | tree | SUB.ESS | grass | SUPER.ESS | on | a.little | face | IN.ESS | put | MSD | AD.ESS | down | I.PL | sit | PST.UNW |
adv | nsuf | pron | nsuf | n3 | v | vsuf | num | pref | adj | n3 | nsuf | n4 | nsuf | n3 | nsuf | post | adv | n4 | nsuf | v | deriv | nsuf | adv | pref | v | vsuf |
After the hunger hit them in the evening, and they sat down on the grass under a tree at a cold spring to stuff their mouths a little.
К вечеру они проголодались, сели на свежей траве возле холодного родника, чтобы немного поесть.