assalama | ʕalaykum-ƛin | eƛi-n | salam-n | teƛ-n | uži | ɣˤutku-a | teł-xor | oq-n | |||||||
assalama | ʕalaykum | ƛin | eƛi | n | salam | n | teƛ | n | uži | ɣˤutku | a | teł | xor | oq | n |
the.peace | | QUOT | say | PFV.CVB | greeting | TOP | give | PFV.CVB | boy | house | IN.ESS | inside | AD.LAT | become | PST.UNW |
interj | interj | suf | v | vsuf | n3 | suf | v | vsuf | n1 | n4 | nsuf | post | nsuf | v | vsuf |
"As-salam alaykum!" said the boy, greeted him and got into the house.
«Ассалам алайкум», - приветствовал их юноша и зашел в дом.