Morpheme t’ik’i (n) waterskin

1 occurrences

In text Two brothers and one sister
q’urec’ni-ƛ’ ƛ’iri q’ˤano t’ik’i-n caƛi-n yeda oq-n qun-xaɣor ik’i-n
q’urec’ni ƛ’ ƛ’iri q’ˤano t’ik’i n caƛi n yeda oq n qun xaɣor ik’i n
mule SUPER.ESS on two waterskin TOP throw PFV.CVB DEM2.ISG become PFV.CVB farmstead AD.VERS go PST.UNW
n3 nsuf post num n suf v vsuf pron v vsuf n4 nsuf v vsuf

On the mule he threw two waterskins onto the mule and went began to go to the farm.

На мула он погрузил два бурдюка и отправился на хутор.